The comparison of the SS with Planned parenthood is beyond idiotic and beyond offensive . Hitler and the Nazis DELIBERATELY planned to wipe out Jews in Europe . PP does not force women to have abortions or even to visit it for any reason, including medical checups ,contracpetion etc .
You've just make me feel like vomiting . Abortion is a tragedy , but NOT "genocide ". There is no central organization forcing women to have abortions with the intention of wiping out the human race, or people by skin color , except in China , which unfortunately DOES have forced abortions .
How many pregnant women has PP rounded up at gunpoint and forced to have abortions ? ZERO ! They do so of their own free will and because of their own personal problems . And irnonically PP has PREVENTED countless abortions by providing poor women with contracpetives . Without PP, the abortion rate in America would be even higher than it is today . Defuund it or abolish it, and the abortion rate in America will SKYROCKET !
Why do you say that abortion is a tragedy?
Is it because the initial victims are forced to visit the PP death camps?
Is it because there is a government funded organization to encourage the transport of victims, not in a squalid box car but in what should be the safest place on earth...a mother’s womb?
Is it because, in lieu of clubs, bullets or Zyklon B...forceps, suction catheters, and deadly lung/skin burning saline are used?
Is it because, instead of killing someone in freezing water to help sailors survive the Atlantic, babies are killed with careful crushing to help Pepsi taste better?
Is it that rather than targeting Yiddish speakers, Planned PareTheHood disproportionately targets darker skin?
Or, is it that saying PP prevents killing while offering killing is like saying the SS prevented economic hardship while offering gold teeth to their guards?