New England is getting pummeled with snow.
Yet just this century, climatologists predicted snow would be scarce due to global warming:
"within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event". - Dr David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, March, 2000
Observed decreases in snow and ice extent are also consistent with warming – IPCC, Climate Change Synthesis Report, 2007
“milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms. - IPCC, Third Accesment Report, 2001
“Snowlines are going up in altitude all over the world. The idea that we will get less snow is absolutely in line with what we expect from global warming.” - WalesOnline, Sir John Houghton – atmospheric physicist, 30 June 2007
"the climate models end up saying that there should be less snow, not more." - Dr. Roy Spencer, principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2014
“But it does not take a scientist to size up the effects of snowless winters on the children too young to remember the record-setting blizzards of 1996. For them, the pleasures of sledding and snowball fights are as out-of-date as hoop-rolling, and the delight of a snow day off from school is unknown.” - Dr. Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defense Fund, New York Times, January, 2000
"Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don't own a sled." - RFK Jr. Environmental Attorney, 2008
"More heat waves, no snow in the winter" - Max Plank Institute of Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany 2008
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” - Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, January, 2000
"The rise of temperature associated with climate change leads to a general reduction in the proportion of precipitation falling as snow, and a consequent reduction in many areas of the reduction of snow." - Global Environmental Change, Nigel W. Arnell, Oct 1, 1999
“Good bye winter. Never again snow?” - Spiegel, 1 April 2000
"The globe is warming so rapidly, and variability is increasing so much – both of those things together, I’m glad I don’t have stock in ski areas.” - Terry Root, Senior fellow at Stanford Institute of the Environment, Feb., 2014
"Artificial snow-making has become the stopgap defense against the early effects of climate change." - New York Times, Feb., 2014