Clarence Page: Who’s afraid of critical race theory? Those who don’t know what it is


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Which should be immediately followed by a discussion on whether mankind is basically good or basically evil.
Then perhaps whether morality is objective and absolute, and what we ought to do politically about it, if it is.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Two responses to the same post by @Jefferson
Then perhaps whether morality is objective and absolute, and what we ought to do politically about it, if it is.
This is something which needs to be discussed?...Pretty clear to me. ;)
You'd be surprised. At least online, you'd be surprised. idk what it is, but this phenomenon is unique online, but it's creeping into our elections. People alternatively think that there is no objective morality, or that man is basically good and if left to his own devices, he's going to generally make the world a better place, rather than a worse place, to live. These ideas seem joined at the hip, they perhaps are just two sides of the same conceptual coin. But they're seeping into our elections, and it's definitely favoring the Democratic party and not the Republicans. We have an edge in the Supreme Court right now that's hopefully durable, what can we do in the meantime to take advantage of this great spot of luck? We need to extricate and eliminate partisanship from our government, not by making a one-party state (that's what they do in China, and we want to do lots of things like how they do in China :/ ) but by selecting issues which shouldn't be partisan, and root out the partisanship. It took a Civil War one time to do this, when the issue was slavery. We couldn't afford partisanship on that issue. So when we (Republicans) had the political opportunity, we struck, at the jugular. So what's the issue today? And what's the jugular? And how can we exploit having such a durable majority in the Supreme Court right now, for the sake of liberty and justice and the American way?

I think it's Constitutional Originalism. This shouldn't be partisan. Only Republicans believe in Originalism, but it should be non-partisan, bipartisan.

Either that or elections themselves. Right now why are elections partisan? I mean the mechanics of elections, why are they partisan? We should all be on the same team with elections. Why is this partisan?

I guarantee it's the Democrats to blame somehow. Just like with slavery, and with Reconstruction.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I think it's Constitutional Originalism. This shouldn't be partisan. Only Republicans believe in Originalism, but it should be non-partisan, bipartisan.
You really think the average U.S. citizen would want to live under the U.S. Constitution as it originally existed...As a true Representative Republic as opposed to the "Representative Democracy" which really exists today? :sneaky:


like marbles on glass
No Accident
The Miseducation of America
Michael Hall

It’s no accident, that
You learned about Helen Keller
instead of W.E.B. DuBois, and the
Watts and
L.A. Riots, but not those in Tulsa
Wilmington; or, that

You learned that George
dentures were made from wood,
rather than
the teeth of slaves; or, that

You learned about the New Deal
and black
ghettos, but never about redlining
and Black
Wall Street.

It’s no accident, that

You heard and learned about
“black on black
crime,” but white criminals have
never been
lumped together and discussed in
such terms
as their race, creed, color, or
gender identity; or, that

You learned about “states rights”
as the cause
of the Civil War, fought to preserve
the Union,
but not that slavery was
mentioned 80 times
in the articles of secession.

It’s no accident, that

Privilege is having history
so that you don’t have to
uncomfortable facts. Racism is
perpetuated by
people who refuse to learn or
acknowledge all
of these truths and realities. But,
there is
nothing great about hate. On rare
poetic justice is just the karma
due to
soul-writers and truthsayers who
carry their
truth in their heart, wielding words
as their only
weapons and calling it art; though,
it’s a hard
road to follow.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No Accident
The Miseducation of America
Michael Hall

It’s no accident, that
You learned about Helen Keller
instead of W.E.B. DuBois, and the
Watts and
L.A. Riots, but not those in Tulsa
Wilmington; or, that

You learned that George
dentures were made from wood,
rather than
the teeth of slaves; or, that

You learned about the New Deal
and black
ghettos, but never about redlining
and Black
Wall Street.

It’s no accident, that

You heard and learned about
“black on black
crime,” but white criminals have
never been
lumped together and discussed in
such terms
as their race, creed, color, or
gender identity; or, that

You learned about “states rights”
as the cause
of the Civil War, fought to preserve
the Union,
but not that slavery was
mentioned 80 times
in the articles of secession.

It’s no accident, that

Privilege is having history
so that you don’t have to
uncomfortable facts. Racism is
perpetuated by
people who refuse to learn or
acknowledge all
of these truths and realities. But,
there is
nothing great about hate. On rare
poetic justice is just the karma
due to
soul-writers and truthsayers who
carry their
truth in their heart, wielding words
as their only
weapons and calling it art; though,
it’s a hard
road to follow.
I worked in urban schools for 2 years. The student population was 95% negro, the teachers were probably 75% negro, and the administration was, as far as I can remember, 100% negro.

If you have issues with the curriculum they teach, take your complaint to them. Take your complaint to the parents of the students.

And if you can convince them that it's more important to teach wokeness than engineering and math and science, congratulations you will have doomed another generation of urban children to failure.


Clearance Page is one of the biggest liars on TV. CRT is pure racism. Not only is CRT pure racism but it's also an element in American Marxism. This thread is based on a total lie and the person who posted it should be ashamed of themselves

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Clearance Page is one of the biggest liars on TV. CRT is pure racism. Not only is CRT pure racism but it's also an element in American Marxism. This thread is based on a total lie and the person who posted it should be ashamed of themselves

Oh, the OP has no reason to be ashamed and even Trump got sick of Fox "News" when they stopped being sycophantic enough...
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Undercover Video Reveals Indiana Schools Hiding Critical Race Theory Curriculum From Parents​

The video exposes several school administrators in Indiana who openly acknowledge their efforts to mislead parents about the educational content being presented to their children. Even more disturbing, these assistant superintendents and curriculum coordinators implicate teachers as willing participants in this effort.

Over the past few years, parents have been beyond outraged that their kids are being taught garbage that completely contradicts their values and beliefs. And as if that’s not bad enough, these institutions have the audacity to deceive parents by lying about what their children are being taught and how it’s being presented. It’s a complete and utter disgrace. If this can happen in a conservative state like Indiana, it can happen anywhere.


Well-known member
No Accident
The Miseducation of America
Michael Hall

It’s no accident, that
You learned about Helen Keller
instead of W.E.B. DuBois, and the
Watts and
L.A. Riots, but not those in Tulsa
Wilmington; or, that
This IS CRT. The reason it is not preferred is because it is overloaded and agendized as well as wrong as I'll point out.
You learned that George
dentures were made from wood,
rather than
the teeth of slaves; or, that
No. Teeth were the 'coin' of Africa and obtaining those teeth was done in trade. African does not equal 'slave.' That was loaded CRT. On purpose? Part of CRT is to try and make 'whites' feel guilty for something they never had a hand in. Can we rebalance? Yes, but not without being careful how we go about equity. I don't, for instance, have a house because of slavery. I have a house because my wife and I worked hard through our lives for it. That 'ethic' is more powerful than just 'race' education. It supersedes it and is more important curriculum.
You learned about the New Deal
and black
ghettos, but never about redlining
and Black
Wall Street.
Because most of these do not involve the whole nation. They involve specific state, almost always one state. There is only one (1) history book per year. That gives the school system 12 books. They must pick subjects, necessarily that involve the nation on a Federal level. We DO have black, Asian, American Indigenous, and eventually other countries represented. "Represented" not their own full histories, not even among white settlers.
It’s no accident, that
As we can see 'No accident' is part of the accusative with CRT. The objection is as much because it travels WELL beyond 'education' instruction in tenor. It is indoctrination with intent and that intent is more often blown out of proportion. Absolutely NO child had anything to do, at all with the past issues of this country lest I start a lawsuit on what ills have been done with my taxes against my will.
You heard and learned about
“black on black
crime,” but white criminals have
never been
lumped together and discussed in
such terms
as their race, creed, color, or
gender identity; or, that
Not true. Most serial killers are white and 'lumped together as white males' mostly to understand them. This is a 'victim' looking for an attacker that isn't there. "IF" CRT were taught, we'd be teaching kids a bent against larger truth and reality. We could tell kids "some Black Americans 'feel' this way (true), but you don't want to tell kids that there is a problem with trying to understand groups of people in criminal behavior as if doing so is somehow wrong. When the goal is trying to prevent future crime, there is no wrong. "IF" this author is a criminal, I can see why he/she would feel slighted! Otherwise? No.
You learned about “states rights”
as the cause
of the Civil War, fought to preserve
the Union,
but not that slavery was
mentioned 80 times
in the articles of secession.
No, I learned that.
It’s no accident, that

Privilege is having history
so that you don’t have to
uncomfortable facts. Racism is
perpetuated by
people who refuse to learn or
acknowledge all
of these truths and realities. But,
there is
nothing great about hate. On rare
poetic justice is just the karma
due to
soul-writers and truthsayers who
carry their
truth in their heart, wielding words
as their only
weapons and calling it art; though,
it’s a hard
road to follow.
All loaded, of course. " I don't have to acknowledge?" Why so Michael? I had nothing to do with it. ISN'T it ACTUALLY that you are binning all whites at this point????? I had zip, nadda, nothing to do with it. What is more? YOU haven't been there either! You weren't a slave. They weren't YOUR teeth in Washington's mouth! You want to identify when you are wronged but don't want "whites" (your unjust bin) who have nothing to do with that past (people of today) to do something for you. When am I no longer responsible for what my grandfather did? Answer: As soon as he is dead and buried. We both move on. "If" I can do something, from MY GRANDFATHER'S ESTATE to rectify it directly to a LIVING person DIRECTLY wronged, I think you have a case. The problem of CRT is it is WELL beyond the bounds of that legality. CRT is an attempt to elicit legal responsibility for the benefit on certain blacks who feel they have been dealt a low card in society in the guise of "Guilty by association." Literally, because I am 'white' I'm the bad guy. Instead of us ALL being Americans and ALL taking responsibility, this agenda tries to place it on 'just whites.' That, in a nutshell, IS racism.


Well-known member