With all the talk about economic laws, why is it that workers on the right keep on defending employers' argument that they just can't afford paying raises in wages? Don't they realize that while those wages have been stagnant prices have continued to rise? If prices are rising, but wages remain stagnant, economically speaking where does the increased income go? Higher profits.
I have been puzzled by this as well. They basically work at maintaining an ignorance that harms themselves. Why would anyone do that???
I don't know the answer. Folks like 'Stripe', here, just seem to hate humanity. They want to see people suffering. They want there to be big winners and big losers because they like to see the losers suffer. Somehow it makes them feel better about themselves, I think, because there's always someone who's a bigger loser than they are. And they need that feeling of superiority. (Just my theory)
All I know is that there's a deliberate mean-spiritedness in it that's inexplicable. I was in a Bible discussion group one time when the subject of the evening was the Biblical meaning of the term 'perversity'. And what was pointed out, through the readings, was that the term did not exclusively refer to sexual perversion, but rather to a kind of spiritual perversion, wherein one acts deliberately contrary to the general good, and even at the cost of their own well-being.
I think a lot of modern religious Christians and conservatives in general, these days, have fallen victim to this kind of spiritual perversity, wherein they deliberately speak and act contrary to the general good, even at the cost of their own well-being. Why? I don't know. When I have behaved this way in my own life it was because I had succumbed to an addiction that warped and twisted my heart and mind to the degree that I was "chasing the bottom". I had become fascinated by the process of my own destruction. How that might relate to this, I can't say.