

Well-known member
Looking around, seeing the same people repeating the same assertions, periodically, for years, without the slightest variation or indication of any greater understanding of the issues as a result of having "discussed" them here, with me or with anyone else, I feel as though..... anyone, to whom anything I say might have ever made a difference, heard me long ago or never will.

Some people have even recently posted the exact same threads with the exact same text that they did back in 2006-2007. It's baffling. There's something demonic at work. Not because people wouldn't listen to me, mind you. It's the proverbial kid who's eaten a whole can of Pringles and now isn't hungry for meat and vegetables. Pringles are made of mashed up potatoes, right? Potatoes are vegetables. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT ENOUGH?

I'm sorry if this sounds stupid and pretentious.

At least it's not the same ol' stuff. :chuckle:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What's your goal?

Mine is to convince Protestants to change their school of theology to Holy Catholicism.

This isn't the same as converting to the Church. It's holding to a particular theology, like Arminianism, the Open View, the Dispensationalisms, the Reformed school.

It so happens that Catholicism the theological position, has a 'church' attached to it, the Catholic Church. John Calvin is associated with Baptists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and perhaps others also, but Catholicism has only Catholics.

Catholicism doesn't require someone to believe against their will in anything salvific on pain of hell. Nothing stops someone from believing the central and crowning truth of the faith; Christ's Resurrection. And if you're not interested in believing that He is risen, then you're outside the faith, but that's the only thing needful.

Non-Catholic anti-Protestant Catholics could even hide their theologically Catholic views, if I'm ever successful in convincing anybody that it's worth a try. Maybe the 'give it a try' trope is the wrong way to approach it.

I've felt it's gentler to play 'give it a try,' and 'what have you got to lose?' Because if the play is 'convince them, no holds barred,' then I become ruthless with their thoughts, and try to tear them apart right in front of their mind's eye, so that they can feel it happen, to try to shock them to accept reality.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
do you get the morning memo?
I don't
I find out what's in it
by watching morning sickness
it could be too early for you
you just don't have time for it
as a public service
I post what you really need to know about it


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
mika and joe are skyping
his profile
Trump, lies, white crowds
the caravan
they are talking about the caravan
the only picture they show is women and children eating on a blanket
hate and division
tax cut, immigration, impeachment,
lies, lies, lies
mika is upset


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
my goals are:

present my views on the apocalypse
The "woman clothed with the sun, and [with] the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" Revelation 12:1 KJV, is the Blessed Virgin Mary.

And, Mr. 666 is Nero, Revelation 13:18 KJV.

(Note: I see that the scripture references are not all working. Tried to fix multiple times.)
expose baby killers
What do you mean by 'expose?' Are they currently hidden?
'Christendom' wasn't a good idea. Inquisitions were a bad idea. The Reformation occurred because of Christendom. But things are better today than they were for the earliest Church, when it was illegal and at times a capital crime to be a Christian.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
progressives/liberals think that because some social reforms were well-deserved and demonstrably good, all social reforms are good

and so, they can't discern between the wisdom of ending slavery (for example) and the absolute retardedness of mainstreaming perversion


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
too early for you?
can't stomach morning sickness?
don't have the time?
no problem
I will post what you need to know
it's my job


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it's time for hollywood squares
they get the morning memo
mika and joe are skyping again
due process for Kavanaugh!
Trump wants to jail opponents
caravan, tax, health care
pre-existing conditions
six squares - I think hollywood squares had nine
republicans tainted by Trump
fear tactics of caravan
women and children hurt
Trump is using caravan
Trump doesn't really care about women and children
you want to see how many men are in the caravan
watch Fox


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
a mark is a date, the beginning
In Rome, Nero presided over the execution/murder of both Peter and Paul, by around AD 65. St. John the Apostle wrote about Nero, but he didn't name him, he gave us a code. In Revelation 13:18 KJV he writes, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man." That man is Nero. He encoded his name, I think, given what happened to Peter and Paul, for obvious reasons. He didn't want to be murdered himself---though he would have submitted to it---and, he wanted to protect the Church, so that none of them were found with documents that explicitly impugn the emperor. Upon examining Christian literature, looking for any reason to condemn the lot of them to death, all the Romans saw in copies of Revelation was '666.' And sometimes '616.' Nero was never mentioned by name, which probably saved countless Christian lives. John had to write Revelation, it was given to him to write it, but he didn't have to put the lives of Christians in jeopardy to do it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
is this the october surprise?
none went off
who was hurt? - Trump
who benefits? - democrats
don't worry
we can trust the fbi to get to the bottom of this


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a false flag
A Suspicious Package
that didn't go off. The target is suspicious. Who is being blamed is suspicious. The timing is suspicious. Political violence condemned but nobody got hurt except Trump. The one who is being blamed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
an attack on democrats
lucky no one was hurt
an attack on the free press
joe is off
an act of terrorism
it was predicted
effect on the midterms
Trump is clearly responsible
he won't change
his rhetoric
republicans need to man up
a dictator would claim
a false flag
those who are complicit
must do what is right


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it was
A Blame Game
that was ready to go. Will the FBI interfere with the election? Will the FBI solve it before the electon? Can we trust the FBI? Is it part of the swamp?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
healthcare matters
ignore the caravan
mika and joe are skyping
troops to the border
mobs of non white people
pipe bombs
joe wants to protects us
Jesus gave us a brain
they are taking away our healthcare
cut taxes for the rich
social security and medicare at stake
brown people are coming for medicaid
pre existing conditions
fake news
you are not dumb
terrorist attack on the homeland
attacks on the free press
seven squares
healthcare is being taken away
pipe bombs for those who dare criticize Trump