

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Then you're stupid. And I don't think you're stupid! So you're a liar.
Vitamin D is critical to good health and particularly a healthy immune system.
Vitamin D deficiency is a big problem, particularly in the higher latitudes.
Vitamin D sufficiency is NOT just an anti-COVID measure.
All true.
Sufficient vitamin D levels are far superior to the supposed vaccines.
False. The vaccines, even the Russian ones, are better preparation for catching the covid than just vitamin D is alone, all other things being equal.

Right Divider

Body part
Then you're stupid. And I don't think you're stupid! So you're a liar.
I'm neither, you false accuser. Please be CLEAR so that I don't have to GUESS what you're talking about.
All true.
False. The vaccines, even the Russian ones, are better preparation for catching the covid than just vitamin D is alone, all other things being equal.
The so-called vaccines are questionable at best.


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a generation of vipers
A College of Cardinals
A corruption of world leaders. If we can't trust our cardinals, who can we trust? The laity that has not been corrupted. Not those who just pray in silence but those who speak out to protect the teachings of the Church. Life, Marriage, and Family. This sacred trinity is being destroyed by those who remain silent. We will be held accountable.


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a fear of the truth
A Comfort in the Lie
A victim's lament. There is nothing you can do about it. There there. Someone will take care of you. A mandate relieves you of a choice you don't want to make. It also controls others so you don't have to control yourself. Do you really want freedom? Maybe not. You can pretend you are not responsible.


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a want comes first
A Hope for the Truth
A necessary ingredient. If you don't want it, you won't find it. Seek and you will find. It is all on the internet along with the lies. How do you tell the difference? You will find what you want. Why would you want the truth? It will not only set you free, it will make you happy. Don't fear the truth. Hope for the truth.


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a border opened
A Vatican Wall
A plea from Francis to to accept everyone with opened arms but you must be vaccinated to get in the Vatican. Healthcare workers must also be vaccinated in order to treat unvaccinated immigrants. Those who cared for covid patients without proper protection for over 18 months will have to find another profession if they don't get vaccinated.


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a fear
A Means of Controlling the Masses
A conspiracy. Be not afraid. Religion is now the enemy. It gives life a purpose. Fear only God. Social justice is being used to replace religion. It divides us. It is not the Way, the Truth, or the Life. The state is replacing the family. Life and marriage are being replaced by climate change and racism. The child is now a threat to the planet.


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a man of courage
A Military Hero
A prisoner of war. Stuart P. Scheller is being treated like a dangerous criminal. They don't want you to hear what he has to say. He just wants someone to be held accountable for what happened in Afghanistan. No one has resigned. No one has been fired. Stuart is the only one being held accountable. He is in jail.


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a mandate
A Threat to Freedom
A border where you must be vaccinated to accept those who are coming into our country without being vaccinated. A hospital where you must be vaccinated to care for those who are not vaccinated. We are being controlled. Information is being controlled. Our elections are being controlled. Etc., Etc., Etc.


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a time for silence
A Time to Listen
A time to speak. A time to make a difference. A time for accountability. A time to ignore the reality of what is going on around us. A time for prayer. A time to ask for guidance. A time for serenity. A moderation. A balance. A choice. You are what you eat. You are what you listen to. You are what you watch. You are what you do.


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a mandate
A Freedom Lost
A fear driven agenda. We are all going to die. If covid doesn't get you, climate change surely will. You have to spend money you don't have to save the world. More money chasing fewer things. Inflated claims lead to inflated prices. The real cost is loss of freedom.


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a domestic terrorist
A Resistance to Government Control
A vicious attack on anyone who resists. If you are opposed to mandates or excessive spending, be prepared to encounter the big bully. Climate change and racism are the real issues. If you don't agree, they will come after you. Get with the program to show that you really care.


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a quote to remember
A Thing That Does Not Change
A threat to existentialism. Metaphysics. A couple brainy words but a quote like this will help you remember them. "Metaphysics always buries its undertakers." It's the study of things that do not change. Kind of like a security blanket. It will always be there. Like a there, there. A foundation you can rely on.


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a truth
A Thing That Doesn't Change
A Church built on a rock. The people change. The teachings can't. Life. Marriage. Family. The gates of hell shall not prevail. Will the laity? We can't rely on the bishops. A new sheriff is in town and he is not a cleric. Pray for us Michael. Give us the courage to speak out. Stand firm. Resist change.


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a mob
A Bully
A threat to freedom of speech? Maybe. A threat to truth for sure. They are going after the truth. They are threatened by it. They can't handle it. The truth doesn't shy away from debate. They do. They want to protect you from it. Let's talk about it. It will set you free. It will make you happy. Try it.
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Hall of Fame
a single word prayer
A Thankyou
A gratitude for life. An appreciation of a chance to be. To experience life with some control over it. To learn. To make a difference. To be a part of the whole. To be or not to be is not an issue. Don't bury your talent. Be not afraid. Use your talent and it will increase. Your reward will be great.