

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
why is biden going after georgia?

it might be a sign of desperation

are you saying he needs georgia?

he might have too much money to spend

why would rich people hate Trump?
We want Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Alaska, Iowa, New Hampshire (New Hampshire's the key), Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin. We figure to have Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. We concede Hawaii, Washington state, Oregon, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Virginia and on up the eastern seaboard from there, excluding New Hampshire possibly, if the president can carry that state.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We want Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Alaska, Iowa, New Hampshire (New Hampshire's the key), Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin. We figure to have Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. We concede Hawaii, Washington state, Oregon, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Virginia and on up the eastern seaboard from there, excluding New Hampshire possibly, if the president can carry that state.

I live in New York :(


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Because what he said is evil, and what he does is evil.

If it sounds like a duck and acts like a duck...

Because he doesn't go along with your particular belief

What I believe has nothing to do with it.

God says homosexuality is an abomination.

Francis says we should accept homosexuality as normal.

Who's right? God or Francis?

or what you hold "to be true"?


Heck, you're on record for supporting the execution of five year old children via stabbing to death on here so keep your stupid vomit smileys to yourself. You are out there and then some.


I'm in support of putting murderers to death, just as God in the Bible says to do.

The fact that children can and do and have committed murder is besides the point.


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Not only is it okay for a five year old child to be tried as an adult,

Why do you think there should be a double standard when it comes to justice?

it's also okay for said child to be stabbed to death if the punishment fits the crime if said child stabbed someone to death.

I'm not too particular on how the murderer is put to death. Only that he is, swiftly and painfully, put to death.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why do you think there should be a double standard when it comes to justice?

I'm not too particular on how the murderer is put to death. Only that he is, swiftly and painfully, put to death.

I don't. There's no justice in trying a child in the same manner as an adult. They're not developed enough to understand their actions in the same way. This is why we have age of consent laws for a start. If an adult has sex with a minor then it's child rape, pure and simple. The child isn't old enough to consent to sex. How is this not clear?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because what he said is evil, and what he does is evil.

If it sounds like a duck and acts like a duck...

It's probably a crocodile...


What I believe has nothing to do with it.

God says homosexuality is an abomination.

Francis says we should accept homosexuality as normal.

Who's right? God or Francis?

It is normal, it's observable in nature and please, it's only far right fundamentalists who have such a hang up with it.

I'm in support of putting murderers to death, just as God in the Bible says to do.

The fact that children can and do and have committed murder is besides the point.

In that case, you can't support age of consent laws then, not if you want to be consistent at any rate.


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Yeah, you do. You think children should be held to a second, different standard than adults should be. That, by definition, is a double standard.

There's no justice in trying a child in the same manner as an adult.

There IS justice in putting a murderer, be it a child or an adult, to death for his crime.

God said put the murderer to death. He said nothing about the murderer's age.

They're not developed enough to understand their actions in the same way.

Sorry, but every child is different. Some mature faster than others. And those such as the ones ok doser mentioned previously clearly understood what they were doing.

This is why we have age of consent laws for a start. If an adult has sex with a minor then it's child rape, pure and simple. The child isn't old enough to consent to sex. How is this not clear?

I'm inherently against "age of consent" laws for sex because God says the only people who should be having sex are a husband and his wife...


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It's probably a crocodile...



It is normal,

Only for people who go against normal. Which, makes them "NOT normal."

it's observable in nature

Sorry, but humans have a special status in God's creation. Don't denigrate humans just because you want to normalize abominations.

and please, it's only far right fundamentalists who have such a hang up with it.


Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, . . . You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion. . . . (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled), . . . For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people. - Leviticus 18:1,22-23,27,29

The phrase "cut off" in verse 29 means "put to death."

God couldn't be more clear:

Homosexuality (among other things) is an abomination, and those who do such acts should be put to death, BECAUSE THEY'RE HUMANS, NOT ANIMALS.

In that case, you can't support age of consent laws then, not if you want to be consistent at any rate.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, you do. You think children should be held to a second, different standard than adults should be. That, by definition, is a double standard.

There's no double standard at all. The reason why society doesn't hold children to the same standards as adults are flat out obvious. They aren't developed enough to be fully cognizant of their actions. Do you really need this spelling out?

There IS justice in putting a murderer, be it a child or an adult, to death for his crime.

God said put the murderer to death. He said nothing about the murderer's age.

There's no "justice" in putting a child to death. Has it occurred to you that maybe God presumed that people would have the basic common sense to realize that children aren't as accountable for their actions as a fully grown adult? Thankfully, that's what's actually happened.

Sorry, but every child is different. Some mature faster than others. And those such as the ones ok doser mentioned previously clearly understood what they were doing.

Sure, there's even a rare condition in children where they can have the social skills and awareness of an adult by seven years old although they can't do a basic jigsaw puzzle. In the main, they are not neurologically developed to have anything resembling the awareness of an adult and as such aren't held to the same standard. That's why we have laws protecting children and don't allow them to do certain things also, for their own good.

I'm inherently against "age of consent" laws for sex because God says the only people who should be having sex are a husband and his wife...

Well, you'd have to be really although that opens an unsavoury can of worms. By your "standards" there can't be anything wrong with child brides for starters...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Only for people who go against normal. Which, makes them "NOT normal."

Let me guess, you think people "choose" to be gay?

Sorry, but humans have a special status in God's creation. Don't denigrate humans just because you want to normalize abominations.

I don't denigrate humans at all. I leave that to the likes of yourself.


Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, . . . You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion. . . . (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled), . . . For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people. - Leviticus 18:1,22-23,27,29

The phrase "cut off" in verse 29 means "put to death."

God couldn't be more clear:

Ah, Leviticus, there's a shock. If it's such an abomination then why is it observable throughout nature?

Homosexuality (among other things) is an abomination, and those who do such acts should be put to death, BECAUSE THEY'RE HUMANS, NOT ANIMALS.

No, they shouldn't but that's far right fundamentalism for you...