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the laity
A Prophecy
being fulfilled. Some are leaving the Church. Others are fighting for the Church they love. The bishops have been corrupted. Leaders in the laity are exposing them. Listen to and support these leaders. Speak out. This is no time to be silent. Let your pastor know that you cannot, will not, support the bishops. Stay with the Church and fight for it.


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climate change
A Test
for sanity. If you buy into this climate change hoax, there is something wrong with you. It doesn't show you care. It may show that you want to care but your ability to think about what is important has been seriously corrupted. Brainwashed. Think for yourself. Don't let them do it for you.


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A Priority
that has no equal. If you don't get this right, you can't get anything right. Not even climate change. Not even homosexuality. The democrats and the bishops seem to have a common agenda. Ignore abortion. Promote same sex attraction. Stress climate change and open borders. An unholy alliance.


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state of the Church
A Presentation
on "The state of the Church Today" Francis is making changes. John-Henry Westen has documented what Francis has said and done. There is reason to be concerned if you think life, marriage, and family are important. If you are worried about climate change, no problem.


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an objective disorder
A Term
that suggests something is wrong and requires attention. Someone questioning this is more likely to question other norms. Once you lose your objectivity, most everything else becomes subjective. Trustworthiness is lost. A perceived injustice often justifies the violation of other norms. The child and money are no longer safe. Changing a term like objective disorder will not make them safe.


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feeling the pinch
A Crisis In The Church
that the bishops cannot ignore. Money. The Vortex — Feeling the Pinch. Cash flow is the major part of the problem. More money is going out than is coming in. That makes you the problem. Do you trust the bishops? Who can you trust? Those who are worried about climate change?


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the laity
A Solution
to the crisis in the Church. Praying is not enough. Your job includes finding out what is going on and doing something about it. Silence is no longer an option. Speak out. Help others understand what is going on. With the internet we can teach all nations. Set a good example for the bishops.


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life marriage family
A Priority
that cannot be ignored. The bishops and Francis are talking about climate change and immigration. They are also talking about mercy, forgiveness, and charity. They need it. We need to protect the teachings of the Church on life, marriage, and family. The laity must do it. The bishops aren't.


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protect the child
A Priority
that needs the protection of life, marriage, and family. This is the environment that will protect the child. Let the children come. It starts in the womb. A mother and a father is the best environment. This is the environment you should be worried about. The bishops must know this. They should.


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climate change
A Distraction
from what should be your priority. How can you worry about climate change when the child's environment is being destroyed? Abortion? Divorce? What family? Same sex marriage has completely destroyed any meaning left in marriage. The meaning of life has already been destroyed by abortion. So you care about climate change. What about the child? Do you really care about their environment? The Family.


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the family
A Necessary Ingredient
that protects the environment of the child. This environment is being threatened. Those who should be talking about life, marriage, and family are now talking about climate change, immigration, a new world order, sustainable development, etc. etc. etc. . Francis and the bishops have been corrupted. They are ignoring life, marriage, and family. Why?


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give Francis
A Break
and welcome all sinners to the Church by stressing mercy, forgiveness, and charity. The teachings of the Church often make us uncomfortable and should not be emphasized. Don't worry, the teachings of the Church will not be changed. We just need to ignore them for the time being to make others feel comfortable. Everyone needs approval. Acceptance. This is what Jesus would do. So what should I do about climate change? You are making me uncomfortable.