

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A Necessary Evil
that will lead to the real problem. It's called a second collection, a capital campaign, a charity, an appeal, etc. We are called to be stewards. That includes wondering where all the money is going. Our trust cannot be blind. Pay attention to what they are saying. What they are asking for. You can't trust them with your kids. Why should you trust them with your money?
1st Timothy 5 (D-R)
Let the priests that rule well be esteemed worthy of double honour: especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. 18 For the scripture saith: Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn: and, The labourer is worthy of his reward. 19 Against a priest receive not an accusation, but under two or three witnesses. 20 Them that sin reprove before all that the rest also may have fear.


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A Bankruptcy
and other major settlements. Nineteen and counting dioceses and orders filed for bankruptcy. The latest is Rochester which makes the current total twenty. Compassion for the homosexual priest is expensive. Eight billion and counting. Don't be so rigid in your thinking. It is time to contribute to the next capital campaign. The bishops need your money.


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A Bankruptcy
and other major settlements. Nineteen and counting dioceses and orders filed for bankruptcy. The latest is Rochester which makes the current total twenty. Compassion for the homosexual priest is expensive.

Good. Yet not nearly enough to compensate for the irreversible damage that has been done to families.

Eight billion and counting. Don't be so rigid in your thinking. It is time to contribute to the next capital campaign. The bishops need your money.

How about instead of supporting what is now clear to be an old wineskin, we start anew with a new wineskin.


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give him
A Break
or at least the benefit of the doubt. Francis wants to fix the problem without throwing the homosexual under the bus. Is it possible without normalizing homosexuality? Are you ready to normalize man/boy relationships? Where to draw the line. Will it be rigid? Love thy neighbour. All law hangs on this. A rigid law? Are we confusing love and sympathy with tolerance and permissiveness?


like marbles on glass
give him
A Break
or at least the benefit of the doubt. Francis wants to fix the problem without throwing the homosexual under the bus. Is it possible without normalizing homosexuality? Are you ready to normalize man/boy relationships? Where to draw the line. Will it be rigid? Love thy neighbour. All law hangs on this. A rigid law? Are we confusing love and sympathy with tolerance and permissiveness?

Are we contemplating a false dilemma here?


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last man standing
A Church
that protects life, marriage, and family. Abortion, divorce, and same sex marriage have all been normalized. The teachings of the Church have not changed but they are being effectively ignored. Climate change is the new standard. Your views on this will show where you are coming from. They are coming from the media and the Democratic Party. They are accepted as gospel. You have no other reason to be concerned about climate change. You are now part of the problem. Just drink the kool aid. You bought it.


like marbles on glass
last man standing
A Church
that protects life, marriage, and family. Abortion, divorce, and same sex marriage have all been normalized. The teachings of the Church have not changed but they are being effectively ignored. Climate change is the new standard. Your views on this will show where you are coming from. They are coming from the media and the Democratic Party. They are accepted as gospel. You have no other reason to be concerned about climate change. You are now part of the problem. Just drink the kool aid. You bought it.

Did you know that abortion rates are at a 50-year low?


like marbles on glass
Societal perfection is a myth, like
The Cleaver family
Only Catholic, filling the pew on Sunday - as long as they don't put any money in the basket.


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climate change
A Scam
that proves you can fool some of the people all the time. The media and the Democratic Party are using the kids to promote their latest scheme. Instead of protecting the children, they are scaring them into thinking the future is in doubt. It's bad enough that the pope and bishops are playing along but using the kids is beyond the pale. Stop scaring them. How can you trust teachers who use the children to fight something they can't possibly understand. Climate change is the most important issue. If you can believe The Guardian. The pope and the bishops do. Environment


like marbles on glass
climate change
A Scam

How much have you studied it? I disbelieved it for a long time because I wasn't interested in it as a subject and because I believed the conservative mantra. Then rexlunae took the time to talk to me about it and I forced myself to spend time reading up on it. I don't want to enlarge that more than it is, I spent maybe a couple dozen hours, not a couple dozen semesters or couple dozen years. But enough to realize that the information is there, it's available, it makes sense - and it really started making sense why conservatives are so dogmatically opposed to even considering the idea.

But yeah. Maybe if you dedicated yourself to reading up on it with an open mind, using scientific sources, you might come to see it as something to be concerned about. For your children's children and their children.

Instead of protecting the children, they are scaring them into thinking the future is in doubt.

How can you trust teachers who use the children to fight something they can't possibly understand.

Seriously? "They can't possible understand?" You really don't give young people enough credit.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
climate change
A Scam
that proves you can fool some of the people all the time. The media and the Democratic Party are using the kids to promote their latest scheme. Instead of protecting the children, they are scaring them into thinking the future is in doubt.
They really are. They're tossing around the word "habitable," trying to make it seem like the earth will not even be able to sustain human life anymore. :freak: Slowly rising oceans is the worst case scenario. There've been terrible storms well before human caused climate change, and there'll be more of them too. But to frighten kids into thinking that unless we make powerful new laws, that we'll utterly ruin the earth and make it 'uninhabitable' is just irresponsible.

Jesus taught us that to withstand all the storms, build on rock.
It's bad enough that the pope and bishops are playing along but using the kids is beyond the pale. Stop scaring them. How can you trust teachers who use the children to fight something they can't possibly understand. Climate change is the most important issue. If you can believe The Guardian. The pope and the bishops do. Environment
The Magisterium's charism of infallibility extends to matters of faith and morals, not to political or legal theory. The bishops' notions on matters outside of faith and morals, are no weightier than anyone else's. They even teach this themselves, in the Catechism, which is how I know their charism of infallibility only extends to matters of faith and morals; I know because they told me so, in the Catechism.


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forget abortion
A More Important Issue
is climate change that proves the pope and the bishops have way too much in common with the Femocratic Party. How can you be against abortion when there are already too many people destroying our planet. How can you be for life, marriage, and the family when they just add to the problem. Save the planet. Not the unborn baby. Believe the pope. "greatest scam in history"


like marbles on glass
Femocratic Party.

One of the reasons I don't trust you.

You know, since you're all into the idea of radical individualism and forgetting about the bishops and the collection basket - you should be quite happy to hear what happens when the people lead the Church. :)


KILLALA, Ireland ( - An Irish bishop has committed himself to a specially devised delegation process for ordaining female priests after 69% of Catholics in his diocese voted in favor of the ordination of women.

The vote was part of a "listening process" initiated by Bp. John Fleming of the Killala diocese in north Mayo and west Sligo, after an analysis of clergy numbers indicated that the 22 parishes of the diocese would be served by three to six priests by 2037.

One thousand and five hundred people across the diocese were surveyed on a range of questions as part of Bp. Fleming's "Placing Hope in Faith" project. The feedback was processed by the Institute for Action Research and turned into proposals that were voted on by a representative diocesan assembly.

80% voted in favor of women deacons

69% supported women priests

85% supported married priests

81% cast their ballot supporting married priests returning to active ministry

The assembly also voted 86% in favor of changing the Church's teaching on homosexuality to reflect the inclusion of all people regardless of sexual orientation, marital status or family status.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
climate change
A Perfect Deception
to help elect Femocrats. They don't want this election to be about abortion which is their top priority. Killing babies is not something that is easy to talk about. The prospects of Trump replacing Ginsburg on the court is just too much to handle. Who wants to go through what happened to Kavanaugh? It is still going on!


like marbles on glass
Yeah, that Kavanaugh... what a guy.
