
ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
meant to include this in the previous post:

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has had a re-occurrence of malignant melanoma, she has told her law clerks. Ginsburg was treated in 1999 for colon cancer and had surgery in 2009 for pancreatic cancer.

She has told key Democratic members of the Senate about her medical condition, including ranking Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein. This explains in part the "take no prisoners" attitude of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh nomination, carefully orchestrating weak 37 year old allegations against Kavanaugh by Women he barely remembers knowing in High School and College.

bad strategy on the dems part - i'm sure it hurt them in the polls last week

i never fully bought into the "revenge for their treatment of bammy" explanation


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is
A Recount
in Florida. Broward County will determine the fate of Florida and possibly the nation. Do you want the rats in control? It is bad enough that they control Broward County and they are close to controlling the State of Florida. Are you still worried about the Russians?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
the mourning memo is the french connection
where Trump is being embarrassed like he was in the house
mika and joe are skyping
they mentioned the recount in florida
they didn't mention broward
biggest wave since watergate
this mourning sickness is hard to take
hey, it is my job


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A Counting County
in Florida. They don't know how many votes are not counted because they don't know how many are needed. This will take time. They need a lot of votes. The rats will do what they can if the cans allow it. Are you still worried about the Russians?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Trump will enjoy replacing her
We all will. Given the precedents wrt gun control that the S. Ct. has established over the past 10 years, a court heavier in pro-gun rights justices will begin to see more and more flagrantly unconstitutional gun control laws nullified. This court is going to force the issue of whether or not we amend the Bill of Rights wrt gun control, because all gun control is unconstitutional.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
mika and joe are skyping
the mourning memo is women in arizona
shameful men in florida
bad news for Trump
more hispanics
fewer whites
more racism

this mourning sickness is hard to take
hey, it is my job


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
replacing Ginsburg
A Job For Trump
and a Senate controlled by the cans. It is no wonder that the rats are so desperate. They attacked Kavanaugh. They attacked Senate candidates like never before. They talk about impeachment. They will do whatever it takes to protect a right to kill your baby established by the Supreme Court. The rats want to keep abortion legal.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
mika and joe are skyping
mika is in her mourning black
the mourning memo is Trump wine
whining about Trump
the rat wave continues
rats take over arizona
Trump is losing it
no friends
Kelly at odds with Melania

this mourning sickness is hard to take
hey, it is my job


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
there is
A Report
that Ginsburg wants to retire and the rats are against it. They can't block her replacement if the cans have 50 votes in the Senate. Get ready for the ugliest Senate confirmation fight ever. Being able to kill your baby is important for the rats and they will do whatever they can to keep it legal.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
there is
A Report
that Ginsburg wants to retire and the rats are against it. They can't block her replacement if the cans have 50 votes in the Senate. Get ready for the ugliest Senate confirmation fight ever. Being able to kill your baby is important for the rats and they will do whatever they can to keep it legal.

this will be the strongest aspect of trump's legacy - destroying the liberal SCOTUS and creating one that will be reluctant to allow mothers to kill their children


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
joe is skyping
mika is off
the mourning memo is voter fraud
more rats win
educated voters went for rats
Pence lies
blue tornado
pelosi may not have the votes
Trump may get some cans to vote for her
an old white woman

this mourning sickness is hard to take
hey, it is my job


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the voters are coming
A Caravan
of votes for the rats. Immigration reform is not possible. The rats need the votes. Trump wants a wall. Making America Great Again is just too attractive. Everyone wants to get in on the act. More will come. They will keep coming for jobs, healthcare, and citizenship to sanctuary cities controlled by rats.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
it is time for hollywood squares
mika and joe are skyping
mika is wearing her mourning black
the mourning memo is the rat wave continues
the fire
orange goes blue
mueller probe
out of control
russia thing
judge supports mueller

this mourning sickness is hard to take
hey, it is my job