chrysostom’s 2013 annual awards

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
wacko of the year 2013

and the nominations are:

Totton Linnet

nominated by zoo


(not to be confused with 'most annoying' - that is another award)

and the winner is

You forgot The Glory Land. Dude is waaaaay out there.


Are you now, also speaking for the Moderators on this board?
You have appointed yourself "judge, jury and executioner" of all that you find wanting by your standard.
You have appointed yourself "psychologist in residence" on this board.
And now, apparently, you have appointed yourself "spokesperson for the moderators".
Such a man of parts!
Such a man for all seasons!
Such a renaissance man!
A know-it-all-self-inflated-brown-nosed-moribund-knob-head!

chrys - I nominate bybee for emo-retard of the year

:think: better throw in artie too

:think::think: and Trad


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
my next award needs no introduction
I will do it anyway

first some definitions:

a person who reasons adroitly and speciously

a person who uses clever or quibbling arguments that are fundamentally unsound

One skilled in elaborate and devious argumentation

I would like to go with the second one
I really do like the word specious

specious [ˈspiːʃəs]
1. apparently correct or true, but actually wrong or false
2. deceptively attractive in appearance

I am talking about the sophist award
squeaky refers to them as intellectual idiots
that is really a good description
they are in love with their knowledge
they are best at ignoring reality
the argument is their reality
which must be defended at all costs
they are willing to sacrifice everything
including the truth
you could say they are wolves in sheep's clothing
they really do not know they are wolves
what do they believe?
that they are to be listened to
they are more interested in the process
in what it leads to

so much for an introduction that really is not necessary

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
my next award needs no introduction
I will do it anyway

first some definitions:

a person who reasons adroitly and speciously

a person who uses clever or quibbling arguments that are fundamentally unsound

One skilled in elaborate and devious argumentation

I would like to go with the second one
I really do like the word specious

specious [ˈspiːʃəs]
1. apparently correct or true, but actually wrong or false
2. deceptively attractive in appearance

I am talking about the sophist award
squeaky refers to them as intellectual idiots
that is really a good description
they are in love with their knowledge
they are best at ignoring reality
the argument is their reality
which must be defended at all costs
they are willing to sacrifice everything
including the truth
you could say they are wolves in sheep's clothing
they really do not know they are wolves
what do they believe?
that they are to be listened to
they are more interested in the process
in what it leads to

so much for an introduction that really is not necessary
I was wondering how deeply frustrated and hostile someone would have to be to put this much effort into a specious award. How many times you'd have to have your hat fed to you that this would feel like something to you...:think:

"A lot" comes to mind. :plain:
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I was wondering how deeply frustrated and hostile someone would have to be to put this much effort into a specious award. How many times you'd have to have your hat fed to you that this would feel like something to you...:think:

"A lot" comes to mind. :plain:

I do admit to being frustrated by all this
try not to be too hostile


New member
I do admit to being frustrated by all this
try not to be too hostile

Ah! There's the rub!
Your hostility oozes out of every pore. And it saddens me. Your sniper attacks on TH are unfair and unjust.
You are not cut from the same cloth as some who revel in the destruction of their betters.
So, naturally, I have thought that you would just stay away from those who you know don't see things as you do.
You didn't use to do such things.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ah! There's the rub!
Your hostility oozes out of every pore. And it saddens me. Your sniper attacks on TH are unfair and unjust.
You are not cut from the same cloth as some who revel in the destruction of their betters.
So, naturally, I have thought that you would just stay away from those who you know don't see things as you do.
You didn't use to do such things.

so you believe his attacks are only a result of mine?


New member
so you believe his attacks are only a result of mine?

Not exactly. As I recall most of this started out as some good natured exchanges. But sod, for reasons of his own, began to hit below the belt. TH responded good naturedly for quite a while but when it got to be character assasination he had to fight back.
For some reason you got drawn in on the wrong side.
This was awkward for me and for TH too since we both regarded you as friend. I still do.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not exactly. As I recall most of this started out as some good natured exchanges. But sod, for reasons of his own, began to hit below the belt. TH responded good naturedly for quite a while but when it got to be character assasination he had to fight back.
For some reason you got drawn in on the wrong side.
This was awkward for me and for TH too since we both regarded you as friend. I still do.

I think I have made it very clear
I am using town to expose all the others who do not believe that voting republican will restrict abortions
this is the most important issue
I am not going to let it go


New member
I think I have made it very clear
I am using town to expose all the others who do not believe that voting republican will restrict abortions
this is the most important issue
I am not going to let it go

On this issue we are agreed! But Town doesn't support abortion. He is being, I believe, a bit more pragmattic about what we can do politically about this. That doesn't mean giving in!
If the Catholic church would excommunicate every catholic politician who supports abortion then we might see a difference!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I do admit to being frustrated by all this
try not to be too hostile

Sorry, but you weren't being serious, were you. (rhetorical)

To put a more honest point to it: we differed over the means to overturn Roe. You thought voting Republican and destroying the Democratic party was the reasonable way to go.

My counter was:

1. The Republicans gave us the Roe Court to begin with.

You mostly suggested they did so under duress caused by the Democrats monkeying with the nomination process. I suppose that's why you want to destroy the Democratic party. Which led me to point two.

2. Neither the Republican nor Democratic parties were founded upon a single issue nor do people who support either party tend to do so for a single reason. I then asked you, do you think it's more reasonable to get people to change their party allegiance, against the rest of their philosophical political foundation, or to abandon the party approach and attack the issue?

To my mind the reasonable response is to change minds on the issue. Change enough and party won't matter. And I also suggested the issue should and would be decided as a Constitutional matter.

Past that point you decided to call people baby killers for voting against the Republican candidate, who himself could be called a baby killer for favoring certain abortive practices.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
town continues to talk about what happened 40 years ago
he won't talk about what is going on in austin today

that is specious


New member
I would ask why this thread has more than one thousand responses, but I have a better question.

Why does this thread exist?