chrysostom’s 2013 annual awards


like marbles on glass
don't be silly anna - your group formerly used vistor messages to plan your attacks

now you've switched to PMs

Now that's just goofy. And paranoid. There is no plan, never has been.

And my page is fully open for viewing, as you know - and there are no blueprints for "attacks."

(I've had to deal with a few llama disasters of late, but that's another issue entirely.)


like marbles on glass
good question

No it wasn't.

it's what she does when the answer would be uncomfortable for her

she didn't used to use slimy lawyerly tactics like that

only lately since she's cast her lot with the hell-bound

And that's just dumb. chrys butted in to ask why me why I was butting in, and I just pointed out to him the irony.

I've made a practice of being pretty direct, sod - sometimes maybe too direct. You confuse disinterest with dodges.


how do you know that?

I used to watch them do it in the visitor message pages

now, I often catch them furiously PMing before or during a big attack like last night

if you go up to the top right corner of the page and click on "Quick Links" and scroll down to "Who's Online" and click on it you can see what everybody's doing

A trick I learned from Gladys Kravitz


Hall of Fame
you saw rusha refer to him as their fearless leader

Well ... yea! Everything we say and do is because of TH, you know.

I mean seriously, with you and Koban's awesome personalities, how could anyone possibly not like you?


Hall of Fame
Now that's just goofy. And paranoid. There is no plan, never has been.

And my page is fully open for viewing, as you know - and there are no blueprints for "attacks."

(I've had to deal with a few llama disasters of late, but that's another issue entirely.)

Correct ... PM's are not needed. Town uses mind control. We are one.


like marbles on glass
I used to watch them do it in the visitor message pages

now, I often catch them furiously PMing before a big attack like last night


That's a complete fabrication.

Seriously. You've allowed your antipathy to take on monstrous proportions, far beyond reality. Does it not occur to you that we might be talking about things happening in real life, stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the forum at all? You really, really, really don't know what you're talking about. At all.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay, gang...Operation Undertow is a go. That's a green light on Operation Undertow. Incredulity is high. Repeat. Incredulity is high.

Oh, shoot. That was supposed to go out by super secret PM. :plain:

The rest of you, treat it the way res does a fact, ignore it for whatever you were thinking.