chrysostom’s 2013 annual awards

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I'll take it! Thank you all so much! I couldn't have done it by myself!
A special thank you to my minions and my ilk!
You have kept me going in the face of, what was that again?
Darn it!
Oh well, it must have been important....:chuckle:

Stubbed toes have a way of their own of reminding you. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's funny, driving home from doing some shopping just a short while ago (I've only been home about 15 min.) and I was thinking about you, chrys, and I came here to tell you something else but then your post here was in the list of recent posts so I'll just tell you I was thinking about you.
The circle of posting life. He's thinking of me, I'm wondering what you're up to, and you're thinking about him.

AB, somewhere, is likely just thinking...maybe. :plain:

Also, Chrys, holding a thread this long that's this interesting is going to pile up views, but it still wasn't in the same growth category as your old Catholic thread.

I hate that they pruned that one. Still bugs me.

This was your best of the Awards threads, which trended down with each iteration, mainly because you started getting a bit vindictive with how you used them, which was too bad.

Anyway, here are the top 10 threads per view with over 50k views:

1. Chrys 2013 Awards
2.Best of YouTube, Jefferson
3. All Things Jack, TH
4. Guns, VegasCowboy
5. What Are You Listening to 7, zoo
6. Cigar thread, Knight
7. Town Quixote, TH
8. And Now a Nice Thread... AB
9. Chrys 2014 Awards
10. Weekly Weigh In, Delmar
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