I KNEW it...bite the hand of the one through whom God was pleased to show His kindness to youward.
That you do not thank God DAILY for Billy is a great shame on you
It was the Holy Spirit that convicted me of my need for Christ. Not Billy Graham.
I KNEW it...bite the hand of the one through whom God was pleased to show His kindness to youward.
That you do not thank God DAILY for Billy is a great shame on you
Please cite a New Testament text in which the word "church" refers to something that is "invisible" and/or "spiritual."
It was the Holy Spirit that convicted me of my need for Christ. Not Billy Graham.
You never were the type to actually think just a tad bit and use logic. If you would ever put aside your bitterness clamor and wrath like you are exhorted to in the scriptures that you profess to believe, you might begin to see your continual hypocrisy from one thread to the next.
I have found the organized church to be anti-Gospel.
All of the above scripture is law.
Since you reject and deny God's spiritual laws presented through Jesus Christ, do you also reject and deny God's physical laws made through Christ? For example, do you reject and deny the law of gravity?
You see the preaching of the Gospel as bitterness because it calls your phony religion into question.
You blasheme the Gospel !
You think that the Gospel is the good news that you have been predestinated.
Trouble is no one has been predestinated.
It was the Holy Spirit that convicted me of my need for Christ. Not Billy Graham.
There's no Lone Ranger Christianity in the bible (Heb 10:25). My pastor encourages: regular attendance, getting into a small group, volunteering in some way.
I'd recommended doing all of these things. You will be blessed.
Since you reject and deny God's spiritual laws presented through Jesus Christ, do you also reject and deny God's physical laws made through Christ? For example, do you reject and deny the law of gravity?
Get out of it, God doesn't use just anybody [although He could] He calls people, He consecrates them, anoints them. They give up their lives in large measure and work like slaves to save such unthankful wretches as you.
I have serious theological differences with Billy, but he has been a WONDERFUL servant of God.
I have serious theological differences with the minister through who I was saved, but I bless God daily for him and his service to the church.
For the Christian the law has been abolished, Colossians 2:14.
Abolished or changed, which?
You want to believe that it was changed.
It was not changed it was abolished, Gone, Hebrews 8:13.
The new Covenant is Jesus Christ himself.
"THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH" not by rules, laws or religion.
You don't live by Faith when you reject the Gospel !
Anyone that accepts the Calvinist Gospel is a fool.