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Mustard Seed

New member
fiducia said:
Well, neighbor, you're not Jesus, nor are you a prophet, nor was Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith has an eternity in Hell to look forward to, as do those who put their faith in him rather than in the Christ he bore false witness against.

I can't "comprehend" them because they are not truth. They are lies dressed up in intellectual language...lipstick on a pig.

Joseph Smith cannot save you, nor can the imposter Christ he proclaimed. Repent while it is still today.

Funny. That's the same kind of retort the Jews gave Christ. And no, I'm not claiming to be Christ. But I do claim the spirit of prophesy, and in that sense I do very much claim to be a prophet of Christ.

Mustard Seed

New member
no avatar said:
I'm sure the original article was fully documented or it wouldn't have appeared in a professional journal, and since I have other books written by the same author (who happens to be a member of the RLDS church (and therefore not anti-Mormon)) and know the degree to which he validates his sources, I have not doubt that what he wrote there is true. Since you are LDS, you could just hop on down to your local ward library and verify it for yourself.

But I doubt you will since you have no interest in the truth.

RLDS is not LDS. They are an apostate group. We may have many things in common but that does not exlude them from possibly being, at the very least, anti-LDS as it's doctrine is constituted in the Church that never needed reforming. And inasmuch as you could not manage a reference to actual primary documents your response, as you presented it, is psuedo-intellectual drivel.

Why would I 'hop on down' to a library to seek validation for a point you made yet can't seem to lay out any tenable defense for? If you're incompetent in proving the point, and you are the one advocating it, then why should I believe that any effort on my part to support your argument for you will yield the results you claim it will?


New member
Mustard Seed said:
Funny. That's the same kind of retort the Jews gave Christ. And no, I'm not claiming to be Christ. But I do claim the spirit of prophesy, and in that sense I do very much claim to be a prophet of Christ.

So did Jim Jones and David Koresh.



New member
Mustard Seed said:
Funny. That's the same kind of retort the Jews gave Christ. And no, I'm not claiming to be Christ. But I do claim the spirit of prophesy, and in that sense I do very much claim to be a prophet of Christ.

Do you recall what they did to false prophets in Biblical times?

The "spirit" by which you prophesy is not the Holy Spirit, and every false word you prophesy and attribute to Him will be brought back before you on the Day of Judgement. And you will say "Lord, Lord...did I not prophesy in Your Name?" and He will say "I never knew you. Depart from me, you worker of lawlessness!"

There is still time. You can repent of your false religion. You can cast aside the false teachings of the man Joseph Smith. You can place your faith and trust in the finished work of Christ alone, the second Person of the Trinity, of one substance with the Father, being fully God and fully man.

It is not too late. Repent while it is today.

no avatar

New member
Mustard Seed said:
RLDS is not LDS. They are an apostate group. We may have many things in common but that does not exlude them from possibly being, at the very least, anti-LDS as it's doctrine is constituted in the Church that never needed reforming. And inasmuch as you could not manage a reference to actual primary documents your response, as you presented it, is psuedo-intellectual drivel.

Why would I 'hop on down' to a library to seek validation for a point you made yet can't seem to lay out any tenable defense for? If you're incompetent in proving the point, and you are the one advocating it, then why should I believe that any effort on my part to support your argument for you will yield the results you claim it will?
Whether he was RLDS or LDS is unimportant. The article was published in a journal your church publishes. I highly doubt they would publish an anti-Mormon article in their own journal.

The point is, you just have no interest in the truth. You would rather carry around your own fairy-tale ideas and promote them even though they are lies than read something that speaks with historical accuracy (and which you have access to).

Mustard Seed

New member
no avatar said:
Whether he was RLDS or LDS is unimportant. The article was published in a journal your church publishes. I highly doubt they would publish an anti-Mormon article in their own journal.

You are amazing. Try typing "A Journal of Mormon Thought" into google and see what it says under the organization that publishes that. Do you find the word "independent" anywhere there? I mean for you to even mention truth when you are foolish enought to make the above claim that what you posted was published by our church then you obviousloy have no comprhension as to even what comprises the attempt to discern truth. The only reasoning I can see for such a faux pas is that you are either intentionaly spewing absured lies, ones that anyone with any comprehension of a simple search engine can refute, OR you are so dense as to assume that simply because something calls itself "A Journal of Mormon Thought" that it is an authoritative guide that is published by the Mormon Church.

I feel sorry for you.

The point is, you just have no interest in the truth.

That's rich coming from someone who made the claim you just did.

You would rather carry around your own fairy-tale ideas and promote them even though they are lies than read something that speaks with historical accuracy (and which you have access to).

Poor fools that trust in the arm of flesh. Only fools would unquestionably hold the contents of an acacdemic journal of any kind as infallible truth. And I'm the one believing fairy tales? Check the facts next time if you at all value your integrity.


New member
Mustard Seed said:
And I'm the one believing fairy tales?

Ah, yeah.....
  • Kolob
  • Heavenly Mother
  • Magic Underoos
  • Dunkin the Dead
  • Tapirs and Cureloms
  • Liahonas
  • Peep Stones
:crow: Buzz

An oldie goldie from my buddy Alex...

<CENTER>Gold Plates, Peep Stones and Little White Lies

</CENTER><CENTER>(Tune: "Red Lips, Blue Eyes, and Little White Lies" by Costas & Moyer, as recorded by Gary Allen - created by Alex Murphy - 08/12/2003</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER>

Gold plates, peep stones and little white lies
You think I am a fool don't you
Hey buddy why can`t you tell the truth

Moonmen, and tapirs and dozens of wives
Oh mister the things you put me through
Your little white lies are breaking my heart in two

You come around and tell me that He loves me so
you conveniently skip the undies part and of whose blood must atone
I know who`s waiting for you on the other side of life
I`d be a fool to believe your fables `cause you're checking out my wife

Ox pools, masonic rules, and little white lies
Oh elder why can`t you be true
"The gates of Hell can't prevail" yet you believe that Joe's lie is true, yeah
Sooner or later you're going to face the truth
Little white lies will catch up with you
With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
And no source of comfort in the sweet bye-and-bye

Red coals, brimstone and little white lies
Hey lady the things Lucifer has in store for you
When your little white lies finally catch up with you
Oh your little white lies are gonna catch up with you
Bubby, your little white lies are gonna catch up with you

no avatar

New member
Mustard Seed said:
You are amazing. Try typing "A Journal of Mormon Thought" into google and see what it says under the organization that publishes that. Do you find the word "independent" anywhere there? I mean for you to even mention truth when you are foolish enought to make the above claim that what you posted was published by our church then you obviousloy have no comprhension as to even what comprises the attempt to discern truth. The only reasoning I can see for such a faux pas is that you are either intentionaly spewing absured lies, ones that anyone with any comprehension of a simple search engine can refute, OR you are so dense as to assume that simply because something calls itself "A Journal of Mormon Thought" that it is an authoritative guide that is published by the Mormon Church.
Ah. You are right. I retract the comment that it is published by the LDS church.

However, that doesn't make it any less true. As most of the members of the board, as well as most of the contributors are LDS.

But, I am done with this conversation. You still have no desire to learn, so I will not waste my "breath".

Keep believing in fairy tales. Everyone lives happily ever after in them. At least you can think of the story you have told and believe that "all is well in Zion".


no avatar

New member
Evee said:
I wanta Go home where it is warm safe and comfy! :cry:
Where is Christian Forums?:catgirl:
CF has been back online since last night. It was a bit bumpy for a while, but now it is running fairly smoothly.

Mustard Seed

New member
oftenbuzzard said:
Ah, yeah.....
  • Kolob
  • Heavenly Mother
  • Magic Underoos
  • Dunkin the Dead
  • Tapirs and Cureloms
  • Liahonas
  • Peep Stones
:crow: Buzz

  • A Talking Donkey
  • God commanded execution of fullscale genocide
  • A sea dividing apart and revealing dry ground at the oportune moment of escape for a mass of former slaves from their revengefull former masters
  • A virgin giving birth
  • A man commanding a pilar of fire to come out of heaven
  • A magical staff that heals when you look at it
  • Urim and Thummim
  • The sun holding still in the sky
  • Instantaneous confounding of mouth to mouth communication of thousands of people
  • A hand in mid-air appearing out of nowhere to write in a language never seen before on the wall of a palace
  • A perfect God demanding baptism
  • A lady with a bottomless container of meal and another of oil
  • A man getting an answer from God by placing a piece of fabric on the ground several nights in a row and then judging God's answer by the placement of dew
  • People marching around a massive city for several days, blowing trumpets and then watching as the walls of the city are miraculously demolished whilst the whole of the populous of the city is slaughtered, largely by one another, while the only survivors being the whore who saved God's spies and those she managed to get inside of her house
  • A man who predicts fourteen years of weather over a massive swath of the known world by interpreting the dream of a King whom he just happened to be put in contact with by a fellow prisoner.
  • Water spontaneously being turned into the highest quality of wine
  • Food multiplying itself while also feeding thousands
  • Spit and dirt being mixed together, applied to eyes, and washed off to cure blindness
  • Men being thrown into a furnace that kills those that did the throwing while not burning the very clothing of those thrown inside, men who stay inside the furnace for an extended period of time
  • A man receiving the capacity to fortell a world wide flood combined with his obtaining knowledge of building stockinng and filling and ark to save life as it was known on earth and miraculously having a host of animals show up to be shacked up inside a boat that would keep them alive through 40 days and 40 nights of rain
  • The prophesy that two men would fight of the nations of the earth while prophesying, be killed by the nations of the earth, have their deaths celebrated throught the nations of the earth, lie in the streets for three days and then resurect with the world watching

And these are all the incredible beliefs we share. If what I believe is a fairy tale then you better start demonstrating how the above litany of biblical events isn't, if you truly believe it to be more than a fairy tale.

An oldie goldie from my buddy Alex...

<CENTER>Gold Plates, Peep Stones and Little White Lies

</CENTER><CENTER>(Tune: "Red Lips, Blue Eyes, and Little White Lies" by Costas & Moyer, as recorded by Gary Allen - created by Alex Murphy - 08/12/2003</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER>

Gold plates, peep stones and little white lies
You think I am a fool don't you
Hey buddy why can`t you tell the truth

Moonmen, and tapirs and dozens of wives
Oh mister the things you put me through
Your little white lies are breaking my heart in two

You come around and tell me that He loves me so
you conveniently skip the undies part and of whose blood must atone
I know who`s waiting for you on the other side of life
I`d be a fool to believe your fables `cause you're checking out my wife

Ox pools, masonic rules, and little white lies
Oh elder why can`t you be true
"The gates of Hell can't prevail" yet you believe that Joe's lie is true, yeah
Sooner or later you're going to face the truth
Little white lies will catch up with you
With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
And no source of comfort in the sweet bye-and-bye

Red coals, brimstone and little white lies
Hey lady the things Lucifer has in store for you
When your little white lies finally catch up with you
Oh your little white lies are gonna catch up with you
Bubby, your little white lies are gonna catch up with you

The moonmen claim is not terribly tenable and given the context of where it was presented it's absured as an argument to support what you are claiming.

With regard to the rest (and in the apparent theme of the hour, poorly aligned attempts at hijacking tunes, this is presented in the same modus operandi you seem ro favour)--

It's All Been Trashed

(to the tune of "It's All Been Done")

We refuted you
Before the your present drone
And we begged you
To devise a relevant tone

You were wrong
We were right
You said it's a 'lie'
We said your argument bites

Woo hoo hoo
It's all been done
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been done
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been done before

I knew you
Before you thought you won
And I see you say
"My previously refuted arguments were much more fun"

You go your way
I’ll go mine
But I'll see you next time

Woo hoo hoo
It's all been done
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been done
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been done before

If I put my fingers here
And point out you're arguments irrelevancy here
And if you play the same old chords
I will just yawn and say

Woo hoo hoo
It's all been trashed
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been trashed
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been refuted before

Alone and stuck
In an eighteenth-century fight.
I'll see you
Loose the same old fight?
Will you cry?
Will you revile?
As you run
Your hellish mile.

Woo hoo hoo
It's all been thrashed
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been thrashed
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been thrashed before

Woo hoo hoo
Your logic's gone
Woo hoo hoo
Your logic's gone
Woo hoo hoo
Your logic's gone

Woo hoo hoo
It's all been won
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been won
Woo hoo hoo
It's all been won 'gainst you before

Mustard Seed

New member
no avatar said:
Ah. You are right. I retract the comment that it is published by the LDS church.

However, that doesn't make it any less true.

It was not true to begin with. And your present presentations have done nothing to make it any more true.

As most of the members of the board, as well as most of the contributors are LDS.

That's irrelevant. 100% of appostates were members at one point that does not mean that while they were members they had proper knowledge of what was the doctrine or history of the Church.

But, I am done with this conversation. You still have no desire to learn, so I will not waste my "breath".

Excellent. Follow the recomendation of the refrain "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!" your previous arguments are similar to the earlier line in the movie from which that is taken. Namely "She's a WITCH!"

(my favorite "She turned me into a newt!... I got better!")

Keep believing in fairy tales. Everyone lives happily ever after in them. At least you can think of the story you have told and believe that "all is well in Zion".


If that last word was meant to be some affirmation of your view it demonstrates how laughably out of date and irrelevant your arguments are.

How can a French word appear in the text?

"Why does the Book of Jacob end with a French word? "Brethren, adieu"? That seems a little out of place to me.
Your objection, if I understand it, is that a word from a modern European language occurs in a book claiming ancient Semitic origins (the Book of Jacob was written around 500 B.C.). If we consider the nature of translation, this issue becomes much less troubling. If I wanted to be flippant (a common temptation for me), I could say, "Not only does the translated Book of Mormon have a French word in it, but thousands of English words as well - another language that did not exist in 600 B.C." The Book of Mormon is a translation of an ancient text into a modern language, and the word that best fit the ending Jacob used - some parting expression commending his readers to God - was translated as "adieu" ("to God"), an expression that is used and widely understood in the English speaking world). It is a borrowed word, certainly, but with a nuance that is not matched with "farewell" or "good-bye." Good-bye used to mean much the same - "God be with ye" - but now lacks that meaning.
As a matter of fact, "adieu" has become part of the English language and was listed in common dictionaries in the 1800s and remains listed in most modern English dictionaries. For example, it occurs in Webster's 1828 dictionary, as you can see for yourself, thanks to the Christian Technologies page which offers a search feature for that dictionary.

The objection to the word "adieu" is one of the most common attacks on the Book of Mormon, but it really isn't a problem. Nevertheless, numerous Bible-believing critics have pointed to that word and mocked, but the standard they use to reject the Book of Mormon would also reject the Bible (an irony true of many other common objections). The King James Version of Jeremiah 10:22, for example, uses a French word, "bruit," meaning noise or rumor. "Bruit" is unfamiliar to most English speakers, unlike the commonly used and well-known "adieu." Yikes! How could a French word be in the Bible? At Jeremiah's time (around 600 B.C.), French didn't even exist, so isn't the Bible false? Au contraire, mes amis. Jeremiah didn't write a French word - he wrote something in Hebrew that some translators thought could well be translated by "bruit," a word that had also found its way into English (along with "adieu" and many others).

Many LDS critics continue the "adieu" attack, to my genuine astonishment. It's time we say "Auf wiedersehen" to this argument. And thus, with no further adieu, I bid you adios.

--taken from

But you go ahead and conserve what capacity you still have to communicate. You'll need it come time to confess that you were deceived by the foolishness of the arm of flesh OR that you lied against the truth.

Mustard Seed

New member
godrulz said:
This Mormon stuff should go back to the threads on Mormonism. :patrol:

If they'd read those threads they wouldn't be spouting the same old useless refuted points. Even you, with all your repetition, drop some of the more inane, previously refuted points.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Mustard Seed said:
If they'd read those threads they wouldn't be spouting the same old useless refuted points. Even you, with all your repetition, drop some of the more inane, previously refuted points.

Do not assume that not bringing up valid points every hour means that they were refuted or dropped as such :hammer:

You still have the problem of pagan polytheism and a false prophet with a false gospel. Mormonism is not historical, biblical Judeo-Christianity. :dog:

Mustard Seed

New member
godrulz said:
Do not assume that not bringing up valid points every hour means that they were refuted or dropped as such :hammer:

You still have the problem of pagan polytheism and a false prophet with a false gospel. Mormonism is not historical, biblical Judeo-Christianity. :dog:

If they were not refuted then counter the refutations with something that I haven't already refuted.

'Pagan polytheism' and 'false prophet' is in the beam that's in the eye of the wanna be beholder. All you do is repeat the same things you've said before and that I've refuted before.

30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the bprophets.

32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

34 ¶ Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Mustard Seed said:
If they were not refuted then counter the refutations with something that I haven't already refuted.

'Pagan polytheism' and 'false prophet' is in the beam that's in the eye of the wanna be beholder. All you do is repeat the same things you've said before and that I've refuted before.

30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the bprophets.

32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

34 ¶ Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

This verse has nothing to do with Mohammed or Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell or Mary Baker Eddy nor David Koresh. Quit mishandling the Word of God that slays your views. Quoting your LDS works is also a waste of time.

If you knew the Great Prophet, Priest, and King, you would not follow the teachings of Joseph Smith who clearly taught the plurality of gods. Do we need to remind you that Jesus was a Jew who proclaimed that there is one true God? Plurality of gods would send any Jew ballistic (forget your Psalms 'gods' proof totally fail to grasp His argument for His one Deity).

Take your Mormonism back to its proper thread. It is a distraction here.

no avatar

New member
Mustard Seed said:
If they were not refuted then counter the refutations with something that I haven't already refuted.
Maybe I will go back and look at the other threads (if I can find them), but you haven't refuted anything here, so why should I be hopeful you have refuted anything anywhere else?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
no avatar said:
Maybe I will go back and look at the other threads (if I can find them), but you haven't refuted anything here, so why should I be hopeful you have refuted anything anywhere else?

Self-deception (like bearing one's testimony when one cannot give a reasoned answer) is not refutation. We are all guilty of stating or assuming things without backing them up systematically. I have not felt MS has refuted biblical evidence in the past.

Mustard Seed

New member
no avatar said:
Maybe I will go back and look at the other threads (if I can find them), but you haven't refuted anything here, so why should I be hopeful you have refuted anything anywhere else?

I've refuted your claim that we're trying to take over the world by means other than those advocated by Christ, the very One who stated that the "meek...shall inherit the earth." I also refuted your claim that the paper you'd referenced was supported by our church. With that refutation I just refuted the above claim that I haven't refuted anything. You just keep telling yourself that. You're good at self deception.

Here's a search in which a thread contains myself posting the term "mormon" at some point in one of my posts. Most of these threads have substantive strings of dialog touching on my faith.
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