Chris Wallace schools Rick Santorum on Climate Change

The Barbarian

On “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace grilled Republican presidential nominee Rick Santorum over his recent admonishment of Pope Francis, in which he told the Holy Father to stop talking about climate change because he’s not a scientist.

Wallace began by noting that the pope holds a degree in chemistry, meaning that he is, at least in some sense, a scientist. But he granted Santorum his unfounded premise, saying “if he’s not scientist,” he said, “neither are you.”

Santorum tried to respond to Wallace’s stern rebuke, but Wallace just continued hammering. “That’s just one point,” he said. “The second point is somewhere between 80 percent and 90 percent of scientists who have studied this say that humans, men — human activity, contributes to climate change. So, I guess the question would be, if he shouldn’t talk about it, should you?”

Not that anyone needs a degree in chemistry to understand what's going on. But I didn't know the Pope had a degree in chemistry. The more I get to know about him, the better I like him.

And I'm kinda disappointed in Santorum, who I thought was at least sincere.

Mocking You

New member

Not that anyone needs a degree in chemistry to understand what's going on. But I didn't know the Pope had a degree in chemistry. The more I get to know about him, the better I like him.

The pope went to school and received a 2 year "degree" in chemical technology.


On “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace grilled Republican presidential nominee Rick Santorum over his recent admonishment of Pope Francis, in which he told the Holy Father to stop talking about climate change because he’s not a scientist.

Wallace began by noting that the pope holds a degree in chemistry, meaning that he is, at least in some sense, a scientist. But he granted Santorum his unfounded premise, saying “if he’s not scientist,” he said, “neither are you.”

Santorum tried to respond to Wallace’s stern rebuke, but Wallace just continued hammering. “That’s just one point,” he said. “The second point is somewhere between 80 percent and 90 percent of scientists who have studied this say that humans, men — human activity, contributes to climate change. So, I guess the question would be, if he shouldn’t talk about it, should you?”

Not that anyone needs a degree in chemistry to understand what's going on. But I didn't know the Pope had a degree in chemistry. The more I get to know about him, the better I like him.

And I'm kinda disappointed in Santorum, who I thought was at least sincere.

Scientists don't quantify the human contribution and those that do cannot prove that quantified amount. If co2 always traps heat and traps more of it at greater concentrations, then we should always see a temperature rise contemporaneously with co2 rise....we dont....we DO see a contemporaneous rise of temperature with chlorofluorocarbons according to Dr Lu who has been under tremendous attack by those whose lively hood depends upon the demonization of co2.


Active member
If co2 always traps heat and traps more of it at greater concentrations, then we should always see a temperature rise contemporaneously with co2 rise

False, bad logic. This would only be true of co2 was the _only_ factor involved in global temperatures and climate.

We would still expect the average temperatures to rise over the long term with rising co2 concentrations even if it weren't the only factor involved in global temperatures and climate (it isn't).


The light is out there and it has always been there.

People are going to have to learn real data, facts and evidence--either on their own from some "epiphany" or else hearing others having to "teach" them--as Wallace did.

The problem is many conservatives like Santorum get irritated and feel they are being "talked down to," "lectured," etc. and then they go into the victim mode--which no one wants to experience.

Sometimes when listening to academics, scientists and intellectuals the conservative just feels resentful and clings to their outmoded ways of thinking with a renewed vigor.

A real problem, in my opinion.

The Barbarian

Scientists don't quantify the human contribution and those that do cannot prove that quantified amount.

Well, let's take a look...

There are ten main lines of evidence to be considered:

  • The start of the growth in CO2 concentration coincides with the start of the industrial revolution, hence anthropogenic;
  • Increase in CO2 concentration over the long term almost exactly correlates with cumulative anthropogenic emissions, hence anthropogenic;
  • Annual CO2 concentration growth is less than Annual CO2 emissions, hence anthropogenic;
  • Declining C14 ratio indicates the source is very old, hence fossil fuel or volcanic (ie, not oceanic outgassing or a recent biological source);
  • Declining C13 ratio indicates a biological source, hence not volcanic;
  • Declining O2 concentration indicate combustion, hence not volcanic;
  • Partial pressure of CO2 in the ocean is increasing, hence not oceanic outgassing;
  • Measured CO2 emissions from all (surface and beneath the sea) volcanoes are one-hundredth of anthropogenic CO2 emissions; hence not volcanic;
  • Known changes in biomass too small by a factor of 10, hence not deforestation; and
  • Known changes of CO2 concentration with temperature are too small by a factor of 10, hence not ocean outgassing.

If co2 always traps heat and traps more of it at greater concentrations, then we should always see a temperature rise contemporaneously with co2 rise....




New member
On “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace grilled Republican presidential nominee Rick Santorum over his recent admonishment of Pope Francis, in which he told the Holy Father to stop talking about climate change because he’s not a scientist.

Wallace began by noting that the pope holds a degree in chemistry, meaning that he is, at least in some sense, a scientist. But he granted Santorum his unfounded premise, saying “if he’s not scientist,” he said, “neither are you.”

Santorum tried to respond to Wallace’s stern rebuke, but Wallace just continued hammering. “That’s just one point,” he said. “The second point is somewhere between 80 percent and 90 percent of scientists who have studied this say that humans, men — human activity, contributes to climate change. So, I guess the question would be, if he shouldn’t talk about it, should you?”

Not that anyone needs a degree in chemistry to understand what's going on. But I didn't know the Pope had a degree in chemistry. The more I get to know about him, the better I like him.

And I'm kinda disappointed in Santorum, who I thought was at least sincere.

the pope, chemistry degree or not, has no business spoutating on such concerns. His concerns should be focused on faith and morals. Yeh, he is free to ramble on RE any subject he wants, but we the Flock are not required to listen to his ruminations on scientific matters and other non-faith matters. So i think Santorum is right, that the pope needs to keep his non-faith/morals thoughts to himself... or maybe share them with cardinals, close friends.. etc.. but they should not be published b/c many people put a lot of weight on what he says... even if it has nothing to do with faith/morals..



New member
Hall of Fame
the pope, chemistry degree or not, has no business spoutating on such concerns. His concerns should be focused on faith and morals. Yeh, he is free to ramble on RE any subject he wants, but we the Flock are not required to listen to his ruminations on scientific matters and other non-faith matters. So i think Santorum is right, that the pope needs to keep his non-faith/morals thoughts to himself... or maybe share them with cardinals, close friends.. etc.. but they should not be published b/c many people put a lot of weight on what he says... even if it has nothing to do with faith/morals..


And in your case I'm guessing definitely...not.:chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame

oh, it's you, Granite, one of the folks (BTW) i need to add to my Heretics List

no wonder i don't u/stand the response..

and no wonder i don't care to try



Heretic? I thought unbelievers were just infidels, or something.



Well-known member
Santorum's Catholic.

The pope believes in AGW.

Thus, Santorum should believe it, like a good Catlick.

End of story.

The Barbarian

Musty displays his ignorance of Christianity:
Santorum's Catholic.

The pope believes in AGW.

Thus, Santorum should believe it, like a good Catlick.

Wrong. In fact, only when the Pope speaks ex cathedra on faith or morals, does his word carry an obligation to believe.

The fact that Francis has the technical background to understand the issue makes him more credible than Santorum, who is merely parroting the party line.

Being able to understand the issue, the Pope is quite properly acknowledging that it is a moral issue, even if he's not making the statement ex cathedra.

End of story.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Papa has a degree in chemistry? And? He's had a lifetime to study the bible, has probably more degrees, than Larry King has had heart attacks/wives, an alleged "theologian," and the end result, is a continuation of the satanic "doctrines" of the Roman Catholic Organization, the"Pied Piper" of Christendom, leading others to hell.

Next "argument."