You should spend time getting educated in the truth instead of the lies.
Educated in the truth?
Like you?
What degrees do you hold in any truths?
Just interested.
Yes, the average school-child has been brainwashed into believing a lie.
Don't look out, better tro look in, I think.
The average child could walk rings around you, I would bet.
Mankind can wipe out many ecosystems using nuclear bombs, poison gas, and other WEAPONS of mass destruction.
However, that is not what we are talking about.
We are talking about the false claims that mankind is changing the CLIMATE through CO2 emmissions.
Like you could see that man could destroy our ecosystem in a very short time. I'll bet that you missed it because you can't or won't look outside your own box. And 'Oh Yes!', man has and is changing our climate because of CO2 emissions, you need to pay attention to your own country's scientists.
At least he has more sense than you do.
We think he is interested in his own agendas, and pushing for a less dirty world would cost him lost production, lost money, and some lost votes.
Yes, people with greenhouses often add CO2 to increase the growth of the plants inside the greenhouse, but the temperature does not go up in the greenhouse due to the added CO2.
Don't display such ignorant ideas. CO2 captures more sunlight and holds it in, raising temperatures, rather like glass in a greenhouse.
Ok, so got nowhere in science at school, I's say..... you couldn't have.
Follow the money.
The vast majority of climate scientists do not want to kill the cash cow that is paying them to make the claims that CO2 emmissions are causing global warming.
However, the true crime is perpetuated by NOAA, who is supplying the fake data that is used by the climate scientists.
What a fabulous suggestion! It is the denialists who mostly follow money.
The guy in the children's show about mythical creatures such as the griffin and kraken?
I suppose that his shows about global warming are in the same vein.
What a cheap claim, and clearly you never took any interest in either Sir David's Natural Science films or his BBC series for children called 'Fabulous Animals'. See? Fabulous.
Sir David Attenborough gained an Honours Degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge, and since then has been awarded 32 Honorary Degrees by the World's top universities. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Honour which Issac Newton also held.
Got any degrees, have you?
I would rather trust a real climate scientist that actually knows what he is talking about, like Bill Gray.
I think you grasp to any who will feed your denial. Truly.