ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Gorm McMancrush! Lefty Poster for Hire.
A George Soros Production
gotta work "perpetutard" in there somewhere
Gorm McMancrush! Lefty Poster for Hire.
A George Soros Production
A question for the Trump lemmings:
Why is it that women who claimed that they were molested or raped by Bill Clinton or Bill Cosby can come forward decades later and be believed even though there was no physical evidence to prove the allegations, but not the women who are accusing Donald Trump of the same?
i don't care if anonymous people claim that trump raped women
i don't care if anonymous people claim that trump raped thirteen year olds
i don't care if anonymous people claim that trump kicked a puppy thirty years ago
he is still a better candidate than hillary
I was asking the people following this case who have an ounce of decency in them.
and you're getting a response from one, but you're too retarded to realize it
the reason trump is a better candidate than clinton (not a better man, not a more moral person, not a Godly man, not a decent man) is that his presidency will be contrallable while hers won't
both will have the opportunity to destroy this country
a president hillary will succeed
a president trump can be stopped
So Artie has no comment on ACW being on his side after all. Call me surprised.
artie's mancrush on acw is rivalled only by his mancrush on town
Look at him play dumb.
Well, better than being dumb Musty. aCW is not on "my side". He isn't a "leftist" and your asinine pigeon holes for people in that regard is simply moronic anyway. About the only thing him and I have in common is a complete dislike for Donald Trump.
You still have no idea who you're talking with do you Art?
#1. He's a Libertarian that adamantly denies that he is one, but can be found linking Ron Paul, Rand Paul and other loonatarian articles quite frequently.
#2 He's even more obsessed with me than you are (and that's really obsessed). He's known for writing letters to peoples' pastors and asking how they feel about the recriminalization of homosexuality.
Does that help, or do you need more clues?
I love it when leftists slapfight each other.
That's not even a word.
Not that that usually matters with you anyway I suppose...
Why are you so tissy? You're not the one who outed himself as something he long insisted he wasn't.
I ain't dude, nice 'n' chilled over here.
I'll leave you to take your latter up with presumably, aCW...
Yeah. Cute. Stop being such a morgless trob.
#1. He's a Libertarian that adamantly denies that he is one, but can be found linking Ron Paul, Rand Paul and other loonatarian articles quite frequently.
#2 He's even more obsessed with me than you are (and that's really obsessed). He's known for writing letters to peoples' pastors and asking how they feel about the recriminalization of homosexuality.
Does that help, or do you need more clues?
slapfight is a common word here -That's not even a word.
Not that that usually matters with you anyway I suppose...