Capitol Police Warn Of Threat On March 4th

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not all lying democrat propagandists belong to any organized group of leftwing liars, but they do all have the single purpose of replacing truth with carefully crafted lies and misinformation.
Well, with the exception of democrat, leftwing and carefully crafted lies, you've pretty much just described QAnon... (the lies were transparent and the amateurish attempts at deception and cryptic nonsense could only dupe the gullible.)

Oh, and I'm not so invested as to deny that there isn't chicanery on the left side of the political aisle in saying that also.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your question is senseless. Are you suggesting all Americans should give up 10% of their income to the universal healthcare pot or should it be more? And if Americans don't give freely of their earned income to fight the epidemic of out-of-control sickness and disease brought on America by sin and rebellion against God, are people really going to die because the young people are not donating enough of their paychecks to the cause?
Well, no, it's pretty straightforward as it happens so here it is again. So, if possible, can you give a straight answer to it without the irrelevance?

You're still not answering my question. Should the chronically ill, the disabled and elderly just be allowed to succumb to their condition, disease and ailments and not be provided health care?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are obviously looking at the videos your democrat leaders allow you to see, not the videos they do not want you to see.
Intriguing. Please supply the videos that my "democrat leaders" are not allowing me to watch. I'm not one for subterfuge so you supply the truth sir!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Democrats obstructed the building of the wall so many tens of millions of Americans hired Trump to build, and still the baboons think they are doing the will of the people by tearing down the fabric of American society and opening our borders to drug traffickers, child traffickers, and terrorists, to name a few.
He barely got around to building a fence in relation to his pre election promises. Your notion of 'the fabric of American society' needs some stitching as well...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If I end up posting a news source your democrat handlers have told you is off limits you will just have to tell me so I can take appropriate action (whatever that really means, if you catch my drift.)
You don't seem capable of catching your own drift with this garbled nonsense. "Democratic handlers?!"

Same ole, different day...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, I know. Like mask nazis/Karens, or people who say what you have to spend your hard-earned money on.

But in regards to's so convenient to say that everything the bible said can't apply to our modern societies. Yet we know it does, since it tells us to obey our authorities (governors, emperors, etc.). Or are you saying that doesn't apply to us, since we are no longer in tribal communes governed by emperors that ruled over much of the world, including the cities of Greece--you know, the ones Paul wrote to so much--who gave much culture and science and math to the world.

Oh wait! Trigonometry doesn't apply to us, since it was for tribal communes of the time. The spherical earth doesn't apply to us, since that was just the Greek tribalists in a fit of whimsy. I didn't know you were a flat earther, Brain.
Oh, the horrors of wearing a mask. It's just such a burden isn't it? Some things in the Bible would apply to any given time but stretching a quote given to people of a certain time in circumstances far removed from the present and in context is another altogether. Oh, the horrors of systems where healthcare and welfare is available to all. You didn't know I was a 'flat earther' because I'm not one but carry on with the bizarre as you will.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
" . . . From a Washington Post editorial, again from last week: “A more troubling explanation is that the coronavirus was inadvertently spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which had carried out research on bat coronaviruses and possessed a biosafety level 4 facility, the most secure for handling highly pathogenic and infectious diseases. It is not beyond possibility that an accident or spill occurred.”
Does anyone know if the idea of a "superbug" is possible in viruses, or is it just bacteria?
It gets worse. Reports indicate a grant from the American government — courtesy of the Obama administration — may have helped fund this research.
It sounds more like the facility, building, would be the problem, at least to me. Something got out. That means "biosafety level 4" really means "not safe at all", since it let out the covid.


Well-known member
You didn't say emergency medical treatment. You said "healthcare."
Oh. Let me see if I understand. Democrats pushing the highly expensive crappy Obamacare claimed if the healthcare bill designed as a tax increase to pay the government's healthcare commitments was not passed then millions of Americans might die due to lack of medical access for non-threatening care? If so, then why have filthy rich democrats not given of their own hoarded cash to save lives? Why did they exempt themselves from paying the tax while burdening millions of young health workers with the huge costs?


Well-known member
Again, the footage is all there on film for anyone to witness and I've yet to read a report where innocent people were murdered by Christians. Care to supply a source for that?
Nobody was murdered by anyone at the Capitol on Jan. 6, in spite of democrat and leftist lies to the contrary. Ungodly wicked barbarian savages have been murdering people by the shiploads and blaming Christians for decades. They cannot help themselves because they are under the wicked influence of their lying father the devil. Here is just one of hundreds or thousands of biased opinions directed at Christians by those who hate God:

Christian imagery loomed large on Jan. 6 as the “Stop the Steal” rally morphed into a mob siege. A group of Trump supporters prayed around a large wooden cross, and others carried “Jesus saves” signs and yelled “shout if you love Jesus” as they occupied the Capitol building.
Meanwhile the Christian flag – the red, white and blue emblem designed by a New York City Sunday school teacher in 1887 to unite and symbolize Christians worldwide – was one of the flags carried through the Capitol.


Well-known member
Oh, the horrors of wearing a mask. It's just such a burden isn't it? Some things in the Bible would apply to any given time but stretching a quote given to people of a certain time in circumstances far removed from the present and in context is another altogether. Oh, the horrors of systems where healthcare and welfare is available to all. You didn't know I was a 'flat earther' because I'm not one but carry on with the bizarre as you will.
You can wear a mask if you like, but it will do little to stop the passage of covid paerticles. Or, you can be flexible and follow Fauci's recommendations. One minute he is downplaying masks. The next he is mandating masks as a matter of life or death. Later still he says wearing masks will not work unless you double up on them, wearing two or more at a time. I spotted this pompous baboon for the quack he is from the beginning and I don't give importance to anything he says.


Well-known member
Well, no, it's pretty straightforward as it happens so here it is again. So, if possible, can you give a straight answer to it without the irrelevance?

You're still not answering my question. Should the chronically ill, the disabled and elderly just be allowed to succumb to their condition, disease and ailments and not be provided health care?
You continue to evade. Are you claiming Americans will die if they do not get help with their medical bills from young working families having trouble paying their mortgage? Or will they die if democrat millionaires keep hoarding their wealth without giving a dime to help cover the medical costs of millions of poor people? Did Americans die by the thousands for lack of insurance before the democrats invented the Obamacare tax? Don't ask questions without defining exactly what you are trying to claim.


Well-known member
You don't seem capable of catching your own drift with this garbled nonsense. "Democratic handlers?!"

Same ole, different day...
Democrat handlers: Those responsible for promoting and protecting democrat lies for the safety of the crooked democrat socialist party.


Well-known member
Who said anything about a military police?
What? !
You description of your ideal country positively abounds with military and police! Your warships and no doubt more.
And that means that you would have 'military police' as well.
People who support democracy are sinning.
Ah! It looks as if you think that all sin is evil.
And Democrats....!
I'm not a Theist but I'm guessing that a lot of Christians look upon Capitalism, making money and less care about all people in a community are the sinners.

Mammon or God? But I'm a Deist so can only guess about that.
Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery, do not bear false witness, do not covet. Those five laws are the foundation for any just government, and are the laws from which laws against other things are extrapolated from.
Not enough, I'm afraid to say. Certainly not enough!
A people that doesn't care about it's weakest, most dependent ..... will dwindle.
Your community would not do so well, I'm thinking.

The Laws of Moses showed that in clear detail. Provision for the poor, strangers, orphans, widows, the sick and more. I've been given the impression on TOL that governments who provide for the above are wicked!!! Socialist!s and Commies all!

Well? How can you tell me that your new country would be any good?


Well-known member
Sadly, Facebook and Google shut down videos of the riots on Jan. 6, for illogical reasons. You have seen some videos but have not been allowed to see others because your democrat handlers will not allow it.
Put 'em up!
Link us up to any videos of the Capitol riots of Jan 6th that you've got that we haven't seen.
Put 'em up!