
New member
One esteems one day above another, another esteems every day alike. That is about ANY DAY and any person.

Well dear friend I asked you to show me a single scripture that says that Romans 14 is talking about God's 4th commandment. You have provided none and are simply reading into the scriptures what the scriptures do not say or teach. We have also gone through Romans 14 verse by verse and shown that there is no mention of God's 4th commandment anywhere and that that scriptures and subject matter is on eating and not eating (fasting) on days that men esteem over other days. Not what days God esteems and judging others. You do know that Sabbath and Sunday was never an issue in the days of the Galatians right and Paul as his manner was always kept the seventh day Sabbath according to God's 4th commandment right? *ACTS 17:2. Your misapplying scripture.

More proof that observing a Saturday more holy than another day doesn’t matter. Notice nowhere anywhere do the scriptures say except for the 7th day.
Proof that being in the Lord is what matters, and not what we eat and drink or special days.

Nonsense. The subject matter is not wheather we should be keeping God's 4th commandment. The Context is on eating and not eating (fasting) on days that men esteem over other days. Not what days God esteems and not about wheather we should keep God's 4th commandment Sabbath or not and judging others over eating and not eating in the days they esteem over other days.

You can’t see how every warning is against what you are doing?

I am only sharing God's Word dear GT which is my duty of love to all those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. They are not my words but God's Words and it is God's Word that says that breaking anyone of God's 10 commandments is sin *JAMES 2:10-11. According to God's Word not mine all those who knowingly practice sin when they have been given a knowledge of the truth, stand guilty before God of sin. If we continue in known unrepentant sin when we have been given a knowledge of the truth the scriptures teach there remains no more sacrifice for sin but a fearful looking forward to of the judgement to come..


Hope this is helpful :)


New member
Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post True I believe the same dear friend. So may I ask are we in Christ if we are not believing and following what Jesus says? *John 10:26-27
Your response...
Observing Jesus is being in rest.

I am sorry dear friend. How does this answer the question you are responding to? I asked you are we in Christ if we are not believing and following what Jesus says? *John 10:26-27???. Let me answer the question for you from the scriptures. No one is "IN CHRIST" if they do not believe and follow God's Word because to be "IN CHRIST" means to be in the Word believing and doing what the Word says through the Spirit of God be faith....


JOHN 6:63, It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing: THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU THEY ARE SPIRIT AND THEY ARE LIFE.


1 JOHN 5:4 Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVER COMES THE WORLD EVEN OUR FAITH (in the Word).

1 JOHN 2:3-4 [3], AND HEREBY WE DO KNOW THAT WE KNOW HIM, IF WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. [4], He that said, I know him, and keeps not his commandments, IS A LIAR, AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM.


MATTHEW 7:21 [21], Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; BUT HE THAT DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.


So you can see dear friend that only those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's Word are "IN CHRIST" according to the scriptures. If we do not believe and do what God says the scriptures teach we are NOT "IN CHRIST" Now if God asks us in His 4th commandment to "REMEMBER" the the ""SEVENTH DAY SABBATH" day to keep it as a Holy day of rest (no work) and we say NO I will not. I will keep "SUNDAY" and there is not a single scripture in all of God's Word that teaches God's 4th commandment is abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a Holy day and your KNOWINGLY breaking God's law, how can you be "IN CHRIST" dear GT? - You cannot according to the scriptures (see 1 JOHN 2:3-4)

If one is in Christ, then every day is holy, where we do no purification works and keep our faith in Jesus our rest.

Nonsense. Please provide the scripture. There is no scripture that says everyday is a Holy day. The scriptures only teach that God blessed the "SEVENTH" day and made it a "HOLY DAY" of "REST" where no work was to be done. You are confused here dear GT. If everyday was a Holy day of rest where no work can be done, how could anyone survive and make a living?

I understand why many denominations call Sunday their day to the Lord and not Saturday; however, observing a day as more holy than another is just wrong. Observing a special day does not make one more righteous or a sinner either way; unless of course you think it sin and do it while you believe it to be sin. It is something we have to be convinced in our own mind because if you do something you believe is a sin then it is sin. What is a sin is judging someone who doesn’t observe a day more special than another.

Dear GT, all you have provided here is your own opinion not based on the scriptures. We have looked at ROMANS 14 in detail verse by verse and seen this is talking about eating and not eating on days that men esteem over other days, not what days God esteems which has nothing to do with God's 4th commandment which is not mentioned anywhere in all the book of Romans. Yet it is God's 4th commandment of the 10 commandments that give us the knowledge of what sin is *ROMANS 3:20; ROMANS 7:7 that says...

EXODUS 20:8-11 [8], REMEMBER the SABBATH DAY, to KEEP IT HOLY. <Why?> [Because JESUS made it a Holy day of rest for mankind and commands us to keep it as a Holy day] [9], Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: [10], But the SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH of the LORD thy God [This is a direct reference from God's Word defining what the Sabbath is; The SABBATH = the SEVENTH DAY OF THE WEEK]: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: <WHY> [11], For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the SEVENTH DAY: wherefore the LORD BLESSED THE SABBATH, and HALLOWED IT.

This is referring back to GENESIS 2...

GENESIS 2:1-3 [1], Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. [2], And ON THE SEVENTH DAY God ended his work which he had made; and he RESTED [שׁבת; shâbath H7673; Keep Sabbath] on the SEVENTH DAY from all his work which he had made. [3], And GOD BLESSED THE SEVENTH DAY AND MADE IT HOLY: because that in it he had RESTED [שׁבת; shâbath H7673; Keep Sabbath] from all his work which God created and made.

As you can see above it is God's Word not mine that says God BLESSED and made HOLY the SEVENTH DAY of the week not me and it is one of God's 10 commandments that give us the knowledge of what sin is when broken *ROMANS 3:20. Are you not worried dear friend your taking a massive gamble with your salvation by denying God's Word and breaking his 4th commandment? There is not a single scripture in all of God's Word that says God's 4th commandment has now been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a Holy day. Something to think about dear GT.

It seems a weak faith to believe if you have to work on a Saturday you believe you are sinning to the point of needing to be put to death. You are putting a burden on people that should not be. Jesus says to come to him for rest and what he asks for us to do is not burdensome. You are putting a burden on people that need not be. There are people such as yourself trying to be careful not to pick up a chair in their house to move it or clean up a mess that happened because it is worthy of death.

Actually it is quite the opposite. It is a strong faith to believe Gods' Word and do what God's Word says. The Sabbath is not a burden to those who love God it is a delight, peace and rest. There is no peace in Sin however which is breaking anyone of God's 10 commandments. This includes God's 4th commandment which is one of God's 10 commandments that give us the knowledge of what sin is when broken *ROMANS 3:20; ROMANS 7:7; 1 JOHN 3:4 and just like every other one of God's 10 commandments if we knowingly break them we stand guilty before God of sin *JAMES 2:10-11 and all those who continue in known unrepentant sin according to the scriptures will not enter into the kingdom of Heaven because they reject the gift of God's dear son be rejecting his Word and count the blood of the covenant an unholy thing doing dispite to the Spirit of God's grace *HEBREWS 10:26-31. Something to pray about dear GT.

Originally posted by 3rdAngel View PostSo why is God's 4th commandment "seventh day" Sabbath that God set aside and "blessed" and made as a "holy day" for all mankind of which Jesus is the creator or Lord of not a "shadow law"?

Well very simply all the "shadow laws" from the Mosaic book of the old covenant were given AFTER THE FALL of mankind. They where all without exception given after mankind had sinned and were a part of God's plan of salvation in the old covenant that pointed to God's plan of salvation in JESUS in the new covenant. For example all the sin offering pointed to JESUS as our lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world *John 1:29; Christ is our passover lamb slain for the sins of the whole world *1 Corinthians 5:7. Nearly every "shadow law for remission of sins including the Levitical Priesthood and the Sanctuary ceremonial laws were prophetic in nature pointing forward to Jesus and God's plan of salvation in the new covenant for the redemption of mankind and God's plan of salvation for mans sin and reconciliation with God.

So why exactly is God's 4th commandment weekly Sabbath NOT a SHADOW LAW?

Well because it is the only one of God's 10 commandments that point back to the FINISHED work of God at creation when there was NO SIN and NO plan of salvation because mankind was in perfect harmony with God and walked with God and no plan of salvation was needed or required. So it is impossible for God's plan to be a "shadow law" because "shadow laws" point forward. God's 4th commandment points BACKWARD (REMEMBER) to the FINISHED word of creation.....

EXODUS 20:8-11 [8], REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY [Made Holy at creation GENESIS 2:3]. [9], Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: [10], But THE SEVENTH DAY [ Genesis 2:1-3] IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD YOUR GOD : in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: [WHY?] [11], FOR IN SIX DAYS THE LORD MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH, THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM IS, AND RESTED THE SEVENTH DAY; WHEREFORE THE LORD BLESSED THE SABBATH DAY AND MADE IT HOLY. [Referingto GENESIS 2:1-3]

This is what the 4th commandment points back to...

GENESIS 2:1-3 [1], Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. [2], And ON THE SEVENTH DAY God ended his work which he had made; and he RESTED [שׁבת; shâbath H7673; Keep Sabbath] on the SEVENTH DAY from all his work which he had made. [3], And GOD BLESSED THE SEVENTH DAY AND MADE IT HOLY: because that in it he had RESTED [שׁבת; shâbath H7673; Keep Sabbath] from all his work which God created and made.

When the Sabbath was made for all mankind there was no sin so it is impossible for God's 4th commandment to be a "shadow law" of anything. Can you see this dear GT?

Your respnse....

What? God made the plan for salvation BEFORE He made the earth or created anything. Do you understand that the Bible says the plan for salvation was made before anything was made?

As posted earlier, God knowing the end from the beggining and making a plan for seeing that mankind would sin in the garden of Eden does not change that fact that the scriptures teach that the Sabbath was made BEFORE SIN so it cannot be a "SHADOW LAW" pointing to Christ. The "SHADOW LAWS" point FORWARD to Christ and his plan of salvation for sin and reconcilliation of man to God. The Sabbath points backwards to the finished work of creation. Man was also already with God, walking in perfect harmony with God and was without sin not needing reconciliation and saving from sin when the Sabbath was made for all mankind dear GT. Your point that God forseeing the future that mankind would eventually sin in Eden is not relevant and is a moot point. Can you honestly not see this dear GT?

QUOTE=God's Truth;n2748988] Man had not yet been born and had not sinned or did any work yet, so your argument is mote. Can you see then that it can’t be a day of rest from work if sin wasn’t in the world yet and no one had to work? Can you see then that it can’t be a day of rest from work if sin wasn’t in the world yet and no one had to work? [/QUOTE]

Nonsense. Mankind was created on the 6th day of creation (see GENESIS 1:26-31) while the Sabbath day was created on the "SEVENTH DAY" of the creation week (see GENESIS 2:1-3) so it your point that is a moot point. Can you see your mistake here dear GT? Mankind was to work 6 days in their own work (we were created in God's image) and rest on the seventh day that God blessed and made as a Holy day (see GENESIS 2:1-3).

Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post True dear friend but just the same, if we are knowingly (not unknowingly) break anyone of God's 10 commandments we are not in Jesus
Your response...
Well that is not true. Jesus lives to intercede for us and one can find mercy when they repent of their sin

Sure it is true dear friend what do the scriptures teach? I asked you earlier (see above) are we in Christ if we are not believing and following what Jesus says? *John 10:26-27???.

As shown earlier from the scriptures, no one is "IN CHRIST" if they do not believe and follow God's Word because to be "IN CHRIST" means to be in the Word believing and doing what the Word says through the Spirit of God be faith (scriptures provided already above; 1 JOHN 2:3-4; JOHN 10:26-27; MATTHEW 7:21). Only those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's Word are "IN CHRIST" according to the scriptures. If we do not believe and do what God says the scriptures teach we are NOT "IN CHRIST" Now if God asks us in His 4th commandment to "REMEMBER" the the ""SEVENTH DAY SABBATH" day to keep it as a Holy day of rest (no work) and we say NO I will not. I will keep "SUNDAY" and there is not a single scripture in all of God's Word that teaches God's 4th commandment is abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a Holy day and your KNOWINGLY breaking God's law, how can you be "IN CHRIST" dear GT? - You cannot according to the scriptures (see 1 JOHN 2:3-4). JESUS living and interceding for us is only to those who by faith believe and follow what God's Word says. It is not a promise to those who choose to live in known unrepentant sin and reject God's Word *HEBREWS 10:26-31. Can you see what the scriptures teach here dear GT?

Notice that Paul and James don’t speak about Saturday when they speak of breaking a command by harming your neighbor.

Actually your trying to make an argument in silence. PAUL and JAMES are quoting from JESUS when JESUS says ON THESE TWO GREAT COMMANDMENTS OF LOVE TO GOD AND MAN HANG ALL THE LAW and the prophets *MATTHEW 22:36-40. PAUL shows that when the scriptures refer to love your neighbore it is referring to God's 10 commandments that deal with our duty of love to our fellow man and states in ROMANS 13:8-10 that loving our neighbore is summing up those of the 10 commandments that are our duty of love to our fellow man...

ROMANS 13:8-10
[8], Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for HE THAT LOVES ANOTHER HAS FULFILLED THE LAW.
[10], Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW.

Note: the Greek word used here for FULFILLED G4137 πληρόω; plēroō means to execute and to satisfy; to accomplish; to perfect; to complete; to perfect or to supply or give. The context is the law nomos; application and context is the 10 commandments.

James is stating the same thing here....

JAMES 2:8-12
[8], IF YOU FULFILL THE ROYAL LAW ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURE, YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, YOU DO WELL: [9], But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
[12], So speak you, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

James is stating that if we break one of God's 10 commandment of our duty of love to our fellow man we stand guilty before God of sin.

Now the above 10 commandments are our duty of love to our fellow man but that does not mean that we do not have a duty of LOVE to GOD. As JESUS says that the greatest is to LOVE GOD which is expressed in the first four commandments on the 10 commandments. We show our love to God just like our neigbour as shown by PAUL and JAMES through obedience to God's law. So if we love God we will have no other God's, we will not make idols and worship them, we will not use God's name in vain and we will "REMEMBER" that SABBATH day to keep it Holy. Can you see your error here dear GT?

You are sinning by judging people as condemned and no longer in Christ if they don’t observe a Saturday more holy than another day.

Nonsense. Only God's Word has been shared with you dear GT. I do not judge you. It is God's Word that is rightouess judgement that we are to believe and follow. It is not beleiving and following God's Word that is sin *ROMANS 14:23; 1 JOHN 3:4; HEBREWS 10:26-31. We are not sinning by believing and following God's Word and sharing it. We are sinning by not believing and following God's Word as shown through the scriptures. It is God's Word that we accept or reject that is our judge and it is God's Word that will be our judge come judgement day according to the scriptures (see JOHN 12:46-47; JOHN 7:24; 1 JOHN 2:3-4).

There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgement day. God's sheep hear His voice and follow him. Those who do not hear do not follow. Let's all examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not and seek to have a closer walk with JESUS. Sin will keep us away from God and his salvation which is by believing and following God's Word...

God bless dear friend :)

God's Truth

New member
I think it is important not to be upset with what others may say deat GT. I am sure you would agree that we should believe and follow the scriptures that say we should all examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith or not. Do you believe you know all things and your understanding of the scriptures in infallible and everything you have learned from your church is true?

You need to address Oatmeal. I said and did nothing wrong. You also need to address privately if you would like, as the Bible says.


Well-known member
It is your laziness. You don't know the scriptures but you want to be a teacher.

You are the one who asked the question and I answered. If you want to know more, look it up yourself.

I am not going to feed you a fish when you are capable of fishing for yourself

God's Truth

New member
Actually what you were quoting from answered your question. God knows the end from the beggining before it even happends. He knew that man would sin and made away of escape for him. As posted earlier your point is moot as the Sabbath was made before sin when mankind was in perfect harmony with God. This is already shown in detail in another post so need to repeat myself here.

You are not very careful in that you sometimes claim things are said by me when no such thing was said. You also don't listen very well at times and you miss the answers. It even happened when I explained to you why it is that you can't edit.

Well then you learned something from me today because you denied that God made the plan for salvation before He made the world.

Your response...

Why would I have to deny that God knew the end from the beggining and knew mankind would sin and made a plan of salvation before him? I already told you I agree with this so your statement here daer friend is not true is it?

You denied it more than once.

Sooo how does what you have posted here address what you are quoting from above? It doesn't. What you are ignoring is that what you are saying in relation to God knowing the end from the beggining and knowing man would sin and making a plan of mans salvation does not change the fact that when God made the Sabbath for man there was no sin and also the fact that God's 4th commandment does not point forward as a shadow law to something to come we the commandments "REMEMBER" points back to the "FINISHED WORK" of creation where God "BLESSED" the "SEVENTH DAY" for all mankind when there was "NO SIN" and made the "SEVENTH DAY" a "HOLY DAY OF REST". When the Sabbath was made for all mankind there was no sin and no need for any plan of salvation because mankind was in perfect harmony with God and walked and talked with God as a friend with no sin. Your making a moot point that is not relavent to the scriptures showing that the Sabbath was made before sin so cannot be a shadow law of anything as it points backward "REMEMBER" to the "FINISHED WORK" of creation when there was "NO SIN" and makkind was in perfect harmony with God.
It is not pointing backwards if man had not yet sinned.

As a side note to you, stop saying I ignore something. Your posts are given great attention by me. You repeat yourself too much, by the way, even though you had the nerve to say I did. lol

Nonsense. Your confused dear friend.

No, I don't speak nonsense and not confused. Try to abstain from such remarks all the time.

As shown above and elsewhere the context of Colossians 2:16 is to the ceremonial "shadow sabbaths" in the feast days that can fall on any day of the week, that are not Gods 4th "seventh day weekly commandment. God's 4th commandment is eternal pointing BACKWARD to the FINISHED work of creation so as posted above is impossible to be a "shadow law" as there was no law when it was created and no sin.
God did not command Adam and Eve not to work on the Sabbath because there was no work yet and no sin.

It became a no work day when the law was given.

A shadow of Jesus means just that, it is came before Jesus and was a shadow of him.

God making the Sabbath a day of rest---no work, was given when the law was given to Moses.

The is why it will be continued to be kept in the new heavens and new earth but you need to deny this to keep on breaking God's 4th commandment.

ISAIAH 66:22-23 [22], For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, said the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.
[23], And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, said the LORD.

God's people keep all of God's 10 commandments by faith in God's Word *REVELATION 12:17; REVELATION 14:12; REVELATION 22:14 not some of them. Sin (breaking anyone of God's 10 commandments) *1 JOHN 3:4 according to the scriptures is the difference between the children of God and the children of the devil *1 JOHN 3:6-10.

It is sinning when you judge and condemn the way you do about a Sabbath. You also preach falseness, which isn't good.

God's Truth

New member
You are the one who asked the question and I answered. If you want to know more, look it up yourself.

I am not going to feed you a fish when you are capable of fishing for yourself

You know I already know what it is that Peter was talking about. You just like to twist the truth and mash it up.

God's Truth

New member
Well dear friend I asked you to show me a single scripture that says that Romans 14 is talking about God's 4th commandment.

It is about a day to be held more special, according to the Old Testament.
Nowhere does it say except for the Sabbath.

You have provided none and are simply reading into the scriptures what the scriptures do not say or teach.
That is what you are doing.
The scripture plainly says not to let anyone judge you for not observing a day. Nowhere does it say wait oh except for the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day.

We have also gone through Romans 14 verse by verse and shown that there is no mention of God's 4th commandment anywhere and that that scriptures and subject matter is on eating and not eating (fasting) on days that men esteem over other days. Not what days God esteems and judging others.

You even made it up that it is about fasting. Doesn’t say it so don’t add it.
You do know that Sabbath and Sunday was never an issue in the days of the Galatians right and Paul as his manner was always kept the seventh day Sabbath according to God's 4th commandment right? *ACTS 17:2. Your misapplying scripture.

You are denying the scriptures. You don’t answer questions and you deny what the scriptures do say and add to other ones. Why do you think the Galatians wanted to get circumcised? Why do you think that Paul says if they get circumcised they have to obey all the law?

So do you really want to keep denying that the JEWS tried to get the Galatians to observe special days and get circumcised? Lol

God's Truth

New member
I am sorry dear friend. How does this answer the question you are responding to? I asked you are we in Christ if we are not believing and following what Jesus says? *John 10:26-27???. Let me answer the question for you from the scriptures. No one is "IN CHRIST" if they do not believe and follow God's Word because to be "IN CHRIST" means to be in the Word believing and doing what the Word says through the Spirit of God be faith....

Jesus saves those who obey him. Did you humble yourself and repent of your sins before you got saved?
Nonsense. Please provide the scripture. There is no scripture that says everyday is a Holy day.
You don't know that we are supposed to be holy every day?

The scriptures only teach that God blessed the "SEVENTH" day and made it a "HOLY DAY" of "REST" where no work was to be done. You are confused here dear GT. If everyday was a Holy day of rest where no work can be done, how could anyone survive and make a living?

Nowhere did I say what you claim.

We are to be holy every days. The Sabbath was sanctified by God, but He did not command anyone to not work on that day, until the law came.

As posted earlier, God knowing the end from the beggining and making a plan for seeing that mankind would sin in the garden of Eden does not change that fact that the scriptures teach that the Sabbath was made BEFORE SIN so it cannot be a "SHADOW LAW" pointing to Christ. The "SHADOW LAWS" point FORWARD to Christ and his plan of salvation for sin and reconcilliation of man to God.

God didn't make it a no work day until the law as given to Moses.

Actually your trying to make an argument in silence. PAUL and JAMES are quoting from JESUS when JESUS says ON THESE TWO GREAT COMMANDMENTS OF LOVE TO GOD AND MAN HANG ALL THE LAW and the prophets *MATTHEW 22:36-40. PAUL shows that when the scriptures refer to love your neighbore it is referring to God's 10 commandments that deal with our duty of love to our fellow man and states in ROMANS 13:8-10 that loving our neighbore is summing up those of the 10 commandments that are our duty of love to our fellow man...

You seem to have forgotten what else I said and that is that LOVE DOESN'T HARM your neighbor.

You know if you make a meal on the Sabbath and clean your dishes you aren't harming your neighbor.

Nonsense. Only God's Word has been shared with you dear GT. I do not judge you. It is God's Word that is rightouess judgement that we are to believe and follow. It is not beleiving and following God's Word that is sin *ROMANS 14:23; 1 JOHN 3:4; HEBREWS 10:26-31. We are not sinning by believing and following God's Word and sharing it. We are sinning by not believing and following God's Word as shown through the scriptures. It is God's Word that we accept or reject that is our judge and it is God's Word that will be our judge come judgement day according to the scriptures (see JOHN 12:46-47; JOHN 7:24; 1 JOHN 2:3-4).

There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgement day. God's sheep hear His voice and follow him. Those who do not hear do not follow. Let's all examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not and seek to have a closer walk with JESUS. Sin will keep us away from God and his salvation which is by believing and following God's Word...

God bless dear friend :)

Did you repent of your sins when you wanted to get saved?


New member
Well then you learned something from me today because you denied that God made the plan for salvation before He made the world.

Nonsense dear friend. I think you are getting me mixed up with someone else. Please post me the link where I ever said God did not make the plan of salvation before the foundation of the earth? If I have never said such thing why are you pretending that I have? I will leave that between you and God to work through. I already posted earlier and in the very post you are quoting from that God knows the end from the beggining before it even happends. He knew that man would sin and made away of escape for him. As posted earlier your point is moot as the Sabbath was made before sin when mankind was in perfect harmony with God. This is already shown in detail in another post so need to repeat myself here. It seems all your accusations dear friend are not true and are simply a reflection of the very things you are doing.
Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post Why would I have to deny that God knew the end from the beggining and knew mankind would sin and made a plan of salvation before him? I already told you I agree with this so your statement here daer friend is not true is it?

Your response here...
You denied it more than once.

I would say that you are confused and ask you to post me a link where I have ever says God did not make a plan for mans salvation before he had sinned? If you cannot why are you stating things I have never says? If what you are saying is true you should have no problems proving your claims as I cannot edit anything here. If you cannot provide a link do you think it may be chrstian to apologise to saying things I have never said? You do not have to if you do not want to dear GT. I will simply leave it between you and God.
Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post Sooo how does what you have posted here address what you are quoting from above? It doesn't. What you are ignoring is that what you are saying in relation to God knowing the end from the beggining and knowing man would sin and making a plan of mans salvation does not change the fact that when God made the Sabbath for man there was no sin and also the fact that God's 4th commandment does not point forward as a shadow law to something to come we the commandments "REMEMBER" points back to the "FINISHED WORK" of creation where God "BLESSED" the "SEVENTH DAY" for all mankind when there was "NO SIN" and made the "SEVENTH DAY" a "HOLY DAY OF REST". When the Sabbath was made for all mankind there was no sin and no need for any plan of salvation because mankind was in perfect harmony with God and walked and talked with God as a friend with no sin. Your making a moot point that is not relavent to the scriptures showing that the Sabbath was made before sin so cannot be a shadow law of anything as it points backward "REMEMBER" to the "FINISHED WORK" of creation when there was "NO SIN" and makkind was in perfect harmony with God.

Your response...

It is not pointing backwards if man had not yet sinned.

Look at you simply ingoring the scriptures and hand waiving what you are respondind to? They are God's Word dear GT not my words. God's 4th commandment is indeed pointing "BACKWARDS" to creation and GENESIS 2:1-3 read EXODUS 20:8-11 it says this to "REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY". To remember is pointing back to something that has already happened. What you are stating here only supports the scriptures shared with you. IF there was NO SIN and NO PLAN OF SALVATION needed for sin whey the SABBATH was created for man then it is impossible for God's 4th commandment to be a "shadow law" as "shadow laws" point forward to an unfinished work. While God's 4th commandment points "BACKWARD" (remember - EXODUS 20:8) to the "FINISHED WORK OF CREATION". Do you not believe these scriptures dear GT?

As a side note to you, stop saying I ignore something. Your posts are given great attention by me. You repeat yourself too much, by the way, even though you had the nerve to say I did. lol

I am sorry dear friend, here we will agree to disagree. All I see here is you repeating yourself and providing an opinion unsupported by the scriptures in order to deny scripture.

God did not command Adam and Eve not to work on the Sabbath because there was no work yet and no sin.

Sure he did. Who do you think God blessed, santified and made the seventh day Sabbath a holy day of rest for? JESUS answered this very question here....

A shadow of Jesus means just that, it is came before Jesus and was a shadow of hi God making the Sabbath a day of rest---no work, was given when the law was given to Moses.

As shown above the SABBATH is a part of the FINISHED WORK of CREATION and points back to creation (REMEMBER) *EXODUS 20:8. It was given BEFORE SIN and BEFORE THE NEED FOR A PLAN OF SALVATION when mankind was in perfect harmony with God so it is therefore impossible for Gods' 4th commandment to be a "shadow of things to come" because it points BACK to the finished work of creation. You are incorrect. The Sabbath was made and given to mankind in creation when God "BLESSED" that "SEVENTH DAY and make it a HOLY DAY of all mankind *GENESIS 2:1-3; MARK 2:27.

It is sinning when you judge and condemn the way you do about a Sabbath. You also preach falseness, which isn't good.

Nonsense dear friend your just repeating yourself again without addressing anything from the post and scriptures you are quoting from. Only God's Word has been shared with you dear GT. I do not judge you. It is God's Word that is rightouess judgement that we are to believe and follow. It is not beleiving and following God's Word that is sin *ROMANS 14:23; 1 JOHN 3:4; HEBREWS 10:26-31. We are not sinning by believing and following God's Word and sharing it. We are sinning by not believing and following God's Word as shown through the scriptures. It is God's Word that we accept or reject that is our judge and it is God's Word that will be our judge come judgement day according to the scriptures (see JOHN 12:46-47; JOHN 7:24; 1 JOHN 2:3-4).
There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgement day. God's sheep hear His voice and follow him. Those who do not hear do not follow. Let's all examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not and seek to have a closer walk with JESUS. Sin will keep us away from God and his salvation which is by believing and following God's Word. I believe God's Word can be a blessing or a curse to us. It is a blessing if we choose to believe and follow God's Word or a curse if we reject it in order to continue in known unrepentant sin when God gives us a knowledge of His truth through his Word *HEBREWS 10:26-31. We must all ask ourselves why we will choose. Will it be the Word of God or the teachings of men that break the commandments of God? Jesus says those who choose the latter are not worshipping God *MATTHEW 15:2-9.

Hope this helps dear friend :)


New member
It is about a day to be held more special, according to the Old Testament. Nowhere does it say except for the Sabbath.

What you mean to say is that no where in ROMANS 14 does it talk about God's 4th commandment and the topic and subject matter is on eating and not eating (fasting) ON days that men esteem over other days and people judging them for this. Soo nope! No mention of God's 4th commandment here. Your trying to read into the scriptures and change the content, context and subject matter by cherry picking scripture out of context and trying to read into it what the scriptures do not say or teach. All your doing here is repeating yourself again without addressing the scriptures and posts shared with you that show why your in error.

The scripture plainly says not to let anyone judge you for not observing a day. Nowhere does it say wait oh except for the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day.

Nonsense the scriptures say no such thing. ROMANS 14:1-6 says not to let anyone judge you in regards to what you eat or not eat on days that men esteem over other days. Nothing to do with God's 4th commandment as they were all keeping it. Nothing to do with what days God esteems over other days. Your twisting the scriptures to try and make them say what they do not say or do not teach.

You even made it up that it is about fasting. Doesn’t say it so don’t add it.

Fasting is a Greek verb νηστεύω means to abstain from food and drink either fully or partially. Nothing was added.

Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post You do know that Sabbath and Sunday was never an issue in the days of the Galatians right and Paul as his manner was always kept the seventh day Sabbath according to God's 4th commandment right? *ACTS 17:2. Your misapplying scripture.
Your response here...

You are denying the scriptures. You don’t answer questions and you deny what the scriptures do say and add to other ones. Why do you think the Galatians wanted to get circumcised? Why do you think that Paul says if they get circumcised they have to obey all the law?

Soo how does this respond to what you are quoting from dear friend? Yep it doesn't I think what you have written here applies to you. What questions do you claim I have not directly answered? Yet I can post a multitude you have not answered but simply chosen to ignore. Your all over the place dear friend. We start talking about a scripture from one book then I look at the scriptures with you in detail so you want to move away and start talking about a scripture from another book so I look at the scriptures and context with you and now youe off to Galatians? What has "CIRCUMCISION" have to do with God's 10 commandments? - Nothing. Paul even goes on to say....


So if circumcision and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping og the commandments of God is everything why deny God's 4th commandment when if we KNOWINGLY break anyone of God's 10 commandments we commit sin *JAMES 2:10-11; 1 JOHN 3:4; 1 JOHN 2:3-4; HEBREWS 10:26-27?

Sorry dear friend it seems like God's Word disagrees with you. Perhaps it is time for us to agree to disagree as your only repeating yourself now and not addressing anything in my posts.

Thanks for the discussion.

May God bless you as you seek him in His Word. Ignoring God's Word however does not make it disappear. It will be come our judge come judgement day *JOHN 12:47-48 :e4e:


New member
Jesus saves those who obey him. Did you humble yourself and repent of your sins before you got saved

Is anyone obeying JESUS if they reject his Word and knowingly break his commandments? - Nope *Matthew 7:21-23; John 14:15; John 15:10; 1 JOHN 2:3-4; HEBREWS 10:26-27

You don't know that we are supposed to be holy every day?

Perhaps you are getting tired. We are talking about God's 4th commandment seventh day Sabbath being a holy day. If we are breaking anyone of God's 10 commandments we are not being Holy at all we are committing sin *1 JOHN 3:4; JAMES 2:10-11.

Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post The scriptures only teach that God blessed the "SEVENTH" day and made it a "HOLY DAY" of "REST" where no work was to be done. You are confused here dear GT. If everyday was a Holy day of rest where no work can be done, how could anyone survive and make a living?

Your response here...

Nowhere did I say what you claim.

Sure you did here it is here....

Originally posted by God's Truth View Post If one is in Christ, then every day is holy, where we do no purification works and keep our faith in Jesus our rest.

Perhaps you did not read your post before sending it?

The Sabbath was sanctified by God, but He did not command anyone to not work on that day, until the law came.

Nonsense. God blessed and made the day a holy day of rest in GENESIS 2:1-3. Go and read it.

GENESIS 2:1-3 [1], Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. [2], And ON THE SEVENTH DAY God ended his work which he had made; and HE RESTED [שׁבת; shâbath H7673; KEEP SABBATH] on the SEVENTH DAY from all his work which he had made. [3], And GOD BLESSED THE SEVENTH DAY AND MADE IT HOLY: BECAUSE THAT IN IT HE HAD RESTED [שׁבת; shâbath H7673; Keep Sabbath] from all his work which God created and made.

The reason the day is blessed and set apart as a holy day is to cease from work and rest.

You seem to have forgotten what else I said and that is that LOVE DOESN'T HARM your neighbor. You know if you make a meal on the Sabbath and clean your dishes you aren't harming your neighbor.

PAUL and JAMES are quoting from JESUS when JESUS says ON THESE TWO GREAT COMMANDMENTS OF LOVE TO GOD AND MAN HANG ALL THE LAW and the prophets *MATTHEW 22:36-40. PAUL shows that when the scriptures refer to love your neighbore it is referring to God's 10 commandments that deal with our duty of love to our fellow man and states in ROMANS 13:8-10 that loving our neighbore is summing up those of the 10 commandments that are our duty of love to our fellow man...

ROMANS 13:8-10
[8], Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for HE THAT LOVES ANOTHER HAS FULFILLED THE LAW.
[10], Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW.

Note: the Greek word used here for FULFILLED G4137 πληρόω; plēroō means to execute and to satisfy; to accomplish; to perfect; to complete; to perfect or to supply or give. The context is the law nomos; application and context is the 10 commandments.

James is stating the same thing here....

JAMES 2:8-12
[8], IF YOU FULFILL THE ROYAL LAW ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURE, YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, YOU DO WELL: [9], But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
[12], So speak you, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

James is stating that if we break one of God's 10 commandment of our duty of love to our fellow man we stand guilty before God of sin.

Now the above 10 commandments are our duty of love to our fellow man but that does not mean that we do not have a duty of LOVE to GOD. As JESUS says that the greatest is to LOVE GOD which is expressed in the first four commandments on the 10 commandments. We show our love to God just like our neigbour as shown by PAUL and JAMES through obedience to God's law. So if we love God we will have no other God's, we will not make idols and worship them, we will not use God's name in vain and we will "REMEMBER" that SABBATH day to keep it Holy. Can you see your error here dear GT?

Originally posted by 3rdAngel View Post Nonsense. Only God's Word has been shared with you dear GT. I do not judge you. It is God's Word that is rightouess judgement that we are to believe and follow. It is not beleiving and following God's Word that is sin *ROMANS 14:23; 1 JOHN 3:4; HEBREWS 10:26-31. We are not sinning by believing and following God's Word and sharing it. We are sinning by not believing and following God's Word as shown through the scriptures. It is God's Word that we accept or reject that is our judge and it is God's Word that will be our judge come judgement day according to the scriptures (see JOHN 12:46-47; JOHN 7:24; 1 JOHN 2:3-4). There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgement day. God's sheep hear His voice and follow him. Those who do not hear do not follow. Let's all examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not and seek to have a closer walk with JESUS. Sin will keep us away from God and his salvation which is by believing and following God's Word...

God bless dear friend :)
Your response...
Did you repent of your sins when you wanted to get saved?

How does this respond to what your quoting from dear GT? It doesn't. Of course I repented of my sins that I knew were sins when I first became a Christian. Did you?

God's Truth

New member
You have no idea what I know or don't know on this subject.

You are the one who didn't answer the question.

You are the one who preaches false doctrines and couldn't defend it with truth, but you resorted to the only thing you had left, and that was to insult and bear false witness against me.

God's Truth

New member
Nonsense dear friend. I think you are getting me mixed up with someone else. Please post me the link where I ever said God did not make the plan of salvation before the foundation of the earth?
No, no mixing anyone up. I might have time to look up your words for you, we’ll see. The problem with that is even when I show you how more than once you spoke of the plan not being made before the creation of the world, you will probably still deny it, even when it is shown to you.
I already posted earlier and in the very post you are quoting from that God knows the end from the beggining before it even happends.
That doesn’t mean you didn’t go against the plan being made BEFORE the creation of anything.

He knew that man would sin and made away of escape for him. As posted earlier your point is moot as the Sabbath was made before sin when mankind was in perfect harmony with God. This is already shown in detail in another post so need to repeat myself here. It seems all your accusations dear friend are not true and are simply a reflection of the very things you are doing.

It is no bother for me to tell you a hundred times if need be: when God made the 7th day, He did not say and let Adam and Eve not work on that day. God made the command for no work that day when He gave the law to Moses.

Look at you simply ingoring the scriptures and hand waiving what you are respondind to?
No such thing as me ignoring the scriptures and the other things you say about me.

I am sorry dear friend, here we will agree to disagree. All I see here is you repeating yourself and providing an opinion unsupported by the scriptures in order to deny scripture
Sure he did. Who do you think God blessed, santified and made the seventh day Sabbath a holy day of rest for? JESUS answered this very question here....

…and no man had sinned yet and no man had worked yet when God made the 7th day.

The law to not do any work on the Sabbath was given by God to Moses.

Exodus 1:1 And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the Lord hath commanded, that ye should do them.

2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath day.

So why do you keep saying it was not a command of the old law?
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God's Truth

New member
As shown above the SABBATH is a part of the FINISHED WORK of CREATION and points back to creation (REMEMBER) *EXODUS 20:8. It was given BEFORE SIN and BEFORE THE NEED FOR A PLAN OF SALVATION when mankind was in perfect harmony with God so it is therefore impossible for Gods' 4th commandment to be a "shadow of things to come" because it points BACK to the finished work of creation. You are incorrect. The Sabbath was made and given to mankind in creation when God "BLESSED" that "SEVENTH DAY and make it a HOLY DAY of all mankind *GENESIS 2:1-3; MARK 2:27.

You keep saying “points back”.

A shadow are all things that were before he came.


See there, you claimed you never said it, but here it is again you saying before the need for a plan of salvation! Now I don't have to go find the places where you said it because you keep repeating yourself. haaa

You don’t even know what you say.

God made the PLAN before the creation---BEFORE THE NEED for the plan.

Your insistence of “pointing back” to the Sabbath day is in defiance to the fact that THE COMMAND TO NOT WORK ON THE SABBATH WAS THE LAW AS GIVEN TO MOSES.


God's Truth

New member
Nonsense dear friend your just repeating yourself again without addressing anything from the post and scriptures you are quoting from.
You are the one who is speaking nonsense. You have repeated that to me how many times now?
Only God's Word has been shared with you dear GT. I do not judge you.
You do judge others according to a Sabbath. God says not to do that. I have given you the scriptures but you refuse to see it is what you do.
It is God's Word that is rightouess judgement that we are to believe and follow. It is not beleiving and following God's Word that is sin *ROMANS 14:23; 1 JOHN 3:4; HEBREWS 10:26-31. We are not sinning by believing and following God's Word and sharing it.
God’s word says NOT TO JUDGE ANYONE according to a day.
You sin gravely when you condemn others according to a day.
You put a day above the Lord.
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath.
A day not observed as any more special than another doesn’t condemn.
However, you condemn according to a day observed.
Jesus even allowed a man to break the Sabbath of no work when the man gathered his bed and carried it.
It does NOT harm anyone to do work on the Sabbath.
Our rest is in Christ.
You are the one who causes harm to your neighbor according to a day.
Jesus is the rest, and a day is just a day.
We don’t work any day any more to purify ourselves to be near God.
Jesus does the work of purifying us.
We are sinning by not believing and following God's Word as shown through the scriptures
You are sinning for not believing and following God’s Word.
There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgement day. God's sheep hear His voice and follow him.
Have you ever heard Jesus’ voice?
Those who do not hear do not follow. Let's all examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or not and seek to have a closer walk with JESUS.
If you have to examine yourself, then you are not in the Lord.
Those who obey Jesus and live through his Spirit know that they are doing it.

God's Truth

New member
What you mean to say is that no where in ROMANS 14 does it talk about God's 4th commandment and the topic and subject matter is on eating and not eating (fasting) ON days that men esteem over other days and people judging them for this. Soo nope! No mention of God's 4th commandment here. Your trying to read into the scriptures and change the content, context and subject matter by cherry picking scripture out of context and trying to read into it what the scriptures do not say or teach. All your doing here is repeating yourself again without addressing the scriptures and posts shared with you that show why your in error.

Special days were observed by the Jews.

Paul doesn’t speak about special days and say, “Oh wait, except for the 7th day”.

Nonsense the scriptures say no such thing. ROMANS 14:1-6 says not to let anyone judge you in regards to what you eat or not eat on days that men esteem over other days. Nothing to do with God's 4th commandment as they were all keeping it. Nothing to do with what days God esteems over other days. Your twisting the scriptures to try and make them say what they do not say or do not teach.
You don’t even understand that to eat or not eat is about eating meat that Jews said were unclean, and about vegetarianism.

Fasting is a Greek verb νηστεύω means to abstain from food and drink either fully or partially. Nothing was added.
The scripture was not about fasting.

We start talking about a scripture from one book then I look at the scriptures with you in detail so you want to move away and start talking about a scripture from another book so I look at the scriptures and context with you and now youe off to Galatians? What has "CIRCUMCISION" have to do with God's 10 commandments? - Nothing. Paul even goes on to say....

You lack a lot when it comes to understanding.

The reason why I bring up Galatians is because Paul rebukes the Galatians for observing special days. The Jews had got a hold of the Gentile

Christian Galatians and talked them into doing the things the Jews did according to Moses and that is---the OBSERVANCE OF SPECIAL DAYS


The Jews talked them into observing special days and to get circumcised.

God's Truth

New member


Galatians 4
9 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
11 I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.
21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?

You see that? The Galatians were trying to observe the special days as was given by the law of Moses.

God's Truth

New member

And OBSERVING SPECIAL DAYS IS WORTHLESS and shows your faith is weak.

Romans 14
1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it.

God's Truth

New member


Colossians 2

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.


Colossians 2:20 Therefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,


Galatians 4
9 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
11 I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.
21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?