Can you be a Christian and a Socialist? The Popes Say No


And I am telling you that the personal comments of one pope do not supersede Catholic teaching.

Again, that's your with your own contrary religion any way your conscious sees fit. I just offered viewers an alternate view from the current of which you conveniently ignored and subsequently dismissed. Which is interesting in itself......but I digress.


Socialism Has Been Condemned For 20 Centuries
One would be hard-pressed to find an error that has been condemned more often, more strongly, by more popes, for more serious reasons, than socialism.

Pope Francis didn't comment on Socialism (Rather a more giving compassionate level of Capitalism. )....that's your interpretation and subsequent method of propaganda and dis-information.



The Believers Share their Possessions (Acts 4:32-35)

- they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly

- no one claimed that any of their possessions was their own

- they shared everything they had

- there were no needy persons among them

- it was distributed to anyone who had need

Apparently the Believers, while under the influence of the Holy Spirit, were unaware that their actions were politically incorrect and contravened Christian doctrine!


right! :thumb:


The Believers Give their Possessions to the Roman Government

n a primitive communist society, all able bodied persons would have engaged in obtaining food, and everyone would share in what was produced by hunting and gathering. There would be no private property, which is distinguished from personal property such as articles of clothing and similar personal items, because primitive society produced no surplus; what was produced was quickly consumed and this was because there existed no division of labour, hence people were forced to work together. The few things that existed for any length of time (tools, housing) were held communally, in Engels' view in association with matrilocal residence and matrilineal descent; There would have been no state.

Domestication of animals and plants following the Neolithic Revolution through herding and agriculture was seen as the turning point from primitive communism to class society as it was followed by private ownership and slavery, with the inequality that they entailed. In addition, parts of the population specialized in different activities, such as manufacturing, culture, philosophy, and science which is said to lead to the development of social classes.

Throughout most of human prehistory, humans lived in a largely "communist," egalitarian societies whereby private ownership beyond the bare essentials was unknown!

While the agricultural revolution and the rise of the city-states has been characterized as progress, it was actually a step backward in terms of the diet/health of the average individual and relationships with one's neighbors!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
n a primitive communist society, all able bodied persons would have engaged in obtaining food, and everyone would share in what was produced by hunting and gathering. There would be no private property, which is distinguished from personal property such as articles of clothing and similar personal items, because primitive society produced no surplus; what was produced was quickly consumed and this was because there existed no division of labour, hence people were forced to work together. The few things that existed for any length of time (tools, housing) were held communally, in Engels' view in association with matrilocal residence and matrilineal descent; There would have been no state.

Domestication of animals and plants following the Neolithic Revolution through herding and agriculture was seen as the turning point from primitive communism to class society as it was followed by private ownership and slavery, with the inequality that they entailed. In addition, parts of the population specialized in different activities, such as manufacturing, culture, philosophy, and science which is said to lead to the development of social classes.

Throughout most of human prehistory, humans lived in a largely "communist," egalitarian societies whereby private ownership beyond the bare essentials was unknown!

While the agricultural revolution and the rise of the city-states has been characterized as progress, it was actually a step backward in terms of the diet/health of the average individual and relationships with one's neighbors!

dude - go nuts

give away all your stuff

start with your keyboard :)

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
i see you're not interested in following your own advice

I believe there's a word for that :think:

Don't you love all these Socialist baby-murdering non-Catholics trying to explain Catholic teaching to a Catholic? lol

The Believers Share their Possessions (Acts 4:32-35)

You are suffering from mental retardation if you think the Bible teaches socialism. Who is YOUR Messiah, Hitler?