Can someone answer this?


Well-known member

Just because God calls Atonement on the 10th a Sabbath and Trumpets too does not mean God's Calendar goes against any other calendar rules God gives. The scriptures are clear and there are six different places in the Bible where it reveals the Sabbaths are on days 8,15,22 & 29, as this calendar Kahuna shows:

Ignoring it only makes you ignorant of it.


Well-known member

Just because God calls Atonement on the 10th a Sabbath and Trumpets too does not mean God's Calendar goes against any other calendar rules God gives. The scriptures are clear and there are six different places in the Bible where it reveals the Sabbaths are on days 8,15,22 & 29, as this calendar Kahuna shows:

Ignoring it only makes you ignorant of it.

Ignoring what I quoted to you from the Torah only makes you ignorant of the facts, and that is why you continue to insist that Rosh Hashanah is called a Sabbath when you already know it is not because it has already been shown to you how and why you are in error. You are the one who is ignoring the facts: there is only one answer to this, so why do you keep repeating the same errors and posting the same erroneous links and videos over and over again, expecting a different answer? I cannot give you any other answer than what is written in the Torah which you keep rejecting:

Even your own statement is not factually correct because Lev23:24 says shabbaton, which is a rest, but not necessarily a Shabbat, while at the same time Yom Kippurim, (the tenth), is called more critically and importantly a Shabbat shabbaton, that is, a Shabbat or Sabbath of shabbaton-rest. Not even modern Judaism keeps it this way, so I suppose both you and Jacob will disagree with this, but this is what the passage says and thus teaches, (Lev23:24-32).

How therefore can you have a Shabbat on the first and a Shabbat on the tenth in the same month? Is this another place where you insert days that do not even actually get counted in your calendar? There is no way even this one little technicality will work on your calendar because if you insert extra days you must insert them at the end of the previous month, between the months: but there is no way to insert your extra days between the first and the tenth of any given month and there certainly is no way to remove any days. I understand why some will add days to keep the Shabbat on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th in their calendar, but I have never heard of anyone trying to add or remove days between the first and the tenth of a month or anywhere in the midst of an ongoing month. And obviously you cannot have a Shabbat on the first and a Shabbat on the tenth if you have a seven day week consisting of seven twenty-four hour days: it's that simple, and yet Yom Kippurim is plainly stated to be a Shabbat shabbaton, (Lev23:32), which is a Shabbat of rest.

And since you claim to be the all-knowing chief kahuna when it comes to calendars you should have already known about this little technicality, eh kahuna? Why therefore do you say that Rosh Hashanah is called a Sabbath when it is not? A shabbaton is not always a Shabbat because the Shabbatot are called Shabbat shabbaton beginning in Exo16:23, (which also calls it holy, a shabbaton Shabbat kodesh). Other days which are not Sabbaths, such as Rosh Hashanah, can still be called a shabbaton-rest but that does not mean they are the same as the Shabbat.

I have already studied all of those things and know precisely of what I speak. Why are you ignoring the elephant in the room? Your calendar cannot be correct because you cannot possibly have a Sabbath on both the first and the tenth. Yom Kippurim is most definitely and absolutely a Shabbat shabbaton, a Sabbath of rest, and therefore the first cannot be a weekly Shabbat, and neither can the eighth be a Shabbat in the same month because it would fall two days before the Shabbat of Yom Kippurim. Can you not count? Eight plus two is ten and two days is not seven days by any stretch of the imagination. Your calendar therefore CANNOT be "God's Calendar" because it apparently does not even recognize the great Shabbat of Yom Kippurim!

No answer Watchman? Every place in the Torah where we find shabbat and shabbaton used together the passage always speaks of the weekly Shabbat, with the only partial exception being the sabbatical year, (but it still speaks in terms of sabbaths of weeks of years).

Exodus 16:23 ~ shabbaton shabbat kodesh, (weekly Shabbat).
Exodus 31:15 ~ shabbat shabbaton kodesh, (weekly Shabbat).
Exodus 35:2 ~ kodesh shabbat shabbaton, (weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 16:31 ~ shabbat shabbaton, (Yom Kippurim - weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 23:3 ~ shabbat shabbaton, mikra kodesh, (weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 23:32 ~ shabbat shabbaton, (Yom Kippurim - weekly Shabbat).
Leviticus 25:4 ~ shabbat shabbaton, (the weekly Shabbat of years for the land).

Does your calendar properly place Yom Kippurim as occurring on a weekly Shabbat, Watchman? And if not then how can it be "God's Calendar" if it does not even recognize the greatest weekly Shabbat of the year, the Day of Atonements? Every other Shabbat shabbaton is a weekly Shabbat according to the Torah, whether it be days or the one place which speaks of weeks of years: and Yom Kippurim is called the same, and therefore it also it a weekly Shabbat. The evidence from the Torah is plain as day for those who are of a willing heart to receive it. And therefore the tenth of the seventh hodesh is a shabbat shabbaton weekly Shabbat of Rest.

Rosh Hashanah is not called a Sabbath and there are even more passages which reveal this wherein shabbaton is used by itself, without the word Shabbat attached in the context, and in such places like the following it cannot be speaking of a weekly Shabbat:

Leviticus 23:39
39 Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a shabbaton, and on the eighth day shall be a shabbaton.

In the passage above the eighth day cannot be a Shabbat but is rather saying that it is a shabbaton-rest: not a weekly Shabbat. The calendar you are promoting is faulty and corrupt and not "God's Calendar" by any means because it ignores the fact that Yom Kippurim is called a Shabbat shabbaton while Rosh Hashanah is not. YOU are the one ignoring the facts.


Well-known member
Ignoring what I quoted to you from the Torah only makes you ignorant of the facts, and that is why you continue to insist that Rosh Hashanah is called a Sabbath when you already know it is not because it has already been shown to you how and why you are in error. You are the one who is ignoring the facts: there is only one answer to this, so why do you keep repeating the same errors and posting the same erroneous links and videos over and over again, expecting a different answer? I cannot give you any other answer than what is written in the Torah which you keep rejecting:

Rosh Hashanah is not called a Sabbath and there are even more passages which reveal this wherein shabbaton is used by itself, without the word Shabbat attached in the context, and in such places like the following it cannot be speaking of a weekly Shabbat:

Leviticus 23:39
39 Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a shabbaton, and on the eighth day shall be a shabbaton.

In the passage above the eighth day cannot be a Shabbat but is rather saying that it is a shabbaton-rest: not a weekly Shabbat. The calendar you are promoting is faulty and corrupt and not "God's Calendar" by any means because it ignores the fact that Yom Kippurim is called a Shabbat shabbaton while Rosh Hashanah is not. YOU are the one ignoring the facts.

Again you are purposefully ignoring the fact that there are six places in the Bible that show the Sabbath falling on days 8,15,22 & 29 and none of them are to do with any of the verses you have stated. No matter how many times you ignore these scripture they will always be there. This video explains the verses that you do not know about. Ignoring it only makes you ignorant of God's Calendar:


New member
Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.
The Hebrew calendar was not lost to the Jews that wrote the Mishnah, Tosefta, Jerusalem Talmud, Babylonian Talmud, and the Midrash.
Saturday is the same day as the Sabbath.
There was no shift of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the Hebrew calendar to a different day to accommodate the Roman calendar.
God influenced the creation of the Roman calendar so it ended up with seven days in a week and the seventh day fell on the Sabbath.


Well-known member
Again you are purposefully ignoring the fact that there are six places in the Bible that show the Sabbath falling on days 8,15,22 & 29 and none of them are to do with any of the verses you have stated. No matter how many times you ignore these scripture they will always be there. This video explains the verses that you do not know about. Ignoring it only makes you ignorant of God's Calendar:

That video is an hour and ten minutes long. Why should I sit through an hour long video when I already know what it is going to say? I studied that calendar long ago and already know what the argument is, and it cannot be proven from what scripture actually says. The only way it can be supposed is by using English translations like the KJV which sometimes ERRONEOUSLY renders shabbaton as sabbath. The Lev23 passage however proves you and that calendar to be incorrect and full of faulty assumptions.

All of these statements are from the same passage, chapter, and context:

Leviticus 23:3
3 Six yamim shall work be done: and in the seventh yom is the Shabbat shabbaton, a mikra kodesh; you shall do no work therein: it is the Shabbat unto YHWH in all your dwellings.

Leviticus 23:24
24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh hodesh, in the first of the hodesh, you shall have a shabbaton, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a mikra kodesh.

Rosh Hashanah is not called a Shabbat in the above statement, but rather only a shabbaton-rest, and this is the only way it can be properly understood by what follows. Your view causes confusion because you are confusing a Shabbat with a shabbaton-rest. Moreover the Shabbat is clearly that which employs both words together as in the first statement quoted above, "Shabbat shabbaton". You are not being honest by insisting that Rosh Hashanah is called a Shabbat because that is not the word used for it in the above passage.

Leviticus 23:27-32
27 Also in the tenth of this seventh hodesh is Yom haKippurim: it shall be a mikra kodesh unto you, and you shall humble your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto YHWH.
28 And you shall do no work in that same day: for it is Yom haKippurim, to make atonement for you before YHWH your Elohim.
29 For whatsoever soul which-who shall not be humbled in that same day shall be cut off from among his people.
30 And whatsoever soul which-who does any work in that same day: the same soul will I destroy from among his people.
31 You shall do no manner of work: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
32 It shall be unto you a Shabbat shabbaton, and you shall humble your souls: in the ninth of the hodesh at evening, from evening unto evening you shall shabat your Shabbat.

The tenth of the seventh hodesh is very clearly called a Shabbat shabbaton: the same phrase used of the weekly Shabbat in Lev23:3 quoted above herein. It is very clear that Yom haKippurim, the Day of Atonements, is a Shabbat shabbaton Sabbath of Rest which means that Rosh Hashsanah cannot also be so. Moreover that is not all, as you also already admitted, for the same passage now goes on to speak of the fifteenth and the twenty-second of the same month but does not call either of them the Shabbat because they also are shabbaton-rests, because they belong to Sukkot, not because they are weekly Sabbaths.

Leviticus 23:39
39 Also in the fifteenth yom of the seventh hodesh, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall celebrate-circulate a feast unto YHWH seven yamim: in the first yom is a shabbaton-rest, and in the eighth yom is a shabbaton-rest.

Not even the fifteenth or the twenty-second are called Sabbaths in the above text: and they cannot be so because the tenth is first and foremost a Shabbat shabbaton because it is Yom haKippurim, the Day of Atonements, the Great Day of the Fast. Therefore, because they are days of rest, the fifteenth and the twenty-second are each called shabbaton, but not Shabbat. This alone proves that your video teacher cannot be correct if he is claiming, like you, that the fifteenth and twenty-second are always Sabbaths, because in the seventh hodesh it is not so. And with all of what is quoted above herein from Lev23 the calendar you are promoting is flat out wrong becuase as stated so many times over, that calendar does not recognize any of the things shown to you again here in this post.

In the seventh hodesh the first cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:
In the seventh hodesh the eighth cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:
In the seventh hodesh the fifteenth cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:
In the seventh hodesh the twenty-second cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:

Because the tenth of the seventh hodesh is a Sabbath according to the scripture.


Well-known member
The Hebrew calendar was not lost to the Jews that wrote the Mishnah, Tosefta, Jerusalem Talmud, Babylonian Talmud, and the Midrash.
Saturday is the same day as the Sabbath.
There was no shift of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the Hebrew calendar to a different day to accommodate the Roman calendar.
This is proof that you are wrong in your unproven assertion:
God influenced the creation of the Roman calendar so it ended up with seven days in a week and the seventh day fell on the Sabbath.
You make this assertion without any proof.


Well-known member
That video is an hour and ten minutes long. Why should I sit through an hour long video when I already know what it is going to say? I studied that calendar long ago and already know what the argument is, and it cannot be proven from what scripture actually says. The only way it can be supposed is by using English translations like the KJV which sometimes ERRONEOUSLY renders shabbaton as sabbath. The Lev23 passage however proves you and that calendar to be incorrect and full of faulty assumptions.

All of these statements are from the same passage, chapter, and context:

Leviticus 23:3
3 Six yamim shall work be done: and in the seventh yom is the Shabbat shabbaton, a mikra kodesh; you shall do no work therein: it is the Shabbat unto YHWH in all your dwellings.

Leviticus 23:24
24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh hodesh, in the first of the hodesh, you shall have a shabbaton, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a mikra kodesh.

Rosh Hashanah is not called a Shabbat in the above statement, but rather only a shabbaton-rest, and this is the only way it can be properly understood by what follows. Your view causes confusion because you are confusing a Shabbat with a shabbaton-rest. Moreover the Shabbat is clearly that which employs both words together as in the first statement quoted above, "Shabbat shabbaton". You are not being honest by insisting that Rosh Hashanah is called a Shabbat because that is not the word used for it in the above passage.

Leviticus 23:27-32
27 Also in the tenth of this seventh hodesh is Yom haKippurim: it shall be a mikra kodesh unto you, and you shall humble your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto YHWH.
28 And you shall do no work in that same day: for it is Yom haKippurim, to make atonement for you before YHWH your Elohim.
29 For whatsoever soul which-who shall not be humbled in that same day shall be cut off from among his people.
30 And whatsoever soul which-who does any work in that same day: the same soul will I destroy from among his people.
31 You shall do no manner of work: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
32 It shall be unto you a Shabbat shabbaton, and you shall humble your souls: in the ninth of the hodesh at evening, from evening unto evening you shall shabat your Shabbat.

The tenth of the seventh hodesh is very clearly called a Shabbat shabbaton: the same phrase used of the weekly Shabbat in Lev23:3 quoted above herein. It is very clear that Yom haKippurim, the Day of Atonements, is a Shabbat shabbaton Sabbath of Rest which means that Rosh Hashsanah cannot also be so. Moreover that is not all, as you also already admitted, for the same passage now goes on to speak of the fifteenth and the twenty-second of the same month but does not call either of them the Shabbat because they also are shabbaton-rests, because they belong to Sukkot, not because they are weekly Sabbaths.

Leviticus 23:39
39 Also in the fifteenth yom of the seventh hodesh, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall celebrate-circulate a feast unto YHWH seven yamim: in the first yom is a shabbaton-rest, and in the eighth yom is a shabbaton-rest.

Not even the fifteenth or the twenty-second are called Sabbaths in the above text: and they cannot be so because the tenth is first and foremost a Shabbat shabbaton because it is Yom haKippurim, the Day of Atonements, the Great Day of the Fast. Therefore, because they are days of rest, the fifteenth and the twenty-second are each called shabbaton, but not Shabbat. This alone proves that your video teacher cannot be correct if he is claiming, like you, that the fifteenth and twenty-second are always Sabbaths, because in the seventh hodesh it is not so. And with all of what is quoted above herein from Lev23 the calendar you are promoting is flat out wrong becuase as stated so many times over, that calendar does not recognize any of the things shown to you again here in this post.

In the seventh hodesh the first cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:
In the seventh hodesh the eighth cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:
In the seventh hodesh the fifteenth cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:
In the seventh hodesh the twenty-second cannot be a Sabbath according to the scripture:

Because the tenth of the seventh hodesh is a Sabbath according to the scripture.

Again none of that has anything to do with the six separate times the Bible reveals days 8,15,22 & 29 are Sabbaths but because your prideful feelings make you think you are right you will not let yourself watch the video which reveals where in scripture the Sabbaths really are, for fear that you will have to admit you are wrong and the feelings you believe that will bring, you can not bare to risk feeling. As you think it will make you look foolish. This is plainly childishness on your part. Adults or real men do not fear such things they just study the material and then decide. Here is the video again and just pay close attention to your feelings as you feel them take over the logical reasoning thoughts of your mind and make you refuse to watch it. Controlling your emotions is a sign of maturity and Jesus wants you to become more mature in your faith. Here we go:


Well-known member
Again none of that has anything to do with the six separate times the Bible reveals days 8,15,22 & 29 are Sabbaths but because your prideful feelings make you think you are right you will not let yourself watch the video which reveals where in scripture the Sabbaths really are, for fear that you will have to admit you are wrong and the feelings you believe that will bring, you can not bare to risk feeling. As you think it will make you look foolish. This is plainly childishness on your part. Adults or real men do not fear such things they just study the material and then decide. Here is the video again and just pay close attention to your feelings as you feel them take over the logical reasoning thoughts of your mind and make you refuse to watch it. Controlling your emotions is a sign of maturity and Jesus wants you to become more mature in your faith. Here we go:

A video of someone else is not going to cut it. It is nothing more than an excuse on your part because you cannot make an argument for what you are preaching and claiming is "God's Calendar". :loser:


Well-known member
A video of someone else is not going to cut it. It is nothing more than an excuse on your part because you cannot make an argument for what you are preaching and claiming is "God's Calendar". :loser:

See how your feelings ruled any logic you might have. Your saying the scriptures in the video can't prove you wrong but without looking at which scriptures you can not know that, which is childish. You also show your childishness with the looser gesture that children/immature people use. Here, let me push your buttons again: ;)


Well-known member
See how your feelings ruled any logic you might have. Your saying the scriptures in the video can't prove you wrong but without looking at which scriptures you can not know that, which is childish. You also show your childishness with the looser gesture that children/immature people use. Here, let me push your buttons again: ;)

Lol, you are not pushing any buttons but rather cursing yourself. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Lol, you are not pushing any buttons but rather cursing yourself. :chuckle:

You only think that because you are ignorant of the scriptures that prove you wrong:

“ ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.


Well-known member
You only think that because you are ignorant of the scriptures that prove you wrong:


While you enjoy your spam I have better things to do. :wave2:


Ah, I see you added more while I was posting:

“ ‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.

Too bad you do not understand what you posted. :chuckle:



Well-known member

While you enjoy your spam I have better things to do. :wave2:

You call the scriptures spam because:

You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.



Well-known member
You call the scriptures spam because:

You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.

I said spam because the passage you quoted from was not there when I first responded, and you have posted that same video in every single response on this page so far, as well as manifold times to me in other threads. It is indeed spam. What's wrong? You do not want to let me go now? Lol, why should that be the case when you refuse to hear anything that is posted to you from the scripture? You certainly are not going to change my mind seeing that you cannot defend your beliefs with scripture.



Well-known member
I said spam because the passage you quoted from was not there when I first responded, and you have posted that same video in every single response on this page so far, as well as manifold times to me in other threads. It is indeed spam. What's wrong? You do not want to let me go now? Lol, why should that be the case when you refuse to hear anything that is posted to you from the scripture? You certainly are not going to change my mind seeing that you cannot defend your beliefs with scripture.


You can't even read properly, the scriptures you are calling spam and are ignorant of are in the video presentation:

The scriptures below describe you:

You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.

Leave if you want, it's up to you, you're a big boy now and old enough to make you own decisions.


Well-known member
You can't even read properly, the scriptures you are calling spam and are ignorant of are in the video presentation:

The scriptures below describe you:

You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.

Leave if you want, it's up to you, you're a big boy now and old enough to make you own decisions.

You cannot read properly: I did not call those scriptures spam: I called your actions spam.
And your threads are ridiculous. :chuckle:


Well-known member
You cannot read properly: I did not call those scriptures spam: I called your actions spam.
And your threads are ridiculous. :chuckle:

You only think that because you are ignorant because you ignore the scriptures you fear to look at, which is cowardly:
Last edited:


Well-known member
You only think that because you are ignorant because you ignore the scriptures you fear to look at, which is cowardly:

I just gave this guy eighteen minutes, and in eighteen minutes he made six errors: two of his errors are catastrophic and the other four errors are based on those two catastrophic errors, (and this is just in the first eighteen minutes!). Moreover he lied, and changed the scripture in several places, when he had already said previously in the video that he would not do so. Moreover this is the same calendar which I have now told you many times that I already studied long ago: this is nothing new, except maybe to you. I am not giving him any more of my time because, just as I said to you, he is flat out wrong and denies the things which have already been presented to you herein and in many other places in your threads and others. The passages which I have shared herein refute his overall calendar in the end: these are the places where his calendar cannot be true, and why I have posted what I have to you herein, (and many other places now, where these same things have been posted to you). Moreover, at around eighteen minutes, he is already beginning the process of conflating Shabbat shabbaton with mikra kodesh and moed, using Lev23:2-3, so that he can then turn and say essentially the same thing you have been saying when it is not true. A Shabbat shabbaton is called a mikra kodesh but that does not mean that a mikra kodesh is a Shabbat shabbaton. This guy, just like you, does not know how to study the scripture and is conflating things so as to force his theory into and upon the scripture. Moreover he is surely ignoring the words of Paul which I have also quoted to you and explained many times now, from Gal4:8-10, even after he himself uses Gen1:14 to justify the reasoning for his calendar: and he therefore does service to the weak and beggarly elements of the kosmos and the natural creation in his calendar, specifically the moon, for he no doubt goes on to add days into his calendar so as to keep his calendar on track with the cycles of the moon. His calendar therefore does service to and bows to the moon and the cycles thereof. :loser:

The Master went around healing such people:

Matthew 4:24 KJV
24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Matthew 17:14-18 KJV
14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,
15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.
16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.
17 Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.

G4583 σεληνιάζομαι seleniazomai (se-lee-niy-a'-zo-mai) v.
to be moon-struck, i.e. crazy.
[middle voice or passive from a presumed derivative of G4582]
KJV: be a lunatic
Root(s): G4582

G4582 σελήνη selene (se-lee'-nee) n.
the moon.
[from selas “brilliancy” (probably akin to the alternate of G138, through the idea of attractiveness)]
KJV: moon

How can you be a reliable "watchman on the wall" if you are moonstruck?
The moon Watcher stations in his station on the wall of Anak. :chuckle:


Well-known member
I just gave this guy eighteen minutes, and in eighteen minutes he made six errors: two of his errors are catastrophic and the other four errors are based on those two catastrophic errors, (and this is just in the first eighteen minutes!). Moreover he lied, and changed the scripture in several places, when he had already said previously in the video that he would not do so. Moreover this is the same calendar which I have now told you many times that I already studied long ago: this is nothing new, except maybe to you. I am not giving him any more of my time because, just as I said to you, he is flat out wrong and denies the things which have already been presented to you herein and in many other places in your threads and others. The passages which I have shared herein refute his overall calendar in the end: these are the places where his calendar cannot be true, and why I have posted what I have to you herein, (and many other places now, where these same things have been posted to you). Moreover, at around eighteen minutes, he is already beginning the process of conflating Shabbat shabbaton with mikra kodesh and moed, using Lev23:2-3, so that he can then turn and say essentially the same thing you have been saying when it is not true. A Shabbat shabbaton is called a mikra kodesh but that does not mean that a mikra kodesh is a Shabbat shabbaton. This guy, just like you, does not know how to study the scripture and is conflating things so as to force his theory into and upon the scripture. Moreover he is surely ignoring the words of Paul which I have also quoted to you and explained many times now, from Gal4:8-10, even after he himself uses Gen1:14 to justify the reasoning for his calendar: and he therefore does service to the weak and beggarly elements of the kosmos and the natural creation in his calendar, specifically the moon, for he no doubt goes on to add days into his calendar so as to keep his calendar on track with the cycles of the moon. His calendar therefore does service to and bows to the moon and the cycles thereof. :loser:

The Master went around healing such people:

Matthew 4:24 KJV
24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Matthew 17:14-18 KJV
14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,
15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.
16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.
17 Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.

G4583 σεληνιάζομαι seleniazomai (se-lee-niy-a'-zo-mai) v.
to be moon-struck, i.e. crazy.
[middle voice or passive from a presumed derivative of G4582]
KJV: be a lunatic
Root(s): G4582

G4582 σελήνη selene (se-lee'-nee) n.
the moon.
[from selas “brilliancy” (probably akin to the alternate of G138, through the idea of attractiveness)]
KJV: moon

How can you be a reliable "watchman on the wall" if you are moonstruck?
The moon Watcher stations in his station on the wall of Anak. :chuckle:

Short attention span is another sign of immaturity, if you had of watched for even another 3.5 minutes you would see the manna was collected on days 16 to 21 on the second month which proves the Sabbath is on day 22 of both the first and second months and is undeniable. All your semantic antics and name calling (lunatic) have nothing to do with what he (and I/others) are trying to show you. Please try to over come your emotions and use your logic to assess what is being explained. You have totally missed the point but well done for watching 18 minutes that is a good start even though it has taken months for me to get you to this point. I feel like like a father teaching his son to walk. You can do it boy. :)