Can a Christian lose their salvation


Well-known member
No non-sinner has ever been a sinner.
That is true.
We, however, all started out as sinners.
Some hear the gospel and change from being a sinner to being an ex-sinner.
It is called repentance.
Glory be to God !
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Then we may as well drop the discussion.
You haven't even discussed anything, you insolent clown. All you've done is continually parrot your same handful of retarded nonresponses over and over, without ever rationally responding to anything I have written.

It is descriptive of everybody who repents of sin.
You've already stated that no sinner ever repents of sin, by your having stated that no sinner has faith. So, once again you are flat out contradicting yourself by saying, here, out of the other side of your self-defeating mouth that some sinners repent. Why are you so addicted to contradicting yourself, you Christ-hating fool?


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As our salvation won't be determined or granted until the day of judgement your point is moot.
Making a cow noise at the end of your retarded nonresponse does you no good, troll.

You're never going to be able to hide the fact that you've repeatedly claimed that Jesus Christ has never even saved one sinner, you lying troll.


Well-known member
Which means that by claiming you are a non-sinner, you are claiming you have never been a sinner.

Now, watch your shameful brain damage cause you to react to this post by saying "Where have I claimed I have never been a sinner?"
I wasn't always a non-sinner.
Repentance from sin allowed me, by the grace of God, to turn permanently from sin.


Well-known member
What's an "ongoing sinner"?
An "on-going sinner" is a sinner who won't quit sinning.
Before, you said:
Now, you've meaninglessly added your word "ongoing", since you've seen how you have backfired into your face by saying "No sinner has faith."
You seemed to be having difficulty following the conversation, so I made it easier for you to differentiate between some of the words.
For instance..."No sinner has faith".
As all sinners are the children of the devil, (1 John 3:10), how can faith be ascribed to them ?
Thankfully, however, our graceful God has provided all we need to leave that sordid existence and be reborn of God's seed.


Well-known member
You saying that no sinner has faith is you saying that no sinner ever repents.
I believe, based on the multiple times repentance from sin is mentioned in the bible, that men can turn from "lack of faith" to "full of faith".
Evangelism and missionary work would otherwise be superfluous.


Well-known member
You saying:

is you contradicting your claim that

You saying that no sinner has faith is you saying that no sinner has ever turned from unbelief to belief,
If they continue to sin after they hear the gospel, they manifest they have no faith.
But if they believe the gospel and adhere to it, their faith cannot be hidden.
God gives us the choice of which road to follow, and the ability to do so.


Well-known member
True, since you've never been a non-sinner, And, as I've documented in post #463, you claim, out of the other side of your self-defeating mouth, that you've never been a sinner.
The context of my answers seem to be hidden from you.
If a man repents of sin, his repentance, with the gift of the Holy Ghost, rebirth from God's seed, and the new divine nature, will keep him from sinning again.
Sinners can turn into non-sinners.
Thanks be to God !


Well-known member
In other words, by your idiotic phrase, "ongoing sinner", you just mean every sinner, and your word "ongoing" is superfluous, is noise.
"On-going sinner" would indeed include all on-going sinners.
But I wanted to keep it clear to you.
Some men truly repent of sin and sinning.


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