Calvinism: You Must Already be Saved to Get Saved?


Well-known member
You by the Grace of God are a spiritually wise women!

Praise the Lord! God's Mercy and Grace abound to all His Elect Children, and I'm thankful for the wisdom He has given you, as is clearly evidenced by the Scripturally sound teachings in your threads. The Lord has used them to be a great help and blessing to me in studying His Word over the years. So Thank You, and praying the Lord Bless You richly, My Brother in Christ! :)



Well-known member
Praise the Lord! God's Mercy and Grace abound to all His Elect Children, and I'm thankful for the wisdom He has given you, as is clearly evidenced by the Scripturally sound teachings in your threads. The Lord has used them to be a great help and blessing to me in studying His Word over the years. So Thank You, and praying the Lord Bless You richly, My Brother in Christ! :)


Amen !

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Praise the Lord! God's Mercy and Grace abound to all His Elect Children, and I'm thankful for the wisdom He has given you, as is clearly evidenced by the Scripturally sound teachings in your threads. The Lord has used them to be a great help and blessing to me in studying His Word over the years. So Thank You, and praying the Lord Bless You richly, My Brother in Christ! :)

When did you come to know that you were part of the elect?


Well-known member
When did you come to know that you were part of the elect?

So then, by your question, are you admitting that you do believe that there is only an Elect remnant of all humanity that God had chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to obtain Salvation?


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So then, by your question, are you admitting that you do believe that there is only an Elect remnant of all humanity that God had chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to obtain Salvation?

Of course not. I'm asking when did you know you were part of that elect?

Ben Masada

New member
Romans 8:29--"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren"

Foreknow: God knew beforehand who would be saved. Predestinate: God choose those who He knew beforehand,
would be saved, to become conformed to the image of His Son.

Absolutely not. No one is born already foretold to be saved. Salvation is subject to our Freewill. We must wish to be saved in order to be saved.


To know is one thing; now, to influence the choice to believe is absolutely something else. Don't forget we all have been granted with the attribute of Freewill.
He knew cause other options didn't happen at all.
Those free will options were never there.


Praise the Lord! God's Mercy and Grace abound to all His Elect Children, and I'm thankful for the wisdom He has given you, as is clearly evidenced by the Scripturally sound teachings in your threads. The Lord has used them to be a great help and blessing to me in studying His Word over the years. So Thank You, and praying the Lord Bless You richly, My Brother in Christ! :)

Praise Jesus!


Freewill has been with man since man was created within the realm of the Garden of Eden.
Man does what he wants and God knew about it, meaning
no other alternatives since the alternatives were never made.
Free will doesn't work on something never happened

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is a serious problem with predestination.

If God gives life to those he is going to condemn to hell, then that means that God is unjust and is a tyrant.

That is not the worst of it.

The worst of it is... that it is not humanly possible to love and have faith in a God that would do such a thing as that.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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There is a serious problem with predestination.

If God gives life to those he is going to condemn to hell, then that means that God is unjust and is a tyrant.

That is not the worst of it.

The worst of it is... that it is not humanly possible to love and have faith in a God that would do such a thing as that.
Erecting straw men is not an argument, Robert.

Please review the WCF and point out where predestination involves an arbitrary condemnation of those not predestined to life. Predestination always refers to those elected to salvation. Double predestination is error, the stuff of hyper-calvinists, a view rejected by the orthodox Calvinist.

The lump of clay contemplated in God's hands was an already fallen lump of clay, comprising all those in Adam, who failed his probationary test in the Garden. No one in that fallen lump of clay deserved mercy, only justice, yet God saw fit to redeem a great multitude that no man can number out of that fallen mass of humanity.

If you are going to cavil about Calvinism you should at least do so from an accurate understanding of the matter versus these usual emotional appeals that play well with the crowd but are rooted in factual error.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Erecting straw men is not an argument, Robert.

Please review the WCF and point out where predestination involves an arbitrary condemnation of those not predestined to life. Predestination always refers to those elected to salvation. Double predestination is error, the stuff of hyper-calvinists, a view rejected by the orthodox Calvinist.

The lump of clay contemplated in God's hands was an already fallen lump of clay, comprising all those in Adam, who failed his probationary test in the Garden. No one in that fallen lump of clay deserved mercy, only justice, yet God saw fit to redeem a great multitude that no man can number out of that fallen mass of humanity.

If you are going to cavil about Calvinism you should at least do so from an accurate understanding of the matter versus these usual emotional appeals that play well with the crowd but are rooted in factual error.


God sends no one to hell. People send themselves there, because they love their sins more than they love Christ.

There is not one scripture in the whole bible where God has predestinated anyone to heaven or to hell.

Predestination is a false doctrine. The Bible does not support it, nor does God support it.

You want to believe that God is an unjust tyrant.