Calvinism Dishonors God and Insults Jesus Christ


Well-known member
All that he wants you to do is to receive what he has provided for you, John 1:12.

Those that receive Him, were first given New Birth, are Born of God John 3:27.

For belief / faith in His Name is a fruit of the Spirit of God Gal. 5:22.

God the Father had already Chosen His Sons in Christ before the foundation.
The matter is settled; it's immutable.

John 1:12-13

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

So doing your own receiving, believing, obeying, etc. are just filthy works of the flesh Rom. 8:8: Is. 64:6!

1 Cor. 2:14

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:

neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So, again: the savior of the world saves no one. He makes it possible for all to be saved, but we have to save ourselves?

God's free gift of eternal life is offered to ALL of humanity. It's received through, hearing the Gospel and placing all your faith in Christ as your Savior. The Holy Spirit is involved with that entire Spiritual process. Starting with the DRAWING of ALL of humanity, not just a supposed small group of "Elect Calvinists."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, goodness no. A thousand times no.

However if one holds that Christ is the savior of the world, and that the world is every single human being, that person should be a universalist to be consistent with the words they use. Particularly if the point is a major hobby horse of the poster.

You're decidedly wrong. A Universalist believes that God saved the entire world. That's not so. However, God made it possible for all of humanity to receive eternal life through the death and resurrection of His Son. However, those who are drawn (which is everybody) must place all their faith in the Savior. Then, the Holy Spirit, indwells, seals, and baptizes that person into the Body of Christ. (That's not water baptism) Such a person also receives the righteousness of Christ and the promise of eternal life.

Brother Ducky

New member
How did you arrive at that conclusion? I'd love to hear your explanation if you have the time to make one up?

To use an old evangelistic analogy, the Christ that Pate paints throws a life saver to all humanity drowning in their sin, but it is up to the individual to pull himself in to shore and save himself.

Not withstanding the error in thinking one is sick in sin and not dead, the Christ of Pate makes salvation possible for all, the lifesaver being Christ and his saving works on behalf of all humanity. But the pulling ourselves to shore is our , in essence saving ourselves.

Brother Ducky

New member
Eternal life is available to all of humanity, however, not all will accept God's free gift.

So the answer is "Yes, Christ is not the actual savior of the world. Only some select few that save themselves are saved. All who are saved are saved by the work of Christ and ourselves. The Christ of Pate is, on the basis of there only being a select few that are saved, despite the best Christ can do , is a failure. Wish I could bite the bullet and become a Calvinist, because their Christ is a complete success."

Robert Pate

Well-known member
To use an old evangelistic analogy, the Christ that Pate paints throws a life saver to all humanity drowning in their sin, but it is up to the individual to pull himself in to shore and save himself.

Not withstanding the error in thinking one is sick in sin and not dead, the Christ of Pate makes salvation possible for all, the lifesaver being Christ and his saving works on behalf of all humanity. But the pulling ourselves to shore is our , in essence saving ourselves.

If God has ALREADY reconciled you and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Accepting his offer of reconciliation is not really pulling yourself ashore or saving yourself. The work of salvation has already been done by Jesus Christ. All God asks of you is to believe and have faith in that work.

Brother Ducky

New member
You're decidedly wrong. A Universalist believes that God saved the entire world. That's not so. However, God made it possible for all of humanity to receive eternal life through the death and resurrection of His Son. However, those who are drawn (which is everybody) must place all their faith in the Savior. Then, the Holy Spirit, indwells, seals, and baptizes that person into the Body of Christ. (That's not water baptism) Such a person also receives the righteousness of Christ and the promise of eternal life.

Actually, I am decidedly correct. I did not state that Pate was a Universalist, only that he should be to be consistent with the words he applies to all humanity. Terms are are part of salvation, and if used logically and consistently would lead to glorification.

Basically he needs to step back from a googleplex of new threads stating the same old Calvinist bad, Catholics bad [why he thinks there is only one of us is a mystery to me.]and think about what he says and the logical conclusions that arise from them. In other words, really do some systematic theology and then allow us to see the fruits of his labor.

Unless there is a prize for the most anti-Calvinist and anti-Catholic threads. Then go for it, although I can not imagine anyone being able to overtake him now.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Actually, I am decidedly correct. I did not state that Pate was a Universalist, only that he should be to be consistent with the words he applies to all humanity. Terms are are part of salvation, and if used logically and consistently would lead to glorification.

Basically he needs to step back from a googleplex of new threads stating the same old Calvinist bad, Catholics bad [why he thinks there is only one of us is a mystery to me.]and think about what he says and the logical conclusions that arise from them. In other words, really do some systematic theology and then allow us to see the fruits of his labor.

Unless there is a prize for the most anti-Calvinist and anti-Catholic threads. Then go for it, although I can not imagine anyone being able to overtake him now.

Its not that I am anti-Calvinist. Its that I am pro Gospel. The Gospel refutes Calvinism and all other "isms". If we are to believe the Gospel then it is not possible to also believe in Calvinism or any religion. Jesus and his Gospel are the end of religion. Calvinism, Catholicism, all religions, are false. Religion is nothing more than a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel. In the Gospel Jesus justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. No religion needed. We have been made complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

Brother Ducky

New member
God's free gift of eternal life is offered to ALL of humanity. It's received through, hearing the Gospel and placing all your faith in Christ as your Savior. The Holy Spirit is involved with that entire Spiritual process. Starting with the DRAWING of ALL of humanity, not just a supposed small group of "Elect Calvinists."

Come on, GM! You know that there almost no Calvinist would say that only Calvinists are saved. We are by far more generous than most in that respect.

Brother Ducky

New member
Its not that I am anti-Calvinist. Its that I am pro Gospel. The Gospel refutes Calvinism and all other "isms". If we are to believe the Gospel then it is not possible to also believe in Calvinism or any religion. Jesus and his Gospel are the end of religion. Calvinism, Catholicism, all religions, are false. Religion is nothing more than a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel. In the Gospel Jesus justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. No religion needed. We have been made complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

OK, exactly what does one have to believe as the Gospel, and how do Calvinists not believe that minimal amount?


New member
OK, exactly what does one have to believe as the Gospel, and how do Calvinists not believe that minimal amount?

Robert's assertion that one must believe the gospel is double talk. On the other side of his mouth he asserts that all a person has to do is call on the name of the Lord and nothing more.

His assertions vary from post to post.


Well-known member
Its not that I am anti-Calvinist. Its that I am pro Gospel. The Gospel refutes Calvinism and all other "isms". If we are to believe the Gospel then it is not possible to also believe in Calvinism or any religion. Jesus and his Gospel are the end of religion. Calvinism, Catholicism, all religions, are false. Religion is nothing more than a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel. In the Gospel Jesus justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. No religion needed. We have been made complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

You teach contrary to the Gospel, you teach that people Christ shed His Blood for wind up lost in their sins anyways! That's anti Gospel.


Well-known member
Pateism dishonors God in Christ since it promotes that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, that dishonors Christ saving death!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Pateism dishonors God in Christ since it promotes that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways, that dishonors Christ saving death!

Your doctine is more Satanic than it is Christian.

Calvinism is the devils tool that causes people to lose faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ.

Who can trust in a God that damns people to hell before they are born? Answer: no one.


Well-known member
Your doctine is more Satanic than it is Christian.

Calvinism is the devils tool that causes people to lose faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ.

Who can trust in a God that damns people to hell before they are born? Answer: no one.
Pateism is satanic, it teaches that people Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways! That denies Christ saving blood! You know that is satanic for real.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Pateism is satanic, it teaches that people Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways! That denies Christ saving blood! You know that is satanic for real.

A million dollars has been deposited into your account, but you never receive it, is it still yours?