California - Sanctuary State


like marbles on glass


.....the states that benefit the most by federal spending are the very states whose populations tend to vote for leaders who promise to reduce federal spending, while those that benefit the least from large government vote for politicians who promise to make it even larger at their expense.

In other words, Democratic-leaning states tend to be net contributors to the federal budget while Republican-leaning states are more often net recipients of federal spending.

"Red" states are living in an alternate financial universe - they're not too proud to accept the transfer in federal funds, above and beyond that which they contribute in taxes to the government, but they also want to lower their own tax rate, leaving it to the "tax fairy" to provide them with the shortfall!
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Most Federally Dependent States

Rank - State

1 Kentucky (Republican)
2 Mississippi (Republican)
3 New Mexico (Democrat)
4 Alabama (Republican)
5 West Virginia (Republican)
6 South Carolina (Republican)
7 Montana (Republican)
8 Tennessee (Republican)
9 Maine (Democrat)
10 Indiana (Republican)
11 Arizona (Republican)
12 Louisiana (Republican)
13 South Dakota (Republican)
14 Missouri (Republican)
15 Oregon (Democrat)
16 Georgia (Republican)
17 Idaho (Republican)
18 Vermont (Democrat)
19 Wyoming (Republican)
20 Maryland (Democrat)
21 Oklahoma (Republican)
22 Pennsylvania (Republican)
23 Alaska (Republican)
24 Rhode Island (Democrat)
25 Florida (Republican)
26 Ohio (Republican)
27 Arkansas (Republican)
28 North Carolina (Republican)
29 Hawaii (Democrat)
30 Iowa (Republican)
31 Wisconsin (Republican)
32 North Dakota (Republican)
33 Michigan (Republican)
34 New York (Democrat)
35 Texas (Republican)
36 Washington (Democrat)
37 Colorado (Democrat)
38 Virginia (Democrat)
39 Nebraska (Republican)
40 Utah (Republican)
41 New Hampshire (Democrat)
42 Connecticut (Democrat)
43 Massachusetts (Democrat)
44 Nevada (Democrat)
45 Kansas (Republican)
46 California (Democrat)
47 Illinois (Democrat)
48 New Jersey (Democrat)
49 Minnesota (Democrat)
50 Delaware (Democrat)
8 of the 10 most federally dependent states voted Republican in 2016.

9 of the 10 least federally dependent states voted Democratic in 2016.