i said
Originally Posted by bigbang123
ALSO - cruel, barbarous, brutal, degenerate, depraved, evil, harsh, hateful, heartless, malevolent, merciless, monstrous, ruthless, sadistic and vicious
you said
PastorKevin said:
Only if you stubbornly refuse to repent and accept the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for your sins. Only if you shake your fist at God and decide you don't need Him or want Him in your life, in which case your issue is with Him and Him alone.
All of those words you used are descriptions of what Christ went through at Calvary. God allowed HIS OWN Son to go through all of those things so that you and I don't have to. God didn't create the Lake of Fire for people originally. He created it for the angels who sinned. When man sinned he consigned himself to the same judgment as the fallen angels. God WANTED to make a way out for men, so they wouldn't have to go there to pay the penalty His righteous judgment requires. So God HIMSELF came to this earth and paid that penalty in the form of Jesus Christ the God-Man.
my response
i believe in a creator but not the biblegod of your scriptures - so i'm not stubbornly shaking my fist at the god you believe in.
also your hell (if it really existed) is cruel, barbarous, brutal, degenerate, depraved, evil, harsh, hateful, heartless, malevolent, merciless, monstrous, ruthless, sadistic and vicious when you consider the unevangelized which over the centuries has been a very, hugh number.
bigbang123 said:
the following quote from NO OTHER NAME (an investigation into the destiny of the unevangelized) by John Sanders
"...Just how large a group (has) the unevangelized been? It is estimated that in A.D. 100 there were 181 million people, of which one million were Christians. It is also believed there were 60,000 unreached people groups at that time. By A.D. 1000 there were 270 million people. 50 million of whom were Christians, and 50,000 unreached people groups. In 1989 there were 5.2 billion people, of whom 1.7 billion called themselves Christians, and there were 12,000 unreached people groups (figures from the World Christian Encyclopedia as cited in World Evangelization 16 [1989]:40). Although there is no way of knowing with certainty how many of these people were unevangelized, it seems safe to conclude that the vast majority of human beings who have ever lived never heard the good news of grace regarding the God of Israel and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In terms of sheer numbers, then, an inquiry into the salvability of the unevangelized is of immense interest and importance. Do we have anything to say about the destiny of countless BILLIONS who have lived and died apart from any understanding of the divine reconciliation obtained by Jesus? Are such people automatically damned to hell? Does God genuinely desire the salvation of all people?"
I know the standard christian answer regarding the unevangelized is they will be judged based on their conscience and possibly given access to heaven because they are judged by a different standard than the ones who heard and rejected the gospel (romans 2:14-15). but, based on the biblical punishment for sin (both physical death & the 2nd death), whether it's disobeying the bible or your conscience (which everyone does), it would seem (according to the bible) that EVERYONE not biblically and correctly united with christ, whether evangelized or not, in the end is toast. in light of the stats given above doesn't that make the God of the bible seem a little too small for effective global outreach?