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☕️ A GREAT BIG NEW YEAR ☙ Saturday, December 31, 2022 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
We crushed it in 2022, and just wait for what we'll do in 2023. My great big end of the year roundup essay.

In other words, the free countries were losing the world. In fact, in 1980, if you’d painted all the communist countries on a classroom globe red, that globe would’ve been 75% crimson.
We were in the final inning with minutes to play, down by six, with two strikes. It looked bad.
But still, against all odds, in just eight years Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. It bought us forty years of peace. There we were, stumbling blindly along the brittle precipice of losing it all, up to our eyelashes in communist spies, probably including several White Houses, when in the blink of an eye, against all odds, we saved the entire world.
Just like that.
Unfortunately, Reagan only beat the Soviet Union. He didn’t defeat communism. He didn’t — couldn’t — crush the insane delusion that Man can replace God with Science. Neither did Reagan root out the networks of treacherous communist termites secretly embedded in nearly every government on Earth.
That’s what happened. Now allow me to spin the dial toward speculation about our present circumstances and what comes next, even allowing that history is never settled, or free from controversy. Figuring out what’s happening in the present can be perilously tricky, if not impossible. The future? Well, that’s just guesswork.
But it seems fair to imagine that, after the Berlin Wall came down, world communists, having just been rubbing their bloodstained hands in glee at the thought of imminent global domination, stood stunned, dumbfounded and astonished, having watched the whole thing ripped from their grasp at the very last second by some toxically-masculine cowboy.
Baffled, they wondered, “What just happened?”
They’d already learned one lesson with Stalin; don’t put any more narcissistic dictators in charge of the movement. But after Reagan, I imagine the communist élites recognized the risk of being too obvious, too public. The Soviet Union was a target that could be, and was, destroyed. It was a basket with too many eggs in it. It started too soon. They learned you don’t want to go communist in one place, until you’re ready to go all-in everywhere, all at once.
They also learned the grave danger of allowing a populist, anti-communist president like Reagan (or Trump) to have a full eight years. But that’s a different story.
I do believe the 2020 covid-19 pandemic revealed a provable global conspiracy. Most folks think the conspiracy was intended to engineer a one-world government. But I wonder if we’re way beyond that. I think the pandemic may provide irrefutable evidence that WE ALREADY HAVE A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT. A secretive, hidden, elusive one-world government.
But just for a moment there, the mask slipped, and its grotesque countenance was fully revealed.
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