I think that it may be a particularly American conceit to not care about the internal affairs of other countries. I noticed this during my time in the military that other countries citizens knew waaaay more (Albeit a kind of twisted parody version; our own fault as this is the way we portray ourselves.) about us than we knew about them.
I think this in itself says volumes about us.

As for me, due to my own odd personality, one aspect being that I am an information junkie; I tend to be quite aware of the issues of the rest of the world...But here's the thing: It is rare that I care? enough to comment.
Is it a bad thing that I don't consider it "my business" unless it directly effects my country?...Am I to be my brothers keeper...Even on a national level? Is my surface level understanding of their issues adequate to comment intelligently on their cultural situations?
My own personal philosophical default is that indifference always leads to evil...But that's not the only way for evil to be done is it?