Border Wall Would Cleave Tribe, and Its Connection to Ancestral Land


Well-known member
Leave it to your kind to want it both ways.

On the one treacherous hand: the lie that was the so called God inspired Manifest Destiny the people who were here were practically wiped out in the name of...

On the other: the endless hypocrisy of not only of your kinds' "white" washing of the history, but blaming it now on Godless Liberals.

I pity your kind, A4T.

I really do.

You want your blackened soul of a cake, and you want to eat it too.

Rom. 5:8.

I am so happy your true colors have come out. Now don't you feel better since you removed that mask?


New member
Danoh has a whole new following now that he's come out of the closet. :chuckle:

Yep - people who concede a valid point no matter their disagreement with one on other points.

A practice you so called "gospel of GRACE" ers are more often then not hypocrites in.

It is amazing how dense you continue to be in this that you continue to project your obvious ignorance into my every word, all the while ever asserting you were changed as a new creature, no further work is needed.

Yours is the mask; hypocrite.

You are each some of the most insecure and insincere people I have ever run accross.

So be it towards you and yours.

Matthew 10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.


Well-known member
To me: an episode of horders vs. tiny houses.

Tradition is important to identity but our greatest need is identity in Christ. I don't want my traditions to get in the way of a greater good.
If my Christmas tree is causing global warming, I think I can buy a fake. I'll figure it out. Accommodation should go about as far as that.

Spock's death reminded us that the good of the many, outweighed that of the few, or the one. It also reminded us that the good of the one can outweigh, at times, the good of the many. The motivator was love between the two.

I don't mind giving in for love. I have a much harder time if it is undeserved, giving in to a whim rather than a need, or if those are whiny or demanding.


Well-known member
Yep - people who concede a valid point no matter their disagreement with one on other points.

A practice you so called "gospel of GRACE" ers are more often then not hypocrites in.

It is amazing how dense you continue to be in this that you continue to project your obvious ignorance into my every word, all the while ever asserting you were changed as a new creature, no further work is needed.

Yours is the mask; hypocrite.

You are each some of the most insecure and insincere people I have ever run accross.

So be it towards you and yours.

Matthew 10:14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

Yeah, it's so sad that we have the freedom to speak the truth, isn't it? You should be considering it a good thing that we point out your horrible attitude, and your constant attempt to demean others because of some slight you think you've been shown. Would you rather we stroked your fragile ego? Would that be the right thing for us to do? Of course not.

What would be best, Danoh, is for you to simply stop being a jerk. You don't have to keep that chip on your shoulder. Were you to let it go, we would all be able to move along. It YOU...YOU alone that holds resentment in your heart. Just stop....put it off.


New member

In the 19th century, manifest destiny was a widely held belief in the United States that its settlers were destined to expand across North America.

looks right to me :idunno:

disease, mostly

if you were gonna say war, they were doing that to each other long before the white man showed up

As with all those other countries which; left alone; eventually arose from all their tribal differences to become one nation - China, Japan, Poland, and so on

Your ignorance is in your ignorance of the lessons of history.

This country itself arose out of the same kinds of conflicts between various parties and states and so on, even as it was being stolen through mass murder, starvation, etc., from those First Nations, you incompentent.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As with all those other countries which; left alone; eventually arose from all their tribal differences to become one nation - China, Japan, Poland, and so on

first of all, if you think the Tungusic, the Ainu or the Kashubians were "left alone", you're more retarded than most people here think you are

second of all, i'm not gonna waste any more time on a whiny retard

your side lost

stop whining and get over it
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