Booming Economy - Silence from Fake News

Gary K

New member
Here is something you will never hear from the fake news people. Why? They are helping to cover all this up. Take a long listen and then think about this carefully. Notice how the accounting changes passed through Congress and the Trump administration with bipartisan support. Democrats and Republicans worked together to support this bill while they were pretending to fight over Kavanaugh's confirmation. And the media cooperated 100% in this bit of screw you citizens legislation by focusing everyone's eyes away from the really important things that were going on that destroy our liberty.

The following link traces out why the missing $21 trillion affects you as it traces how the con is worked and how it affects you personally.

Gary K

New member
Here is the video in which the FASAB rule 56 is explained. This is a must to understand to be able to grasp just how far our Constitution has been destroyed. You will never hear the truth about this from the Fake News media. All you will find is obfuscation and flat out lies about it.
