I don't think wanting a civil discussion makes one crabby.
But you don't seem to want that.
Barbarian observes:
Show me where they said it was "failing falisfication" in textbooks or the literature. I think you made that up. But we'll see what you can show us.
There is a video on YouTube..
Barbarian chuckles:
So you can't find one? Neither can anyone else. No surprise there.
I didn't say that the chromosome 2 information was in a textbook.
Apparently, you found it on You Tube. But scientists didn't say it. Other than You Tube, where did you find that "failing falsification" story?
That was your manuevering to try to obfuscate. I said that evolutionists said that. The first YouTube video you come to when typing in chromosome 2 speaks to how this was a "major problem".
Sorry. You Tube doesn't speak for scientists.
No, he doesn't say "failed falsification" and yes I overpushed his statement to link the comparison. Basically claiming an "issue" only after the fact, that previously was glossed over is very similar to the jello arguments we see.
We're still waiting for you to substantiate the idea.
You have a nice blend of spin and abusive language.
You seem to have a low regard for evidence. That's how things are decided in science.
Why are you afraid of addressing the issues!
Evidence is the way we do it. It's why creationists here are having such a hard time. Disney and You Tube is not the way to do it.
Barbarian observes:
But that's not what I said, was it? The fact that a single human chromosome precisely matches the genes on two chimpanzee chromosomes, and has remnants of telomeres precisely where they would be if those two chromosomes had fused, is a smoking gun.
They don't match exactly
They match precisely. If they matched exactly, that would be a problem, because even genetic drift would guarantee that after a few million years, there would be some differences. What's remarkable is that they differ so little.
and that's nor even the argument with chromosome 2. The argument is that it was predicted by evolution and turned out to be true.
And that's what happened.
Barbarian observes:
Yep. Ancient history in science. There's been an explosion of knowledge.
Okay, that's quite a spin.
That's how it is. Check the literature. Few cites are for 25 y/o papers.
Barbarian oberves:
I've shown you a good deal of evidence, and demonstrated what it means. I'm surprised you consider it insulting. And you've told me to go look in You Tube for your argument.
What evidence did you offer?
Comparative chromosome diagrams and the evidence for a fusion.
I was the one who offered the arguments for chromosome 2. You merely ran with something we are all already familiar with (adding erroneously that the chromosomes are identical).
Perhaps you think "precisely" means "exactly." Check the dictionary.
You asked for "textbook" for chromosome two, and I fail to see where you got that I said that came from a textbook.
Textbook or literature. You couldn't find either.
No the only "textbook" argument I gave was that I was taught both that giraffes necks grew due to eating from trees and that we were taught recapitulation in biology when in high school around 30 years ago.
In what school district? In the 80s, I was reviewing science textbooks. Never saw such a thing. Of course, it's always possible that some backwater district hire teachers who didn't know anything about science, but it seems pretty unlikely.
To this you claimed I am lying (as if I would)
I did? (Barbarian checks) No, turns out I didn't. Shame on you.
and suggested the only way to prove I was not was to produce a textbook I haven't seen in 30 years (if 25 years is ancient, what is 30?).
Do you remember the district? I can run it down from there.
Of course that would be a massive waste of my time for a book I doubt if I could pick out of a lineup even it was before me. (I doubt I could pick my topography book out of a lineup and I was in graduate scoop only half that time ago.)
Darn. And now you'll never be able to verify your story.
Nevertheless I remember many if the things I was taught in that class, and I am not lying about it. Asking to produce a book you know is impossible to produce is only juvenile and manipulative.
So we're basically going to have to take your word for it. No evidence in the literature, no textbook, nothing. Of course notice that I didn't say you lied. It's just that given the evidence in the literature and in textbooks we know about, there's no support for your claim. But maybe you had a really, really dumb science teacher.
Barbarian observes:
Probably because you don't know very much about the issue. Creationists are inclined to offer Disney and You Tube as evidence, instead of scientific papers or facts.
More spin.
Check the thread. That's what you guys offered.
Once again, the argument scares you so much that you must lie about it?
Where have I lied?
You accuse me of lying,
Nope. Go back and check.
It would be better if you addressed issues rather than merely resorting to attacks against the person only. Focusing on the evil Barbarian isn't going to make you more credible.
Mostly frustration. Like your response on learning the evidence for a common ancestry for humans and chimps.
Learning? LOL. I brought it up.
But it wasn't the way they told you. And that seems to be what riled you.
Barbarian, regarding Stein's dishonesties:
A good example, is his claim that scientists were directing his family into the ovens at Auschwitz. Even the Anti-Defamation League roasted him for that bit of libel. And of course, his decision to ban from his film any scientist who was a Christian and accepted evolution. "No Intelligence Allowed" You betcha.
I haven't heard that about the film. Did he ban them, or is it just coincidence?
He wouldn't even let them into the preview of his film.
He let Eugene Scott on who proposed evolution and Christianity could co exist. He let Dawkins on. Why would he need someone else?
He "needed" to show that Christianity and science were incompatible. If he let on Kenneth Miller, or Francis Collins, or Francisco Ayala, it would have blown his message.