Bloomberg: 'Yes' to Drugs 'No' to Styrofoam


New member
You don't care about :Commie: intrusions on American's freedoms? :smokie: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

I believe we were talking about fire safety, smoke alarms, fire codes...something of that sort? I'm not exactly sure how any of that is a commie intrusion.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I believe we were talking about fire safety, smoke alarms, fire codes...something of that sort? I'm not exactly sure how any of that is a commie intrusion.

No...We aren't...In fact, just the opposite...Read the article. :plain:

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Bloomberg would think its his business to control obesity, and conservatives would think its their business to control pot usage:rolleyes:

I support freedom, period. I support everything you claim to support.

And Enyart is absolutely wrong about libertarians. He probably confused them with libertines...


New member
No...We aren't...In fact, just the opposite...Read the article. :plain:

all new buildings and buildings undergoing major renovation would be required to give occupants access to at least one stairwell, as well as post signs near elevators pointing to nearby stairs.

Another bill would increase the visibility of stairwells by permitting the use of hold-open devices on doors that would close automatically in case of an emergency.


New member
Bloomberg would think its his business to control obesity, and conservatives would think its their business to control pot usage:rolleyes:

I support freedom, period. I support everything you claim to support.

And Enyart is absolutely wrong about libertarians. He probably confused them with libertines...

There isn't anything about having accessible stairs on every floor of a building that infringes on your freedom. Smoke pot. Take the stairs. Take the elevator. Whatever. When I'm at work I like to mix it up by taking the stairs and the elevator. Now that I think about it though, our elevators are somewhat hidden. Guests are always asking me how to find them. I bet this was a commie conspiracy!! I am going to have to write a letter to the CEO of the museum to let him know I do not approve.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There isn't anything about having accessible stairs on every floor of a building that infringes on your freedom. Smoke pot. Take the stairs. Take the elevator. Whatever. When I'm at work I like to mix it up by taking the stairs and the elevator. Now that I think about it though, our elevators are somewhat hidden. Guests are always asking me how to find them. I bet this was a commie conspiracy!! I am going to have to write a letter to the CEO of the museum to let him know I do not approve.

Yes there is, they're taking up space for another elevator! Darn Marxist's...


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
There isn't anything about having accessible stairs on every floor of a building that infringes on your freedom. Smoke pot. Take the stairs. Take the elevator. Whatever. When I'm at work I like to mix it up by taking the stairs and the elevator. Now that I think about it though, our elevators are somewhat hidden. Guests are always asking me how to find them. I bet this was a commie conspiracy!! I am going to have to write a letter to the CEO of the museum to let him know I do not approve.

I was more hitting SD here, but if government were to force people to have "accessible stairs" or install slower elevators, that would be an infringement on freedom.


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If the government should control your healthcare as they are doing, why shouldn't they control your food? How about your travel? :Commie: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Jn 8:36


Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food

The government is supposed to be US. As in, We the People.

Meaning that if We the People decide we want to make sure that healthcare is accessible and affordable to all then that is our perogative (as the people in every other first world democratic nation on the planet have decided that healthcare is a basic right that all are entitled to). If we don't want the government sticking its nose in what we eat then that too is the people's collective decision, and politicians who don't respect that risk losing elections. (I for one think that high fructose corn syrup and trans fats need to be banned as ingredients in food. It wouldn't even affect what you got to eat - you would still be able to eat all the same foods you do now - only the manufacturers would be forced to use less toxic ingredients.)

And as for me, I will likely never be having any soda in restaurants ever again; unless a specific place has something sweetened with something other than high fructose corn syrup or aspartame, both of which are completely off my menu. (Though it seems I can't avoid HFCS completely, but I refuse to drink anything that contains it).
food is legal and necessary, pot is not

Bad food is far worse for your health than pot.

We allow such toxic substances as high fructose corn syrup and aspartame to be used in foods and drinks, but in most places in this country being caught with pot will land you in jail. Meanwhile if I want soda sweetened with stevia I have to make the trek down to Whole Foods, and pay a lot more for it.


New member
Hall of Fame
Bad food is far worse for your health than pot.

We allow such toxic substances as high fructose corn syrup and aspartame to be used in foods and drinks, but in most places in this country being caught with pot will land you in jail. Meanwhile if I want soda sweetened with stevia I have to make the trek down to Whole Foods, and pay a lot more for it.

Talk to me about health and then advocate for abortion. Im sure I will believe you have health matters in mind.
Talk to me about health and then advocate for abortion. Im sure I will believe you have health matters in mind.

I do. I for one believe that abortions should be done in modern medical facilities with sterilized equipment by trained physicians who know what they are doing, rather than in back alleys with coat hangers or other crude tools that should have no business ever being used as surgical instruments. I would also rather see those abortions not happen in the first place, by not having women get pregnant when they don't want to. Which means educated our youth about safe sex practices so as to not result in unwanted pregnancies, not to mention prevent the spread of STD's.

I would also guess that a pregnant woman ingesting foods laden with trans fats and high fructose corn syrup (not to mention other toxic crap like aspartame) would not be so good for the developing fetus.

I most certainly do not advocate FOR abortion. I just advocate for a woman's right to choose.