"Black Lives Matter" & Antifa are Communist front organizations

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Breaking into someone's home unannounced so they can murder someone in it? Is that normal? Okay, I live in the UK so there have been instances of police malpractice but it's hardly an everyday occurrence. Politicizing such events does what exactly?

she's referring to a recent occurrence where a no-knock warrant was issued for a certain man at a certain address for dealing drugs. When the cops served the warrant, the perp met them with a hail of gunfire, they returned fire and the girlfriend was hit and killed.

Distorted versions of the story have been propagated across social media, where they find a ready audience among retards like rusha

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Um, no. He was incapacitated and regardless of your above, there was no reason for him to be subjected to what that officer did. He was no threat and was pleading to breathe.

He was saying "I can't breathe, I can't breathe" long before he was on the ground. And the autopsy shows no neck compression occurred.

He suffered en episode of respiratory arrest due to the fentanyl overdose he caused himself, to avoid being caught with it and sent back to prison

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There's a fair chance that Trump will get back in ...

Trump will be reelected because the Democrats chose to run someone unelectable, and the electorate who aren't blinded by TDS will realize that he's the better choice, just as they did four years ago.


Well-known member
It was an attack during a mass.
Which you turned around in to a deception, such as 'Mass Attack'.
Better get your vision checked. and :- Once again, I'm going to recommend that you get your vision checked.
You'd better get your facts checked.
Hmm, well we have some in this thread siding with the thugs and against the police officers.
No ......... I would suggest better police induction training, field trainer training and assessment, better training reviews, field trainer reviews, better supervision, regular counselling and trauma counselling.......... and profiling for racist, sexist, classist attitudes.
What I have written against on this thread is that you have written several deceptions, and ended up showing your true feelings about BLM........ what was it, thugs and scum bags? IMO You shouldn't ever be allowed to become a law enforcer, User Name.
George Floyd was a thug. He was a criminal who resisted arrest. He had drugs in his system. He was in possession of illegal narcotics and counterfeit cash
Don't repeat your junk. I've already asked tyou for SOURCES and you told me to go looking or some such nonsense. You haven't got any facts, so don't make the claims. I would love to read through your sources........ love to.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Don't repeat your junk. I've already asked tyou for SOURCES and you told me to go looking or some such nonsense. You haven't got any facts, so don't make the claims. I would love to read through your sources........ love to.

If you don't already know that George Floyd was a career criminal who resisted arrest, had drugs in his system, was in possession of illegal narcotics and counterfeit cash at the time of his final arrest and untimely death, then you know absolutely nothing about the George Floyd case, other than his name and his skin color.


Hall of Fame
Breaking into someone's home unannounced so they can murder someone in it? Is that normal? Okay, I live in the UK so there have been instances of police malpractice but it's hardly an everyday occurrence. Politicizing such events does what exactly?

It is normal insofar that in the US the police feel they have a green light to use deadly force even when their lives are not threatened. The deadly threat is selectively based on the color of the skin of those who are targeted. One *leader* rewards this type of behavior while a previous one mourned the loss of life and sang “Amazing Grace”. Thus far, when it comes to leadership, your country has dodged that proverbial bullet. We have our leader reversing the decision against war criminal
Edward Gallagher (SEALs) who shot civilians and killed a wounded captive with a hunting knife and took pictures of himself posing with his dead body

Valuing life in a way that matters begins with getting rid of anyone who enforces and rewards such injustices. Without change, we are going the way of Russia and Saudi Arabia. Khashoggi. Navalalny. I see this as the future of America if people continue to allow it.


Well-known member
If you don't already know that George Floyd was a career criminal who resisted arrest, had drugs in his system, was in possession of illegal narcotics and counterfeit cash at the time of his final arrest and untimely death, then you know absolutely nothing about the George Floyd case, other than his name and his skin color.

Neither you nor I know anything of the kind.
If you make up these claims without clear proof then it's just another deception, I'm afraid.

You keep mentioning 'narcotics'........ exactly what narcotics were in Mr Floyd's possession, if so how much?
Exactly what drugs were in Mr Floyd'd system and how and where was the blood sample obtained?
Exactly what counterfeit notes were found on Mr Floyd and by who? I hope you're not relying upon evidence given by any of the murderers are you?
Exactly how was Mr Floyd resisting arrest as he lay on the ground for several minutes?
Exactly what criminal activities was Mr Floyd pursuing? He was a rehabilitated person.

You haven't got a shred of evidence, I'm afraid.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Mr Floyd ... was a rehabilitated person.

Why do you say that?

The autopsy results showed high levels of fentanyl and fentanyl metabolite and evidence of methamphetamine use.

Is that what you consider to be rehabilitated?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
What Sparked Latest Unrest in Minneapolis Tells You Everything You Need to Know About the Rioters

When days of protesting and rioting after George Floyd’s death in police custody turned into weeks, which turned into months, it became obvious the ‘demonstrations’ were not about him. Same for the looting—smashing storefronts and stealing merchandise has nothing to do with protesting police brutality and seeking justice. And that takes us to what happened in Minneapolis on Wednesday, which sparked the latest round of rioting.

A murder suspect committed suicide as police approached, prompting “hostile crowds” to gather and begin looting and rioting. False rumors spread on social media that police were involved, so the Minneapolis PD released the graphic video of the man shooting himself and made clear that “no officer weapons were fired.”

No matter - they were looking for any excuse to riot.

More at the source, including new video: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahb...-need-to-know-about-these-people-n2575155?277


Hall of Fame
Breaking into someone's home unannounced so they can murder someone in it? Is that normal? Okay, I live in the UK so there have been instances of police malpractice but it's hardly an everyday occurrence. Politicizing such events does what exactly?

BTW, the Kenosha shooter, was part of Blue Lives Matter and shown sitting at a trump rally.


However, this shooter, who actually shot at people and injured someone was taken into custody rather than shot in his back umpteen times. The reason for the difference in treatment is as clear as ... black and white.

Again, reform has to start at the top.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
However, this shooter, who actually shot at peopleand shot a person, was taken into custody rather than shot in the back umpteen times.

He was taken into custody rather than get shot in the back umpteen times because he didn't resist arrest and assault police officers and then attempt to enter his vehicle to retrieve another weapon.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
BTW, the Kenosha shooter, was part of Blue Lives Matter and shown sitting at a trump rally.


BTW, all three of the thugs shot had criminal records and one was a registered pedophile

However, this shooter, who actually shot at people and injured someone was taken into custody rather than shot in his back umpteen times. The reason for the difference ...

... is that he didn't attack the police and pose a threat to them

He only posed a threat to the bad guys, like the pedophile you seem to be so enamored of

golly rusha, I hadn't realized what a disgusting racist you are


like marbles on glass
she's referring to a recent occurrence where a no-knock warrant was issued for a certain man at a certain address for dealing drugs. When the cops served the warrant, the perp met them with a hail of gunfire, they returned fire and the girlfriend was hit and killed.

Distorted versions of the story have been propagated across social media, where they find a ready audience among retards like rusha

The no-knock warrant was executed by plain-clothes narcotics detectives, and the boyfriend, validly licensed to have a firearm, and under Kentucky's stand your ground law, thought he was protecting his girlfriend from a home invasion. There were no drugs found at the scene. All charges against the boyfriend were dropped; meanwhile the incident report filed by the cops neglected to report that Breonna Taylor had been shot, let alone killed.

Stop distorting the truth to fit your racist narrative.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The no-knock warrant was executed by plain-clothes narcotics detectives


and the boyfriend, validly licensed to have a firearm, and under Kentucky's stand your ground law, thought he was protecting his girlfriend from a home invasion.


There were no drugs found at the scene.


All charges against the boyfriend were dropped; meanwhile the incident report filed by the cops neglected to report that Breonna Taylor had been shot, let alone killed.

There's more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoo...Breonna_Taylor

Stop protecting your retarded racist friend