Bizarre, Creepy Video Of Peter Strzok Smirking Goes Viral


Well-known member
The GOP wanted a spectacle and they got one, just not quite how they intended.

Too bad the liberals don't realize THEY are the spectacle.

Real Americans saw it for what it was. A priggish sneering snob who thought he was above the law.

It's this blindness that Anna parades on a public forum that has us shaking out heads. :nono:


Well-known member
I think you overestimate the number of people who care much about that. In fact, I'm certain you only care about it because you hate Strzok, because he dared to question your master Trump. Otherwise, you'd have leveled the same criticism against Trump. Yeah, I know, this isn't a Trump-bashing thread, but you clearly don't really care about this unless you think you can use it to discredit someone you don't like for other reasons. So why don't you make an argument that's possible to take seriously?

For you to say that Trump is my "master" only proves your mindless bias. Exactly what Strzok denied so adamantly. That you can't see his bias is why you can't see yours. YOU do exactly what he did.

Tell me. Would you like Strzok to investigate YOU for anything when he had such hatred for YOU? Instead of what most FBI agents do, he fell for the entire line of Dem talking points. Most FBI agents know quite well that there are two sides to every story. When this one became enraged over what he considered to be an affront to a gold star family, he showed his extreme bias. When in fact, half the country saw NO disrespect at all.

No, you believe you are better than anyone who supports Trump. That's all that needs to be said.

In fact, you're CERTAIN you're better. I can almost "smell" your sneer from here.

I'm actually surprised the Secret Service doesn't look into this. Strzok's incredible animus for the President of the United States combined with his threat to "stop" him and the fact that he carries a gun should be a red flag.