Bigotry against homosexuals is declining, one grave at a time


New member
Yep. Sin is always in vogue. This is just this decade's 'new' old fashion. The Greeks and Romans lost world denomination because of sin. We will too. There is a cycle to every nation. Our heyday will be over for 'attacking the family unit.' That's where the rubber meets the road. It isn't very bright to give 1% of the population all this power over 99%. It will come back over and over again and bite us in our collective ends. God cannot be mocked, a man does, in fact, reap what he/she sows. You all will live through the time when the pendulum swings back hard, because there really will be no other place for it to go. You cannot escape consequences. "For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction." Read your own books if you won't read mine.

Why are you concerned with world domination? That sounds kind of scary and hardly a fruitful spiritual pursuit :plain: . Are you saying the aggressive and dominating shall inherit the earth?


New member
Hall of Fame
A survey by the Pew Research Center indicates America’s support for marriage equality is tapering off after several years of dramatic gains in acceptance.

Released Monday, a new poll found a 5% drop—from 54% to 49%—in Americans who want legal recognition for same-sex relationships since February. The percentage of those against same-sex marriage rose during that same period, from 39% to 41%.

According to the most recent survey from pew research.

Im guessing the gaystopo is causing people to rethink their position after seeing so many people being forced to deny their own religious beliefs and forced to attend diversity training for having a different opinion.

Keep up the good work militant gays!


It's not just the graves.

More and more older adults who spewed bile at what to them was a vague, nebulous horde of sinners for years are experiencing sudden, shocking turnaround when their own sons and daughters come out of the closet, and suddenly the vague, nebulous horde is a person they already know and love.

Of course, there are still exceptions to that, with still far too many teens being booted from home for coming out of the closet.
But unlike in years past, they have somewhere to go after their parents stop loving them.
And many of those hate-filled parents do eventually realize that their child isn't "steep in sin" or "just going through a phase," and tearfully seek their child out and beg forgiveness.

and can you give any scriptural support to an acceptance of sinful behavior?




"bigotry" against adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, pedophiles and all sorts of immorality and perversion is declining – so what?


Good point Lon. "Acceptance" of homosexuality today is really no different than acceptance of fornication and adultery a few decades ago. Remember when fornication and adultery were considered shameful acts? Now, they are the backbones of most "reality" TV shows and TV shows like "Cheaters".

raise this point to the leftists here (especially those who claim to be centrists) and they'll point to slavery and sufferage and the inevitable yummy goodness of all things progressive

i sure will enjoy seeing all those scumbags burn in hell
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Well-known member

I know we agree on next to nothing, but do you agree with Tinark's glee at the prospect of opponents to homosexuality dying off? Dead serious question, curious what you think.
Yep. Sin is always in vogue. This is just this decade's 'new' old fashion. The Greeks and Romans lost world denomination because of sin. We will too. There is a cycle to every nation. Our heyday will be over for 'attacking the family unit.' That's where the rubber meets the road. It isn't very bright to give 1% of the population all this power over 99%. It will come back over and over again and bite us in our collective ends. God cannot be mocked, a man does, in fact, reap what he/she sows. You all will live through the time when the pendulum swings back hard, because there really will be no other place for it to go. You cannot escape consequences. "For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction." Read your own books if you won't read mine.


New member

I know we agree on next to nothing, but do you agree with Tinark's glee at the prospect of opponents to homosexuality dying off? Dead serious question, curious what you think.

Glee? I didn't see any glee. I agree with his premise that anti-gay prejudice is decreasing and one of the many reasons why it is decreasing. That prejudice is most prominent in older people and not generally shared by the younger generations. No one is "dying off" it's just a generational shift much like what happened and continues to happen with things like racism and antisemitism. If there was glee and i missed it then to answer your question: no i don't agree with glee at the prospects of any people dying off.


Well-known member
The remaining adherents of a dying religion always get defensive. They are ignorant of history and the real causes of events. Soon, thinking takes on a paranoid, conspiratorial bent, as the whole world seems to be against them. They clutch desperately to the last empty hope that they have: "my God will show you that I'm right, just wait." Soon after, as their God fails to appear, as He always does, it takes its last, dying breath.

The homophobic version of Christianity will soon have it's own tombstone.
:nono: The Romans and Greeks thought the same thing. Christianity will survive forever. Not really sorry to burst that incredibly unrealistic bubble. It is delusion. Odd for a supposed rationalist.


Well-known member
attacking the family unit? Do you mean like denying millions of families legal protections?
Yep. I do. You don't see it, but anytime you favor other groups, the other loses support. Equality isn't about your whims, it is about actual rights. I disagree with quite a few people on what that actually means. I don't believe I have a 'right' to stay in 'your' motel if there is an equitable one somewhere that serves that need. Affirmative action was the worst thing against our country because it set things politically 'out of balance' rather than equitably allowed for balance. Shoot, it STILL isn't working. Guess what? Can't for gays either. Never will. It will only make a LOT more riots in the street. You 'equal' fans will never understand this. You are just going to cry when it becomes war, all along, making it the war it is and HAS to be. You won't get that either. We are heading for another period of civil conflict. It will not be the end of homosexual opposition (can't be). You won't get this either.


Well-known member
Why are you concerned with world domination? That sounds kind of scary and hardly a fruitful spiritual pursuit :plain: . Are you saying the aggressive and dominating shall inherit the earth?
I am saying, regardless of your religious disconnect, that consequences follow actions and for every action there is an equal opposing action. You, yourself, MUST agree with that. We certainly do reap whatever we sow. If ALL of us came to understand that, we'd not ask what our country could do for us, but what we could do for our country. Because too, we live in society, not just affecting ourselves, we are building consequences for those around us. For instance, was Pat Robertson correct that God was punishing the East Coast for sin? Yes, in a way he was, even for the nonreligious. Why? Because we do reap what we sow. If it is because of our gas consumption or what have you, we certainly do sow what we reap and vise-versa. We are currently sowing a culture, where 1 in 99 is favored in court, on television, in advertising, etc. That necessarily means $, time, effort, spent on other endeavors are depleted, it is a consequence of our actions. We will take the good with the bad, but shouldn't do things that cause inordinate bad, for another's good. As such, we will surely reap consequences. Here is the bottom line that I'd posit: Nothing on earth is as strong as the family unit in the sense of a naturally occurring phenomena. Because of that, economics, morals, values, politics, and about everything else is stabilized by that unit and revolves around that unit. Our future, as a human race, is dependent upon it. Our existence is dependent on it. You cannot attack or redefine that without natural consequences. We reap what we sow.


New member
Yep. I do. You don't see it, but anytime you favor other groups, the other loses support. Equality isn't about your whims, it is about actual rights. I disagree with quite a few people on what that actually means. I don't believe I have a 'right' to stay in 'your' motel if there is an equitable one somewhere that serves that need. Affirmative action was the worst thing against our country because it set things politically 'out of balance' rather than equitably allowed for balance. Shoot, it STILL isn't working. Guess what? Can't for gays either. Never will. It will only make a LOT more riots in the street. You 'equal' fans will never understand this. You are just going to cry when it becomes war, all along, making it the war it is and HAS to be. You won't get that either. We are heading for another period of civil conflict. It will not be the end of homosexual opposition (can't be). You won't get this either.

you decry attacks on the family while at the same time attacking families.


you decry attacks on the family while at the same time attacking families.

once again, you demonstrate your lack of any sort of critical discernment

some "families" are deserving of being attacked

this is not a family - this is two perverts raising three poor children who will be warped by the experience:


likewise, this is not a family - it is (apparently) three perverts raising two poor children who will be warped by the experience: