Bigot businessowner punishes peaceful marijuana users


New member
Hall of Fame
First time I have heard that word used for straight A grades....

I would guess so. Since thats not what i said and clearly had bolded what it was in response to, you have just shown that you have comprehension issues, no wonder you didnt understand that article you posted in the other thread. It makes sense now.)

Look again: (i took the liberty of removing the things that clearly confused you)
My creativity improved when I was high



New member
I would guess so. Since thats not what i said and clearly had bolded what it was in response to, you have just shown that you have comprehension issues, no wonder you didnt understand that article you posted in the other thread. It makes sense now.)

Look again: (i took the liberty of removing the things that clearly confused you)

It's not subjective that he had good grades. Perhaps you would like to argue that you can get top grades without any creative thinking. Why doubt him regarding his reports on creativity if there were objective results that showed his mental capacities actually working efficiently while high?


New member
Hall of Fame
It's not subjective that he had good grades. Perhaps you would like to argue that you can get top grades without any creative thinking. Why doubt him regarding his reports on creativity if there were objective results that showed his mental capacities actually working efficiently while high?

I didn't say anything about his grades, are you dense or desperate or high?


Well-known member
I didn't say anything about his grades, are you dense or desperate or high?

She's making the point that test grades are not subjective. Whether you think my opinion of my creativity is subjective doesn't matter and doesn't make a point.

“The best way I would describe the effect of the marijuana and the hashish is that it would make me relaxed and creative.” -- Steve Jobs.​

Subjective, right?

The business owner's opinion of his employees creativity while high is subjective, too.


New member
Hall of Fame
She's making the point that test grades are not subjective.

yes, and ignoring that i didnt say anything about your test grades, and was very clear that i was speaking of your own opinion about your "creativity" and even explained it yet she persists. Clearly she gets an F for comprehension skills.

Whether you think my opinion of my creativity is subjective doesn't matter and doesn't make a point.

And neither does what you think about yourself make a point.

“The best way I would describe the effect of the marijuana and the hashish is that it would make me relaxed and creative.” -- Steve Jobs.​

Subjective, right?

yes, your own opinion of yourself is subjective. So is his. Ive not seen him both when hes high and when he isnt, neither have i for you, so yes, its subjective.

Subjective definition(for you 2 who doesn't seem to understand what it means)

Existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ). pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.


New member
Hall of Fame
You didn't have to. You avoided the material facts at hand that are not subjective and that constitute a measure of the efficiency of his thinking and creativity.

Just because you find him to be all that, doesn't mean his opinion of his creativity is not subjective.

Keep showing everyone you don't know what the word means. I love it :)

Are you high right now? I am assuming you smoke it with him - am i wrong?


Well-known member
yes, and ignoring that i didnt say anything about your test grades...

She's not ignoring that. Her point is that you are ignoring the test grades.

And neither does what you think about yourself make a point.

It counters the subjective claim that smoking marijuana made his artists less creative.

yes, your own opinion of yourself is subjective. So is his. Ive not seen him both when hes high and when he isnt, neither have i for you, so yes, its subjective.

The bottom line isn't subjective if you get paid for your creativity.


New member
Hall of Fame
She's not ignoring that. Her point is that you are ignoring the test grades.

It counters the subjective claim that smoking marijuana made his artists less creative.

The bottom line isn't subjective if you get paid for your creativity.

All peoples self opinion is subjective. You know your grades had nothing to do with what i said, and you are making yourself look as desperate as she is right now.

Are you both high right now?


New member
All peoples self opinion is subjective. You know your grades had nothing to do with what i said, and you are making yourself look as desperate as she is right now.

Are you both high right now?
Actually, your continuous, groundless accusations of the other posters makes you look desperate, in my opinion.


New member
The, "are you high," or the, "put down the reefer," are clear signs of desperation in the argument. I get those all the time around here.