First 2020 presidential debate: Fact-checking Biden and Trump
Trump's false claims on mail voting.
At the tail-end of the debate, Trump launched into a lengthy and falsehood-riddled diatribe about vote by mail as part of his response to a question about election integrity. We checked five of those claims
Biden gets it wrong on trade deficit with China.
Biden, in an attempt to hit Trump on trade, said the president had negotiated new trade deals that made the country’s trade deficit with various nations worse.
That is not true.
Biden said the 'Green New Deal is not my plan.' But how similar is his environmental plan?
“That is not my plan. The Green New Deal is not my plan,” Biden said during Tuesday night’s debate.
While Biden doesn’t explicitly support the Green New Deal, his own plans borrow very heavily from it — meaning his aggressive denials ring false.
Did Trump suggest nuking a hurricane?
According to Axios: “During one hurricane briefing at the White House, Trump said, 'I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them?' according to one source who was there. 'They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?' the source added, paraphrasing the president's remarks.”
One senior administration official did not deny the exchange, telling the publication: “His goal — to keep a catastrophic hurricane from hitting the mainland — is not bad... His objective is not bad."
Have 1 in 1,000 Black Americans been killed by coronavirus, as Biden claimed?
Biden here, however, appears to be referencing a study on death rates, not on overall numbers.
recent study from APM Research Lab found that the Covid-19 death rate for Blacks is 1 in 1,020 (97.9 deaths per 100,000). The report notes that "if they had died of COVID-19 at the same actual rate as White Americans, about 20,800 Black, 10,900 Latino, 700 Indigenous, and 80 Pacific Islander Americans would still be alive."
Did Kellyanne Conway say violence and chaos help Trump's cause?
Here’s the exact quote,
via video of Conway’s appearance on "Fox and Friends" on Aug. 27, 2020: “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.”
Did the Obama administration spy on Trump's 2016 campaign, as he claimed?
"We found no evidence," the report said, that the FBI sent any confidential sources to join the Trump campaign, or sent them to campaign offices or events, or tasked them to report on the Trump campaign.
The inspector general said he examined more than a million documents and interviewed more than 100 witnesses to reach the report’s conclusions.
Did Trump's administration really bring back 700,000 manufacturing jobs?
Under Trump, the U.S. has gained approximately half a million manufacturing jobs between 2016 and 2019, according to federal employment data. But some 200,000 of the manufacturing jobs gained under Trump have since been lost during the pandemic.
Trump says poll watchers were 'thrown out' in Pennsylvania. Is that true?
That's because the poll watchers weren't approved to be at that particular location.
Philadelphia Inquirer reporter at a Board of Election satellite office said Tuesday that a woman who said she was hired by the Trump campaign as a poll watcher wasn't allowed into the office.
Did Obama hand Trump the 'slowest recovery' or a 'booming economy'?
The Trump administration has rightly taken credit for having low unemployment during his presidency, but the idea that Trump rebuilt the economy is misleading. Unemployment under Obama had already been trending downward. In December of 2019 — before the pandemic hit the U.S. — the unemployment rate was a scant 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been in 50 years. However, as good as that number was, when Trump took office the rate was already at 4.7 percent. That figure is quite low by historical standards (lower than all of the 1980s as well as most of the 1990s and 2000s). In fact, Obama saw a much steeper drop in unemployment in his second term, a 3.3 drop in the rate, than Trump did in his first three years, a decline of 1.2 points.
The numbers under Trump appear to be
the continuation of a trend, not something new. Job creation numbers offer more evidence for this. On average, there were more jobs added monthly in Obama’s second term than there were in Trump's first three years.
On average, the country created 215,000 new jobs a month in Obama’s second term. In Trump’s first three years, the figure was 182,000. They are both good numbers and if you look at
the jobs data plotted on a graph, the rise since 2011 actually looks pretty consistent.
Did Trump call veterans 'losers'?
Citing four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussions, the magazine reported that Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain. The Atlantic then was first to report that in a conversation with senior staff members, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”
Trump also reportedly called the more than 1,800 fallen Marines “suckers” for getting killed during the World War I battle. The Atlantic’s report was confirmed by
the Associated Press, while the Washington Post reported
similar rhetoric about fallen service members. The president denied The Atlantic report as “fake.”
Biden said, “Violent crime went down 17 percent, 15 percent in our administration. It's gone up on his watch.”
Biden's attack is half-true. Asked about this claim, the Biden campaign pointed to a
review of FBI violent crime data during the Obama administration that found that the violent crime rate fell nearly 16 percent when adjusted for population. While that number appears to check out, his attack on Trump is unfounded: While homicide has been on the rise, violent crime has remained largely flat
under the Trump administration.
Did Biden call black Americans "super predators?"
This is mostly false. It was Hillary Clinton, then the first lady, who used the term "super predator" to advocate for the 1994 crime bill that Biden co-authored more than thirty years ago. Biden
did warn of "predators" in a floor speech in support of his bill, however.
Did Trump pay 'a total of $750 in taxes,' as Biden claimed
Biden, during a prolonged exchange over the amount of federal taxes Trump has paid, said, "this guy paid a total of $750 in taxes."
Trump retorted by saying, "I've paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars of income tax."
Biden's claim accurately reflects new reporting by The New York Times for the years 2016 and 2017.
Does Trump support cutting police funding?
"His budget calls for a $400 million cut in local law enforcement assistance," Biden said Tuesday night, reiterating his own opposition to defunding the police.
This is mostly true, though Biden actually undercounts the proposed cuts. While Trump has opposed calls from some Democrats to reduce police funding in response to the death of George Floyd and other Black Americans over the summer, the Trump administration’s budget proposal does indeed call for big cuts for several police programs. In the Justice Department’s
budget plan for fiscal year 2021, the Trump administration requested $1.51 billion for over 50 programs funding state and local law enforcement. That number cuts about $515 million from previous fiscal years, in part by slashing budgets for a number of Obama-era programs, including initiatives that provided body cameras for police officers.
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