biden watch


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I don't know about you, @Jefferson, but I often wonder about the face images we see of "Biden" in photos like these recent ones, as compared with those we see in photos like the one you posted above. I mean, I know that we have to take a decade+ of aging into consideration, but nevertheless, I often have some difficulty seeing in photos that "Joe Biden" has all along been just one, single man.


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I don't know about you, @Jefferson, but I often wonder about the face images we see of "Biden" in photos like these recent ones, as compared with those we see in photos like the one you posted above. I mean, I know that we have to take a decade+ of aging into consideration, but nevertheless, I often have some difficulty seeing in photos that "Joe Biden" has all along been just one, single man.
It wouldn't surprise me if he has a body double. Hillary had one. There's no way Trump could have one. Nobody looks like him.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What an embarrassment



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'If you want to take on the federal government, you need some F-15s. You don't need an AR-15': Biden's message to his 'right-wing friends' as he again promises to ban assault weapons that have 'no social redeeming quality'

I wonder if someone might be in the process of taking Brandon up on that challenge:

A missing F-35 stealth fighter may have kept flying after its pilot ejected. A pilotless Soviet jet once flew 500 miles before crashing in NATO territory.
