biden watch

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lifeguard at the cement pond
The man Joe Biden chose as his mentor when he was first elected to the Senate, Robert Byrd, who started his political career by forming his own chapter of the Ku Klux Klan and leading it for decades. Robert Byrd who filibustered for 14 hours against the Civil Rights act of 1964. Robert Byrd who Joe Biden eulogized at his funeral.

Joe Biden the pathological liar, racist to the core of his black heart, the most corrupt senator who's ever served.
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lifeguard at the cement pond

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lifeguard at the cement pond
Hillary's bloviating at the moment (10:00)
There are 10 speakers scheduled to speak before Ashley Biden introduces her father. Ashley Biden who records in her diary that her father molested her by taking showers with her at an "inappropriate age".

Can't watch anymore

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lifeguard at the cement pond
Okay the disgusting piece of human excrement is mumbling his way through a script. And once more he parrots the lie that's been debunked by Snopes about Trump calling neo-nazis very fine people.

What a lying piece of garbage

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lifeguard at the cement pond
"As far as Biden went it made me sick"

That's exactly how I felt

I was reminded of the 2 Minutes Hate from 1984. Was going to include a clip of it here but instead just this screenshot of something that popped up as I searched. That shot of Hitler? That was Joe last night.


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lifeguard at the cement pond
Soon enough this evil man will be swept into the dustbin of History and forgotten by all except historians who will use him as a footnote - most corrupt most racist most dishonest president ever.

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