Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.


Well-known member
Biden is one of the elite. He does as he pleases and no God, church leader, or American law is going to stop him.

Joe Biden defied the nation’s Catholic bishops this weekend by attending Mass just two days after they voted for a new document on communion that could be used to rebuke pro-abortion politicians like him.
After the bishops overwhelming voted for the document and despite numerous bishops speaking up about the importance of the Catholic Church’s opposition to killing babies in abortion, the supposedly “faithful Catholic” went to mass anyway.


like marbles on glass

How does President Biden "defy the nations's Catholic bishops" based on a document that "could be used?"

Amazing how there will be so many anti-Catholics out there opining on whether President Biden should receive a Communion that they don't believe is the Body of Christ, in a religion they don't believe is Christian, which is led by a Pope they consider demonic.

But oh yes, be outraged!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

How does President Biden "defy the nations's Catholic bishops" based on a document that "could be used?"

Amazing how there will be so many anti-Catholics out there opining on whether President Biden should receive a Communion that they don't believe is the Body of Christ, in a religion they don't believe is Christian, which is led by a Pope they consider demonic.

But oh yes, be outraged!
Meanwhile ....


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Greatest poster ever
@ok doser

* Abortion Nationally is from the Republican Supreme Court:
- Republican U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun wrote Roe v. Wade.
- The 1973 Roe 7-to-2 opinion was approved with a Republican majority of five votes.
- The 1992 landmark Casey opinion upheld "abortion rights" though 8 Republicans and a single pro-life Democrat (who dissented) comprised the court.
- In 2002 Casey author and Republican Justice Antonin Scalia said, "I will also strike down a law that is the opposite of Roe v. Wade."
- In 2008 on ABC's 60 Minutes Scalia said, "there are anti-abortion people who think that... the [constitution's] equal protection clause requires that you treat a helpless human being that's still in the womb the way you treat other human beings. I think that's wrong."
- In 2012 Republican Chief Justice John Roberts voted to uphold the socialist, pro-abortion Obamacare.
- In 2017 Republican Gorsuch became the poster-child for the "pro-life" movement's support for judges who reject the child's God-given right to life (see video below)
- From 1973 to 2020 every Republican justice on the court has agreed with the Democrat Party's platform and the central holding of Roe that the baby is not a person and has no right to life.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Biden is one of the elite. He does as he pleases and no God, church leader, or American law is going to stop him.

Joe Biden defied the nation’s Catholic bishops this weekend by attending Mass just two days after they voted for a new document on communion that could be used to rebuke pro-abortion politicians like him.
After the bishops overwhelming voted for the document and despite numerous bishops speaking up about the importance of the Catholic Church’s opposition to killing babies in abortion, the supposedly “faithful Catholic” went to mass anyway.
Absent clear instruction otherwise, from his bishop or from the presiding bishop in the diocese where he's attending Mass (while traveling), afaik he's doing the correct thing in coming to Mass and receiving the Blessed Sacrament. So long as he's maintained full communion. It's the honor system.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Absent clear instruction otherwise, from his bishop or from the presiding bishop in the diocese where he's attending Mass (while traveling), afaik he's doing the correct thing in coming to Mass and receiving the Blessed Sacrament. So long as he's maintained full communion. It's the honor system.
What does "maintained full communion" mean?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What does "maintained full communion" mean?
Don't commit grave sins. Assuming he's not doing any of those (without first reconciling with the Church in the confessional) then he's maintaining full communion. Incidentally one of the things he must do to maintain full communion is to come to Mass weekly.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Still off topic and therefore SPAM for THIS thread.
WRONG. The key issue of this thread is abortion, and abortion could not have been made legal and kept legal in this country without overwhelming Republican support, as Pastor Enyart has documented!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Biden and Communion... Did you not read the title?
Biden, ABORTION and communion. The abortion part is at issue, and I'm only telling you what Bob Enyart said--that abortion in this country could not have been made legal without overwhelming Republican support! But I realize that you just want to use the subject of abortion as a political football against Democrats, while ignoring it when Republicans do the same thing. You are more pro-Republican than you are anti-abortion!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Don't commit grave sins. Assuming he's not doing any of those (without first reconciling with the Church in the confessional) then he's maintaining full communion. Incidentally one of the things he must do to maintain full communion is to come to Mass weekly.
How is "grave sin" defined?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
To RD:

... you just want to use the subject of abortion as a political football against Democrats, while ignoring it when Republicans do the same thing. You are more pro-Republican than you are anti-abortion!

You just went full retard

User Name

Greatest poster ever
To RD:

You just went full retard
Bob Enyart had documented proof, which I posted earlier in this thread, of overwhelming Republican support for abortion rights through the decades. But you ignore that because you are more pro-Republican than you are pro-life!