biblican & logical reason Y not thrilled about another Bush pres.


Well-known member
in your stupid, subjective opinion

objectively speaking, Pres Clinton did FAR worse, objectively speaking as in

in God's view

If... as the Word tells us.. God HATES divorce (Malachi)

then how much must he also hate adultery

and how about pardoning criminals who get off just b/c they can PAY for their exoneration?
but hey, I know u libs have to stand up for one another no matter what any of u do..

Try explaining such things to God in the END

I happen to be conservative and it will be a cold day in Hell before one man's adultery is worse than killing off thousands of innocent people. You claim to speak for God but if you did you would weep for the Iraqis. Here's one Marine who realized something was terribly wrong about our invasion and made a documentary about it:


Well-known member
How absurd! Please! The irreparable damage Clinton did to the U.S. economy i.e. China is still being felt in this country or did you just think ole Bill's oval office activities were all he is culpable for. Invading Iraq was bought into by congress and Hillary voted yes as well so, don't be afraid to spread the wealth on Iraq. You can try to lay that on one man but, given the entire government was aligned before that decision ever took place, your point, is no point at all. Nice try though...

The Commander-in-Chief will always take the blame for what he decides to do with our military. It's why we elect them. Bush was warned by Mid East experts that his invasion would be a big mistake and it certainly was.


New member
The Commander-in-Chief will always take the blame for what he decides to do with our military. It's why we elect them. Bush was warned by Mid East experts that his invasion would be a big mistake and it certainly was.

ho hum. You libs always think just wars are unjust



Well-known member


New member
I'm a Republican, and I will vote Republican, but it is far to early for me to decide who I will vote for. I want to see what the candidates do in the debates and primaries. I like several potential candidates initially, including Jeb Bush, but that's before the facts are in. In other words, I want more information.