Ben Carson: little experience? but there's something better than that..


New member
I figured out you were a lib after reading the first paragraph.

How is that, you ask?

b/c you LIE

(see highlighted)

I don't like to deal fact-avoiders and truth-twisters, so I am outa here..
Would have been nice to see what her goal was with the suggestion. I stand by what I said. I tend to suspect the homeless probably have parents who are also poor and therefore can't take care of their children.


Hall of Fame
So, if someone has hit rock bottom and realistically need help, we are going to send in the police to make the parents help? Most of the time the parents are dead or homeless too. I don't think this is going to help anyone get out of poverty.

I figured out you were a lib after reading the first paragraph.

How is that, you ask?

b/c you LIE

(see highlighted)

Show the lie.

I don't like to deal fact-avoiders and truth-twisters, so I am outa here..

Ah, but you do enjoy projecting ...

Considering the amount of threads you post (along with unproven allegations), back your accusations up with facts.

How likely is it that someone who is raised in poverty will remain in poverty? How likely is it that someone who is raised with a silver spoon in their mouth will pass that spoon onto their own children?


New member
The republican party idea is to never offer any tax funded support. This is difficult to push if success has anything to do with corruption or advantages you have as a result of having money due to who your parents are. To push this view and not have it come across as monstrous, the poor must be poor because they are lazy. Thus, anything that calls that idea into question must be vehemently opposed. I opposed the idea that the poor are poor solely because they are lazy.

The idea that the children of the wealthy and children of the poor have equal opportunity is laughable, but you have to support that idea for zeroing out all aid to the poor to not come across as monstrous.


New member
Would have been nice to see what her goal was with the suggestion. I stand by what I said. I tend to suspect the homeless probably have parents who are also poor and therefore can't take care of their children.

looks like u have never known any homeless..

no one is a well rounded person who does not know homeless people

All rich people (who have been rich all their lives) should do this:

buy a 20 yr old car with tons of miles on it.. allow themselves a couple hundred dollars, but nothing else..

live in the car for at least a week, not allowing themselves to go home a day sooner; look for a job (won't be likely to get one if employer knows how s/he lives). Go to some city you don't know very well and try to find what u need (roof over head, shower, affordable meals).

Then maybe (change that to MONTH, not week) ..the rich won't be so quick to look down their noses @ the homeless so much anymore...

Everyone is "dependent"

some act like only the poor are disgustingly dependent, but think about it.. You graduate from college and go look for work. For one reason or another, you don't find it You can't MAKE someone give u a job. You are dependent on those employers out there. So it takes a long time to find a job and u get discouraged. Well, some people are psychologically frail and more/less give up. In fact 40% of the unemployed (at this time) have done just that: given up looking...

you find a job? Good... You work for X number of years and you begin to be VERY comfortable.. unlike all those loser homeless people you left behind when you finally got a job.. And you begin to judge those people. You tell yourself: I did it, why cn't they?

and just whatever...


the point is: EVERYONE is "dependent" on others
