Ben Carson: little experience? but there's something better than that..


New member
integrity trumps experience

someone said Carson doesn't have experience

that doesn't tell us anything

I myself do not have experiences others have had, like the experience of being filthy rich. Does that mean I could never be president b/c I couldn't relate to... well, you know.. the 1%?

In any case, Mr. Carson has a lot of experience. He started a non-profit that not only succeeded (whereas most fail) but thrived. He is a doctor, for crying out loud.. has dealt with health insurance issues, etc.

Oh, he said that obamacare was the worst thing since slavery?

maybe what he meant to say was that it was one of the worst things since slavery?

Who knows?

But you know, he is RIGHT.. IT is a horrible intrusion of the gov into people's private lives.. all those medical records available to...

the government..

Reagan said something like The 9 most dreadful words in the English language are:

We are from the government and we are here to help

Oh, that's 11 words... well, whatever



New member
You know, Somalia has a VERY small government. You might like it there. It must be prosperous given the small government. Btw, all of the top 3 countries with the highest median income have actual single payer government run universal health care.


New member
You know, Somalia has a VERY small government. You might like it there. It must be prosperous given the small government. Btw, all of the top 3 countries with the highest median income have actual single payer government run universal health care.

that makes it right?

some American u r

but then maybe it is b/c you are ignorant of our history.. most people are, apparently


New member
that makes it right?

some American u r

but then maybe it is b/c you are ignorant of our history.. most people are, apparently
Are you saying that to be an American I have to be a republican and favor no government assistance for the poor but plenty of government assistance for the rich?

It's not wrong to have government assistance for the poor. The most wealthy countries out there are far more interested in the wellbeing of their people than the wellbeing of their corporate masters. If that's what you think it means to be American, I think you're wrong.


New member
Are you saying that to be an American I have to be a republican and favor no government assistance for the poor but plenty of government assistance for the rich?

It's not wrong to have government assistance for the poor. The most wealthy countries out there are far more interested in the wellbeing of their people than the wellbeing of their corporate masters. If that's what you think it means to be American, I think you're wrong.

programs for the poor should be aimed at making them NOT so poor anymore

our gov programs do NOT do this, they just make the problem worse (dependency, learned helplessness)


New member
programs for the poor should be aimed at making them NOT so poor anymore

our gov programs do NOT do this, they just make the problem worse (dependency, learned helplessness)
Tell me, what changes would you want to make to help the poor?

Why is it that hand outs to the rich are never seen as creating dependence?


New member
Tell me, what changes would you want to make to help the poor?

Why is it that hand outs to the rich are never seen as creating dependence?

i never said ONE word about the rich being let off the hook.

you are trying to change the subject

and no one is listening to my ideas RE how to help the poor, so what difference does my opinion make?



New member
Are you saying that to be an American I have to be a republican and favor no government assistance for the poor but plenty of government assistance for the rich?

It's not wrong to have government assistance for the poor. The most wealthy countries out there are far more interested in the wellbeing of their people than the wellbeing of their corporate masters. If that's what you think it means to be American, I think you're wrong.

straw man, as i never said that there should be absolutely no assistance to the poor

Why don't you address what is actually SAID?



New member
carson will get the entitlemnet vote, as it were

b/c he knows what it's like to be poor, to deal with the governemnt..

There are so many good R candidates (however), i don't know whom to choose...

still lean toward Cruz

but really like Carson also...



Hall of Fame
programs for the poor should be aimed at making them NOT so poor anymore

our gov programs do NOT do this, they just make the problem worse (dependency, learned helplessness)

List specifically what programs would make them "not so poor".

I'd like to see that list also.

republicanchick said:
when someone asks me to form a program or what have to help the poor, I will be more than happy to expend time & energy on doing so

until then, i don't believe in wasting t ime if i can help it...

You initiated this thread, did you not?

You were asked specifically to clarify what programs you were speaking of.

Either you have an idea OR you are only interested in starting as many threads as humanly possible for the sole purpose ... of creating threads.

Your audience enthusiastically awaits your response ...


New member
i never said ONE word about the rich being let off the hook.

you are trying to change the subject

and no one is listening to my ideas RE how to help the poor, so what difference does my opinion make?

I'd at least consider your ideas on how to help the poor if you'd tell me what they are.

Our social safety net isn't perfect. I'm open to ideas on how to fix it.


New member
I'd at least consider your ideas on how to help the poor if you'd tell me what they are.

Our social safety net isn't perfect. I'm open to ideas on how to fix it.

it's a big issue and i (unlike some people i could mention holding high office these days) would consult other experts.. Of course, there aren't too many experts on poverty in Congress.. they are all filthy rich

but being a legislator can be seen as being on the gov dole also... esp considering how little gets done... and then again, we often WISH little would get done...

don't want shrimp on treadmill programs...



New member
it's a big issue and i (unlike some people i could mention holding high office these days) would consult other experts.. Of course, there aren't too many experts on poverty in Congress.. they are all filthy rich

but being a legislator can be seen as being on the gov dole also... esp considering how little gets done... and then again, we often WISH little would get done...

don't want shrimp on treadmill programs...

Consulting experts is something I have nothing against. If that's your idea on fixing the safety net, I have nothing against trying it. I think it might work to pattern our system off of systems around the world that work. Canada, Denmark and Sweden all have a higher median income than the US. I'd look at what they're doing.


New member
Consulting experts is something I have nothing against. If that's your idea on fixing the safety net, I have nothing against trying it. I think it might work to pattern our system off of systems around the world that work. Canada, Denmark and Sweden all have a higher median income than the US. I'd look at what they're doing.

this is a half baked thought but here goes:

i think t hat anyone who is obviously incapable of caring for his or her own basic needs (homeless) should be sent back to the parents, regardless of how old. Should this be forced on t he family? Well, it is being forced on society, others... others who do not KNOW this person...

so it seems to me it comes down to forcing one group or forcing another..

a lot of people are homeless chronically b/c they never got support from their family when they were young.. and needed it... long story what all i mean, but usually if u see a homeless person, you see someone who had a BAD childhood or adolescence or both

I think basic childcare should be taught to anyone old enough to conceive a child...

Sociopaths and others who really shouldn't have children... should be strongly disincentivized to have them... but i don't know how you do t hat... don't know the details.. .


Hall of Fame
this is a half baked thought but here goes:

i think t hat anyone who is obviously incapable of caring for his or her own basic needs (homeless) should be sent back to the parents, regardless of how old. Should this be forced on t he family? Well, it is being forced on society, others... others who do not KNOW this person...

So a fifty year old amputee, homeless vet should be sent to live with his 85 year old mother who is in a nursing home?


New member
this is a half baked thought but here goes:

i think t hat anyone who is obviously incapable of caring for his or her own basic needs (homeless) should be sent back to the parents, regardless of how old. Should this be forced on t he family? Well, it is being forced on society, others... others who do not KNOW this person...

so it seems to me it comes down to forcing one group or forcing another..

a lot of people are homeless chronically b/c they never got support from their family when they were young.. and needed it... long story what all i mean, but usually if u see a homeless person, you see someone who had a BAD childhood or adolescence or both

I think basic childcare should be taught to anyone old enough to conceive a child...

Sociopaths and others who really shouldn't have children... should be strongly disincentivized to have them... but i don't know how you do t hat... don't know the details.. .
I appreciate your contributing an idea on what to do, but Like you say, this is half baked. So, if someone has hit rock bottom and realistically need help, we are going to send in the police to make the parents help? Most of the time the parents are dead or homeless too. I don't think this is going to help anyone get out of poverty.

I apologize if this question is offensive, but is this policy focused on creating a social safety net that better helps those in need, or is it focused on making sure no tax money is being used to help those in need?


New member
I appreciate your contributing an idea on what to do, but Like you say, this is half baked. So, if someone has hit rock bottom and realistically need help, we are going to send in the police to make the parents help? Most of the time the parents are dead or homeless too. I don't think this is going to help anyone get out of poverty.

I apologize if this question is offensive, but is this policy focused on creating a social safety net that better helps those in need, or is it focused on making sure no tax money is being used to help those in need?

I figured out you were a lib after reading the first paragraph.

How is that, you ask?

b/c you LIE

(see highlighted)

I don't like to deal fact-avoiders and truth-twisters, so I am outa here..