Believing: Is it done BEFORE or AFTER one is in Christ?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Samie is a poor soul. Why, because he believes EVERYBODY is born saved. I've never heard of that false doctrine before? That's a new one for me. I wonder where Samie picked up this little Gem?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Another preacher of a false gospel. Here's why.

According to you, unless one does what Jesus says, he cannot get in Jesus. If one is NOT in Jesus, he can do NOTHING. If he can do NOTHING, he can not do what Jesus says and he is back to square one.

Your false gospel saves no one.

Repent or perish. Luke 13:3, 5.



New member
Samie is a poor soul. Why, because he believes EVERYBODY is born saved. I've never heard of that false doctrine before? That's a new one for me. I wonder where Samie picked up this little Gem?
From Scriptures.

The spiritually cross-eyed can't see this Gem. For them what is Truth is false. And what is false is Truth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Samie has gone and created a new "False Doctrine." "Everyone is saved when they're first born." What an inspiration Samie is. :chuckle:

God's Truth

New member
Nope. I tell people they are born in Christ, hence born already saved. They can then believe. If they refuse to believe, then they are overcome of the evil of unbelief. Christ will blot their names from the book of life and they'll end up in the lake of fire.
I believe in Jesus, but You said I had a false gospel. YOU said only a saved person can believe.
Again, that's false gospel, as I have shown. Here again:

According to you, unless one does what Jesus says, he cannot get in Jesus. If one is NOT in Jesus, he can do NOTHING. If he can do NOTHING, he can not do what Jesus says and he is back to square one.
Jesus does not say that. Jesus says if you leave him you can do nothing and you are condemned.
Your false gospel saves no one.

To remain in Jesus one has to get in Jesus, FIRST and FOREMOST.
Your gospel on how to get in Jesus is false.

You claim we do nothing and cannot do anything to get in Jesus. What you say is a false doctrine that goes against obeying and you will be the helper of many going to Hell.


New member
I believe in Jesus, but You said I had a false gospel.
Of course, your gospel saves no one.

YOU said only a saved person can believe.
Yes, Jesus said man can do NOTHING when NOT in Him.

A saved person is in Christ. If he is in Christ, he can do SOMETHING instead of NOTHING. If he can do SOMETHING, he can believe. Hence only a saved person can believe.

Jesus does not say that.
He did say that but you did not understand.

If one is NOT in Christ, he can do NOTHING. If he can do NOTHING, he cannot believe. If he cannot believe, he cannot be saved, according to your false gospel.

Jesus says if you leave him you can do nothing and you are condemned.
You cannot leave him UNLESS he blots you out from the book of life.

You claim we do nothing and cannot do anything to get in Jesus.
Of course. That's what Jesus taught. When you are not in Him, you can do NOTHING. Why are you so slow to understand?

What you say is a false doctrine that goes against obeying and you will be the helper of many going to Hell.
Really? That's how confused you are?

If not, then at least tell us what did you do to be in Jesus. You can't. You're confused on how were you in Jesus, first and foremost.

And now that you are in Jesus, you can do SOMETHING. You can believe, obey Him, etc.

So tell us, IF you were NOT in Jesus sometime ago, how in the world are you in Jesus now? Did you do SOMETHING? If yes, then what did you do to be in Him?

God's Truth

New member
Of course, your gospel saves no one.

Yes, Jesus said man can do NOTHING when NOT in Him.

A saved person is in Christ. If he is in Christ, he can do SOMETHING instead of NOTHING. If he can do SOMETHING, he can believe. Hence only a saved person can believe.

He did say that but you did not understand.

If one is NOT in Christ, he can do NOTHING. If he can do NOTHING, he cannot believe. If he cannot believe, he cannot be saved, according to your false gospel.

You cannot leave him UNLESS he blots you out from the book of life.

Of course. That's what Jesus taught. When you are not in Him, you can do NOTHING. Why are you so slow to understand?

Really? That's how confused you are?

If not, then at least tell us what did you do to be in Jesus. You can't. You're confused on how were you in Jesus, first and foremost.

And now that you are in Jesus, you can do SOMETHING. You can believe, obey Him, etc.

So tell us, IF you were NOT in Jesus sometime ago, how in the world are you in Jesus now? Did you do SOMETHING? If yes, then what did you do to be in Him?

Jesus' words are powerful and true. According to you, those who will be saved or can be saved are already saved. That thinking is not from God.

Jesus' words are powerful, and if you obey them though you are not saved, you can be saved.

John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life.

Jesus says all that want the Father have to come through him.

If they are already in him, then why does Jesus teach how to get in him?!

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

God's Truth

New member
Of course, your gospel saves no one.

Yes, Jesus said man can do NOTHING when NOT in Him.

A saved person is in Christ. If he is in Christ, he can do SOMETHING instead of NOTHING. If he can do SOMETHING, he can believe. Hence only a saved person can believe.

He did say that but you did not understand.

If one is NOT in Christ, he can do NOTHING. If he can do NOTHING, he cannot believe. If he cannot believe, he cannot be saved, according to your false gospel.

You cannot leave him UNLESS he blots you out from the book of life.

Of course. That's what Jesus taught. When you are not in Him, you can do NOTHING. Why are you so slow to understand?

Really? That's how confused you are?

If not, then at least tell us what did you do to be in Jesus. You can't. You're confused on how were you in Jesus, first and foremost.

And now that you are in Jesus, you can do SOMETHING. You can believe, obey Him, etc.

So tell us, IF you were NOT in Jesus sometime ago, how in the world are you in Jesus now? Did you do SOMETHING? If yes, then what did you do to be in Him?

That is a good and meaningful question.

I believed in God and Jesus my whole life, but I was not saved until I finally started to do what Jesus says to do.

The "you are already saved" comments, and the "just believe" comments do not mean anything.

Those teachings hinder people from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Tell me, you say those saved were already saved and just didn't believe it yet...HOWEVER, not knowing your are saved is proof that you are not saved!

Read this scripture carefully:

2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you--unless, of course, you fail the test?

Did you really read it?

If you do not realize that Christ Jesus is in you---then you are not YET SAVED.

...but YOU say we already are and do not yet know it!

If you want to discuss deeply the things of God, then I would love to do that.