Battle Talk ~ BR IX

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sentientsynth said:
Reflecting, I do recall one atheist admitting that atheism cannot provide the basis for morality. I think it was the editor of Skeptic magazine, perhaps, in a live forum in which Dr. Ravi Zacharias was present. I was astounded, and I could tell from Ravi's later addressal that he was very shocked as well.
Theism can't provide a basis for morality.
The theist has no absolutes.


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truthteller86 said:
I knew there was a reason I liked you....unlike the dishonest atheists.
I think alot of people are real mixed up over questions like that.


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So, on Family Guy last sunday they found out Peter had the intelligence level of a mentally retarded person. At one point in the show they showed a chart of intelligence levels. It went..


:rotfl: hopefully you'll get a kick out of that too....I know the evolutionists will at least....:devil:


New member
sentientsynth said:
I would then conclude that your FSM is amoral and foolish. (Morality having absolutely nothing to do with the consumption of penne pasta versus fettuccine.) "She" cannot provide an ontological basis for the existence of wisdom, love, morality, and other immaterial aspects of existence. On this basis, your FSM is falsified. If you want to be taken seriously, then please don't bring up this nonsense anymore.

FSM sounds foolish? then how are we supposed to react when someone tries to sell us a religion that has:

Talking donkeys
Talking burning bushes
Talking snakes
A God who sends a Bear to tear up boys for their having insulted a balding man.
A woman created out of a rib
A big fish eating a guy, who escapes unscathed
The sun "stopping" in the sky
A god of love who drowns almost all of humanity
Someone who walks on water and rises from the dead
A poor nude guy who had to name every creature on earth for God
A 900 year old man who built a giant boat and floated over a flooded earth with two of every creature on board
That the human race suffers from a type of ancient curse because a woman ate an apple
A God who gets so pissed off at his own handiwork that he decides to sacrifice himself to himself to make up for it.
A parting sea to let people walk through
Water changing into wine
An idylic world where no animals kill each other
A woman turns into salt
The existance of giant people on ancient earth
That there was light before the sun was made
That plants grew before there was light
That an omnipotent God would give naive, erroneous advice on how leprosy can be contracted.
That "revelation" from an all-knowing Being would imply the earth is flat
That men deserved to die for collecting sticks on a sabbath
etc etc.

Her Noodly Goodness doesn't sound so bad anymore..


New member
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kmoney said:
So, on Family Guy last sunday they found out Peter had the intelligence level of a mentally retarded person. At one point in the show they showed a chart of intelligence levels. It went..


:rotfl: hopefully you'll get a kick out of that too....I know the evolutionists will at least....:devil:
:think: and "homeschoolers" would probably be just ahead of "Creationists"



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I will admit that in order to bootstrap any sort of conversation with myself I have to presupose that I exist.
In order to talk to you I have to presupose that you exist.
The foundational logic of You or I is moot.
Due to the fact that we agree that the other exists.


New member
kmoney said:
:think: and "homeschoolers" would probably be just ahead of "Creationists"


So you think that the list should read:


Proverbs 4:11-13
kmoney said:
:think: and "homeschoolers" would probably be just ahead of "Creationists"


Say's the guy pulling for a C in "Nutrition" :freak:



Proverbs 4:11-13
kmoney said:

well done :chuckle:

I see you've been reading the shoutbox :noid:

Well, I'm just so bored having finished all my finals today. There's simply nothing to do :yawn: You guys are so lucky to have finals still to do to keep you busy :chuckle:

But really, good luck on finals for y'all :)


New member
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Eowyn said:
Well, I'm just so bored having finished all my finals today. There's simply nothing to do :yawn: You guys are so lucky to have finals still to do to keep you busy :chuckle:

But really, good luck on finals for y'all :)
Yes, so lucky... :chuckle:

Thanks! and enjoy your time off.


New member
Eowyn said:
Well, I'm just so bored having finished all my finals today. There's simply nothing to do :yawn: You guys are so lucky to have finals still to do to keep you busy :chuckle:

But really, good luck on finals for y'all :)

Thanks, I know I'll need it!


Well-known member
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fool said:
I will admit that in order to bootstrap any sort of conversation with myself I have to presupose that I exist.
In order to talk to you I have to presupose that you exist.
The foundational logic of You or I is moot.
Due to the fact that we agree that the other exists.
That's interesting.
I have to presupose myself before there is a "Me" to presupose God with.
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