Battle Royale XIV discussion thread


New member

Yes. How indeed. Think about that for a sec.

And everyone is certain when he didn't. Except you. Congrats. (Seriously, tet, you've picked a losing horse: The vast majority of scholars are fairly certain John was written dead last out of all four gospels. You literally couldn't have picked a worse example.)

The KJVO business makes me wonder: Does it spring from a love of language, or love of the familiar?
I see you use the red letter edition.


New member
Originally Posted by brandplucked View Post
Hi George. You are totally correct. "genuine original" and those like him couldn't show us a copy of "the" Greek that he honestly believes is or ever was the inerrant New Testament if his life depended on it.

He certainly has no "genuine original" to show us. He knows he doesn't, but that doesn't seem to stop him from trying to give others the false impression that he does.

I see you have nothing but a lie.

OK, "genuineoriginal", prove me wrong. Show us a copy of this inerrant New Testament you SAY you believe in. Go ahead. Will you be one of the first bible agnostics here to actually answer the question? ( doubtful)


Bible Babble Buffet-

I agree. No matter what you already believe, you can find a version that agrees with you. There is no more allowing your thinking to be shaped by the Bible, but the other way around.

Nope, you got it backwards.

As I have shown, KJVO was birthed by the SDA's.

It's because what the SDA's believe in the KJV, that they don't want to hear what a different version says because the other versions destroy the verse from the KJV that SDA is built around.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Nope, you got it backwards.

As I have shown, KJVO was birthed by the SDA's.

It's because what the SDA's believe in the KJV, that they don't want to hear what a different version says because the other versions destroy the verse from the KJV that SDA is built around.



New member
Hi heir. You are right. And people like Bob Enyart, Will Duffy, "genuine original", tetelistai, etc. have no final authority in written form. Their "final authority" is their own personal preferences (subject to change at any moment). But not one of them will ever honestly and consistently tell anyone what is this inerrant and 100% true words of God Bible they all want to give others the impression they actually believe in.
It is written, let God be true, but every man a liar.

By extension, this applies to every translation of the Word of God, including the KJV.

Let the KJV translation be errant, but let God's Word be true.



The first book ever written advocating KJVO was by the Seventh Day Adventist Ben Wilkinson:


Prior to Wilkinson's book in 1930, no book exists on King James Onlyism.

KJVO is an "ism" founded by SDA's


New member
OK, "genuineoriginal", prove me wrong. Show us a copy of this inerrant New Testament you SAY you believe in. Go ahead. Will you be one of the first bible agnostics here to actually answer the question? ( doubtful)
The Bible, yes even the KJV, has already given the answer, but you refuse to hear it.

You think the Word of God is something that you can hold in your hand.

But the Word of God is not something you can hold in your hand, as it is written, by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.

It is also written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Why are you wanting to hold the Word of God in your hands?

You should be desiring to hear the Word of God and hold it in your heart.

That is something you will not be able to do as long as you keep making an idol of the KJV Bible.


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Welcome to the lang of personal mysticism

Welcome to the lang of personal mysticism

Originally Posted by brandplucked
OK, "genuineoriginal", prove me wrong. Show us a copy of this inerrant New Testament you SAY you believe in. Go ahead. Will you be one of the first bible agnostics here to actually answer the question? ( doubtful)

The Bible, yes even the KJV, has already given the answer, but you refuse to hear it.

You think the Word of God is something that you can hold in your hand.

But the Word of God is not something you can hold in your hand, as it is written, by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.

It is also written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Why are you wanting to hold the Word of God in your hands?

You should be desiring to hear the Word of God and hold it in your heart.

That is something you will not be able to do as long as you keep making an idol of the KJV Bible.

Welcome to the La La Land of personal mysticism.

This is why all you bible agnostics like Bob Enyart continue to say the Word of God, instead of the word of God.

You know nothing about the Word of God (Jesus Christ) apart from this word of God you people really do not believe and have little reverence for.

Don't Confuse "the Word of God" with "the word of God"

Bible agnostics ( a = not + gnostic = to know) who do not know for sure what God may or may not have said in literally hundreds of different places in the same verses of todays Bible Babble Buffet versions on the market often confuse these two Biblical terms - "the Word of God" and "the word of God". *

I have seen this so many times that I finally decided to write an article about it so I can repost it instead of having to type out the same response again and again.

Note - If you think you believe in the inerrancy of the Bible and are not a bible agnostic, then take The Bible Agnostic Test and see if you know for sure what God wrote in His Book.

See "The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy = just more Evangelical mumbo jumbo signifying nothing"*

And if you think (as many affirm) that no doctrines are changed, then see Fake Bible Versions DO teach false doctrines - Links to examples*

*One such bible agnostic and unbeliever in the inerrancy of ANY Bible in any language recently posted the following:*

*"Where do you get the thought that the Word of God is a "real, tangible, in print, hold it in your hands and read, Book"? This is why KJV Only people can not have a logical discussion on the matter.* For you it must be a single hard copy book. The reality is that God gave us His very Word in other languages than English, this necessitates either learning Greek and Hebrew (I have studied Hebrew myself for 10 years and hope to start Greek soon) OR translating the original languages into our language." [End of comments]


There is so much muddle headed thinking in this man's statement that it is tough to know where to begin addressing his points.* First of all "the Word of God" is NOT the same as "the word of God".* The title "the Word" is found in the King James Bible 7 times; only 6 times in most modern Vatican Versions like the ESV, NIV, NASB, NET, Holman, etc.

*It is found in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..."

1 John 1:1 "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life."

1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."

Revelation 19:13 "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."

The term "the Word" with a capital W refers to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the blessed Trinity. The Word existed from eternity, was incarnated as the Son of man/Son of God, lived a perfect life for 33 years on this earth, He gave us the words His Father had given him, was crucified on a cross at Calvary where He bore the sins of His people and paid for them with His own shed blood, rose from the dead three days later and ascended into heaven where He now sits at the right hand of God the Father. And He is coming again in power and glory to raise His redeemed saints from the dead and to set up His kingdom on this earth.

But "the word of God" did none of these things and is not a Person.* The "word of God" is His inspired, written revelation of both Who this Word of God is and what He did to redeem His people. And contrary to what our Bible critic said, it IS a real, tangible, hard copy Book you can actually hold in your hands, read and believe is the very words of the living God.

The written words of God tell us of our desperate need for a Saviour from sin, hell and damnation.* They also record Gods' dealings with His people and the surrounding nations during their long history and it tells us many things about future events. We know NOTHING about Who the Word of God is or what He did for us, apart from the written word of God; nothing.

Now, let's address a couple of other things this shallow thinking bible agnostic said in his post.* He stated "The reality is that God gave us His very Word in other languages than English, this necessitates either learning Greek and Hebrew."*

This man is a very confused individual. First of all, the Word is the Lord Jesus Christ and He is not a language like English or any other language. He is a Person revealed to us by means of God's written words in many languages.* I agree that the gospel (the written revelation of the saving grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ) is found in ANY bible version out there, no matter how corrupt it may be in many other ways. *

God can and does use any bible version to bring His people to faith in the Saviour - the Word of God.* But nobody seriously believes that versions like the ESV, NIV, NASB, NKJV, NET, Holman Standard etc. are the complete and inerrant words of God. Nobody, not even the people who keep churning them out one after another.

Secondly, this man who has NO complete and inerrant Bible in ANY language (and he knows he doesn't) now tells us that we need to learn Greek and Hebrew.* It seems that "The Blatantly Obvious" needs to be pointed out to these people over and over again, and hopefully, it will finally get through to them.*
THERE ARE NO "original autographs”. They do not exist and everybody knows that.* When Bible agnostics refer to "the" Hebrew and "the" Greek, they always fail to mention WHICH "the" Hebrew and "the" Greek they are referring to.

The Vatican Versions like the ESV, NIV, NASB, NET etc. often reject the clear Hebrew readings, and not even in the same places. If you look at the footnotes in versions like the NIV or ESV you will see note after note telling us things like "Some Hebrew mss. read...." or "One Hebrew mss. reads...." or "Most Hebrew mss. read...." or "The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain."*

And when we come to "the Greek" their case really begins to fall apart.* There are at least 30 different "the" Greek texts out there like those of Erasmus, Stephanus, Beza, Elziever, Westcott-Hort, the ever changing UBS/Nestle-Aland (now in its 28th edition and working on their 29th), Tischendorf, von Soden, Vogels, Merk, Bover or the Hodges - Farstad or perhaps the Robinson - Pierpoint Majority Texts - take your pick.* And none of them agree with each other, and several of them disagree by literally THOUSANDS OF WORDS.
It should also be pointed out that both the ancient biblical Hebrew and the biblical Greek are themselves archaic languages written in a form that is NOT spoken today in either Israel or Greece; the Hebrew speaking Jews and the native Greek speakers can understand them, but they do not speak or write that way today.

You will have to learn an entire new alphabet and language just to get half way proficient. They are also A LOT harder to understand that anything you are going to find in the English text of the Authorized King James Bible, and you are STILL going to end up with NO complete and inerrant Bible to believe in!

Do these bible agnostics ever bother to think their position through and follow the logic of where there arguments will lead them?* It seems they do not.

Only God knows for sure which readings, names, numbers, phrases and entire verses are the ones He originally inspired to be in His Book and only God can work in history to bring about the publication and printing of His written words in this book we call the Bible. *

We believe He has done this and can tell anyone where to get a copy of it for themselves. The bible agnostics and the "we need to learn Hebrew and Greek" promoters do not believe such a Book exists and certainly cannot tell you where to get one.

My advice, along with thousands of other born again, blood bought saints of God, is this - Get yourself a copy of the King James Holy Bible. It is the only one that has stood the test of time and that God has clearly set His marks of approval on as being His complete, inspired and inerrant "word of God" which tells us the whole truth about "the Word of God." *

All of grace, believing the Book - the Authorized King James Holy Bible.* Don't settle for an inferior substitute. *

Will Kinney *

For further thoughts on this topic, may I recommend the article showing many "coincidences" of history where God clearly sets His mark of approval on the King James Bible. It is called "God's Persistent Witness to the Absolute Standard of Written Truth = the King James Holy Bible."*

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Not King James Onlyism.

King James Onlyism originated from the SDA's.

There is no KJVOism. It's a phantom.
It's a normal defense mechanism and even its proponents have been fooled into thinking its a movement. If the AV was not unjustly attacked, there would be no reason for those who believe they have God's words in their hands to retaliate.

And all this from people who somehow think its within the realm of possibility that John was, the whole time, taking notes! "Excuse me Mr. Pilate, can you say that again? My parchment crashed. How do you spell that again? B..A..R..A..B.. Two Rs or one? I wouldn't ask but, after all, this is inspiring stuff and future generations will thank us."

Or those who think that, somehow, an error made by a printer thwarts the purposes of God and nullifies the correction that is subsequently made. "Verily, I have goode news and bad news. Thy first edition is complete. Unfortunately there are some errors that slipped through and muste needs be permanent to all generations."

Meanwhile, Christians are wasting time fighting with Christians and not SatanOnlyism.


Famous KJVO Gail Riplinger says the NIV is satanic because it uses the word "ages" instead of "world". Riplinger says these satanic seeds were planted by the "new age" writers of the NIV with a satanic agenda.

The KJV is just about the only major translation that has the word "gay" in it.

(James 2:3 KJV) And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:

Using Riplinger's logic, it would mean homosexuals wrote the KJV in order to plant the "gay agenda".


New member
This is why all you bible agnostics like Bob Enyart continue to say the Word of God, instead of the word of God.
No, the reason I say the Word of God is to show that the Word that comes from the mouth of God has more importance than the word that comes from any man.
It is the same reason I capitalize Father when speaking of God the Father instead of writing father when speaking of Joseph's father.
It is the same reason I capitalize Him when referring to Jesus.

The capitalization of the Word of God is a show of respect.

Bible agnostics ( a = not + gnostic = to know) who do not know for sure what God may or may not have said in literally hundreds of different places in the same verses of todays Bible Babble Buffet versions on the market often confuse these two Biblical terms - "the Word of God" and "the word of God". *
I am not a Bible agnostic, I am a Bible empiricist.
derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, especially as in medicine.
provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.
I know for sure what God said, no matter what printing errors or translation errors there are because I have His Word (what He spoke) written down in many languages and many translations and I can find out for myself whether the particular version is an accurate representation of His Word or not.

Let's look at your Bible Agnostic Test and see if you are a Bible Agnostic or a Bible empiricist or if you are merely KJVO.

Not only does the King James Bible read "the son of MANASSEH" but so also do all Jewish translations - the Jewish Family Bible 1864, The Ancient Hebrew Bible 1907, the Jewish Publication Society 1917, the Hebrew Pub. Company 1936, The New Jewish Version 1985, the Complete Jewish Bible 1998, the Koster Scriptures 1998, the Judaica Press Complete Tanach 2004, The Ancient Roots Translinear Bible 2008, the Hebraic Transliteration Scripture 2010, The Orthodox Jewish Bible 2011, The Natural Israelite Bible 2012, and the Hebrew Roots Bible 2012 and The Hebrew Interlinear - "the son of Manasseh מנשׁה

Agreeing with the correct reading of MANASSEH as found in the King James Bible are also Coverdale, The Great Bible 1540, Matthew's Bible 1549, the Bishops' Bible 1568, Geneva Bible 1587, the Thomson Bible 1808, Young's 1898, Lamsa's 1933 translation of the Syriac Peshitta, The Revised English Bible 1877, Revised Version 1885, the American Standard Version 1901, New Life Version 1969, NKJV 1982, The Word of Yah 1993, the NASB 1995, the Third Millennium Bible 1998, The Apostolic Polyglot Bible 2003, Green's literal 2005, Complete Apostle's Bible 2005, the Online Interlinear 2010 (André de Mol), the Biblos Interlinear Bible 2011, the Interlinear Hebrew-Greek Scriptures 2012 (Mebust), Lexham English Bible 2012, the ISV (International Standard Version) 2014, and the Modern English Version 2014.

Foreign Language Bibles

Foreign Language Bibles that also follow the Hebrew texts and say MANASSEH are the Spanish Sagradas Escrituras 1569, Cipriano de Valera 1602, Reina Valera Antigua 1909, the Cipriano de Valera Revised 1865 and the Reina Valera Gómez Bible 2010 - "hijo de Manasés" (but the Reina Valera 1960 changed this to Moisés), La Biblia de Las Américas 1998, the Italian Diodati 1649, La Nuova Diodati 1991 and the Conferenza Episcopale Italiana Bible - "figlio di MANASSE", Martin Luther's German Bible 1545 - "des Sohnes MANASSES", the French Martin Bible 1744, French Ostervald 1996, French Louis Segond 1910 edition - "fils de MANASSE", the Portuguese A Biblia Sagrada and the Almeida Corrigida 2009 - "o filho de MANASSES", (but the NIV Portuguese has Moses), the Dutch Staten Vertaling - "den zoon van MANASSE", the Albanian Bible - "bir i MANASIT", the Finnish Bible 1776 - "MANASSEN pojan", the Lithuanian Bible - "o MANASO", the Myanmar/Burmese Bible 1835 (Adonirum Judson), the Ukranian Bible - " Манасіїного сина", the Hungarian Karoli Bible - "a MANASSE", the Russian Synodal Versions - "сына Манассии", the Swedish Bible 1917 - "MANASSES son" and the Romanian Fidela Bible 2014 - "fiul lui MANASE" and the Smith & van Dyke Arabic Bible - واقام بنو دان لانفسهم التمثال المنحوت وكان يهوناثان ابن جرشوم بن منسّى هو وبنوه كهنة لسبط الدانيين الى يوم سبي الارض.

The Syriac Peshitta says "..and Jonathan, the son of Gershon, the son of MANASSEH"

The Modern Greek Bible clearly says MANASSEH - “και Ιωναθαν ο υιος του Γηρσων, υιου του Μανασση”

And the Modern Hebrew Bible also reads MANASSEH, and not Moses. - ויקימו להם בני דן את הפסל ויהונתן בן גרשם בן מנשה הוא ובניו היו כהנים לשבט הדני עד יום גלות הארץ׃

Well, from your website, it appears that you are a Bible empiricist who regularly goes to the Bible Buffet.
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And all this from people who somehow think its within the realm of possibility that John was, the whole time, taking notes! "Excuse me Mr. Pilate, can you say that again? My parchment crashed. How do you spell that again? B..A..R..A..B.. Two Rs or one? I wouldn't ask but, after all, this is inspiring stuff and future generations will thank us."

All I said was no one knows when or how John wrote his epistle.

You thought you had a good theory for why the KJV has the word "Easter" in Acts 12:4, but your theory fell apart when we learned that John called two other Israelite feasts "the Jews........"

It's impossible that "Easter" is the correct word in Acts 12:4, and you KJVO's have run out of excuses for why it's there.

Quinn Olinger

New member
All I said was no one knows when or how John wrote his epistle.

You thought you had a good theory for why the KJV has the word "Easter" in Acts 12:4, but your theory fell apart when we learned that John called two other Israelite feasts "the Jews........"

It's impossible that "Easter" is the correct word in Acts 12:4, and you KJVO's have run out of excuses for why it's there.

Wait a second here. The King James Version says "Easter" in Acts 12:4? And people like Will Kenney are claiming that God inspired the translators to use the word Easter instead of "Passover"? ROTFL!!!!! No wonder people laugh hysterically at KJO believers!

Acts 12:4 KJV
And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

Quinn Olinger

New member
KJV has known errors in its translation

KJV has known errors in its translation

So, aside from using Easter rather than Passover in Acts 12:4 we know of some big errors in the translation of the KJV. One of them is Jeremiah 3:7.

The KJV says
Jeremiah 3:7
And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.

The correct translation of the Hebrew as Bob and Will will demonstrate at some point in this debate (and Hebrew expert Tim McMahon can show) is this.

Jeremiah 3:7
I thought, ‘After she has done all these things she will return to Me’; but she did not return, and her treacherous sister Judah saw it.

Now let's watch Kinney squirm.


Well-known member
Wait a second here. The King James Version says "Easter" in Acts 12:4? And people like Will Kenney are claiming that God inspired the translators to use the word Easter instead of "Passover"? ROTFL!!!!! No wonder people laugh hysterically at KJO believers!

I'm not a KJO person, but I do think your wrong here and barking up the wrong tree. Easter is proper here in my estimation.


Wait a second here. The King James Version says "Easter" in Acts 12:4? And people like Will Kenney are claiming that God inspired the translators to use the word Easter instead of "Passover"? ROTFL!!!!! No wonder people laugh hysterically at KJO believers!

What's even more funnier/sadder, is that most KJVO's claim that "Easter" in Acts 12:4 is actually referring to a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Christian Easter or Jewish Passover.

SaulToPaul and others here on TOL are KJVO's who make that claim.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
What's even more funnier/sadder, is that most KJVO's claim that "Easter" in Acts 12:4 is actually referring to a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Christian Easter or Jewish Passover.

SaulToPaul and others here on TOL are KJVO's who make that claim.

Not me.