Battle Royale VII is coming....


New member
Stepping in...

I think the coolest thing about this is the banner up top.

That's the big deal for me.
Where's Larry King?


Originally posted by Zakath
:yesyes: Yep!

As with any debate with a deist, Zakath is practicing

  • :jump: keeping up while his opponent jumps to conclusions

    :juggle: juggling contradictions

    :devil: preparing to be called a "tool of the devil"

    :popup: following his opponent as he pops from one topic to another

    :vomit: avoiding regurgitating the "same old arguments"

Dr. Z has a very busy training schedule. :D

See you all on the 16th! :thumb:

Originally posted by Knight
Hey... that was clever!

Cleverness such as that could only come from God!

Vitamin J

New member
I actually think Bob is at a bit of a disadvantage.

Mainly because he doesn't participate here.

I think there is a real art to making good posts on an internet forum and if you dont do it regularly you wont know how to be effective.

However, that being said, my money is still on Bob. Mainly because he has the Truth on his side and also because I read Battle Royale II - Sorry :zakath:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Vitamin J
I actually think Bob is at a bit of a disadvantage.

Mainly because he doesn't participate here.

I think there is a real art to making good posts on an internet forum and if you dont do it regularly you wont know how to be effective.
Interesting observations. I'm sure St. Bob the Broadcaster will do well, he is a professional communicator, after all.

However, that being said, my money is still on Bob. Mainly because he has the Truth on his side and also because I read Battle Royale II - Sorry :zakath:
No apologies necessary, we'll see how things go... :devil: