Bankrupted christian Baker family gets last laugh


New member
Avakian is the state bureaucrat who went after the business of the Christian bakers, Sweetcakes by Melissa in 2013. The owners, Melissa and Aaron Klein, refused to create a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Though the bakery served gay customers, the couple believed that by participating in the wedding ceremony, they were condoning the marriage, which conflicted with their Christian beliefs. Avakian's Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) went after the Kleins, resulting in them being forced to close their business. Aaron Klein tells Independent Journal Review that the state garnished their bank accounts and assets to satisfy a $135,000 fine. In all, he says, the state took $144,000 from them. Oregon political analyst Rob Kremer told Independent Journal Review that Avakian campaigned on the idea that he would use the Secretary of State's office to further his progressive political agenda and — surprisingly — that turned off a lot of Oregon's liberal voters.
Many conservative supporters of same-sex marriage have spoken out forcefully in defense of religious liberties and ideological coexistence in a free, pluralistic society. The power of the state being wielded to punish small businesses for refusing to actively participate in an event that explicitly violates the tenets of their faith (note that the bakery in question didn't deny service to gay customers generally) strikes most Americans as an abusive application of government force. While there were several factors at play in this race, Mr. Avakian was a prominent poster child for aggressive progressive overreach in the culture wars -- which many Democrats are starting to second guess as an overall approach to campaigning and governance. Avakian's Republican opponent prevailed by a comfortable five-point margin in deep blue Oregon, where voters also overwhelmingly rejected (41/59) a major corporate tax increase. "Many voters worry[ied] that it would hit their own wallets," McClatchy reports.


...Many conservative supporters of same-sex marriage have spoken out forcefully in defense of religious liberties and ideological coexistence in a free, pluralistic society...

I wasn't aware that buggery was/is a 'conservative value' CS. Who made it one?

Regarding your support of SSM and supposedly defending religious liberties so that right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil can "coexist in a free, pluralistic society":

Exactly how does that work?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Wait. Am I reading this right?
The Secretary of State helped to prosecute the bakers, and now he lost his position as Secretary of State because 'the people' thought he was overstepping his authority with small businesses.

I say YAY!


New member
Wait. Am I reading this right?
The Secretary of State helped to prosecute the bakers, and now he lost his position as Secretary of State because 'the people' thought he was overstepping his authority with small businesses.

I say YAY!

Yes,Tam. Exactly. You can see the point of my post whereas others are blinded by their agendas.


Bump for anyone interested in debate:

Quote Originally Posted by ClimateSanity

...Many conservative supporters of same-sex marriage have spoken out forcefully in defense of religious liberties and ideological coexistence in a free, pluralistic society...

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wasn't aware that buggery was/is a 'conservative value' CS. Who made it one?

Regarding your support of SSM and supposedly defending religious liberties so that right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil can "coexist in a free, pluralistic society":

Exactly how does that work?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Bump for anyone interested in debate:

Quote Originally Posted by ClimateSanity

...Many conservative supporters of same-sex marriage have spoken out forcefully in defense of religious liberties and ideological coexistence in a free, pluralistic society...

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wasn't aware that buggery was/is a 'conservative value' CS. Who made it one?

Regarding your support of SSM and supposedly defending religious liberties so that right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil can "coexist in a free, pluralistic society":

Exactly how does that work?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wasn't aware that buggery was/is a 'conservative value' CS. Who made it one?

Letting people live the life they choose is the essence of conservative values. Religion is a separate affair.

You're confusing conservative with Libertarian. Get with musterion and he'll tell you all about Libertarianism.


to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of

In this case, moral decay.

Now that I've gotten your attention, onto the rest of my post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding your support of SSM and supposedly defending religious liberties so that right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and evil can "coexist in a free, pluralistic society":

Exactly how does that work?

Surely after all of the threats, assaults and property destruction by the 'gaystapo' against people of faith and those who simple believe in decency, you wouldn't want homosexuals and transvestites to be treated like 2nd class citizens would you CS?

I marvel at how once they've conquered most of their goals through all kinds of violence and intimidation, some in the LGBTQueer movement want to come across as 'reasonable people'.

Take away any of those political gains and you'll see the claws come out again CS, I guarantee you.


Libertarianism is the belief of the Founding Fathers, who are denounced today in favor of Republican agendas. aCW is just a biased tool who doesn't understand the difference between the ideology of the Founders and the ideology of Puritans who ransacked liberty like a 1st Century Pharisee.


Libertarianism Judeo-Christian doctrine is was the belief of the Founding Fathers, who are denounced today in favor of Republican agendas. aCW is just a biased tool who doesn't understand the difference between the ideology of the Founders and the ideology of Puritans who ransacked liberty like a 1st Century Pharisee.

Fixed that typo for ya. You must be ecstatic that Donald Trump picked a bunch of rainbowers like yourself as part of his administration.!-Part-4&p=4860996&viewfull=1#post4860996