ban joey


We have to appreciate what we do have & take care of it. Talking about unlikable people is like complaining about the bad traffic or bad weather. Just complaining & gossiping about bad things is not going to help enough. Talking about the earthquake near Japan is not enough. Talking about me is not enough, either. You have to appreciate what you do have & learn to take care of that. Encourage people. Appreciate people. Learn to listen to people. How you guys interact or react or proact or communicate or dance or argue or talk to me shows & highlights & personifies & illustrates & emphasizes how you guys may just interact with others out on the street, strangers, the homeless, family, friends, children, the future (that doesn't exist yet, like my website, haha) whoever, & especially people that needs your input, encouragement, discipline, rebuke, shinning light, spark, the gospel, the Lord, and others in the real world. GYJO Get Your Joy On.
Point taken. I wonder why people take others seriously.


I already checked the last several weeks. I was looking at the pricing. The exact domain that I want is available. Asking people to help was no exact joke. It is ok to laugh & I don't mind if you laugh at it. People do think I'm funny. But I was being serious about it. I've trying to get my own website since 2004, which was eight years ago.

Lunalistically, it is possible to advertize a website that is yet to exist. Literally speaking from our perspective, physically speaking, considering the exact details & circumstances, it is literally & physically & simply & somewhat metaphysically & emotionally & mentally & frankly impossible, to some degrees or points of views, to advertise an unguaranteed future.
There is a lot that goes into making a website. Take TOL for instance. A lot of time has gone into making this thing work.

Anyhow, if there is a rule against advertizing your own website, now you know about it.


There is a lot that goes into making a website. Take TOL for instance. A lot of time has gone into making this thing work.

Anyhow, if there is a rule against advertizing your own website, now you know about it.

Knight accepts discussion-maximizing third-party (outside of TOL) websites, regardless of where those website be coming from.


Point taken. I wonder why people take others seriously.

Romans 12:1, 2, 3, 4 tells us to change. We hate change. When change comes around, we choose to call it spam, click ignore, block. We hate new things. It forces us to wake up, to reconsider that there is more to life than what's in our box. We choose to call strangers "Weird Spam Oatmeal." We choose to say, "That is not how you are suppose to argue or debate or talk or discuss or walk because nobody else does it that way." We're in a really small town. A stranger moves in & is quickly frown upon. Sarcastically speaking now, and we're lights of this world, too.


Knight accepts discussion-maximizing third-party (outside of TOL) websites, regardless of where those website be coming from.
I don't think talking about content on another website is frowned upon, when it can be discussed here. I don't know where the line is drawn though, and there probably has been a line at some point.


Romans 12:1, 2, 3, 4 tells us to change. We hate change. When change comes around, we choose to call it spam, click ignore, block. We hate new things. It forces us to wake up, to reconsider that there is more to life than what's in our box. We choose to call strangers "Weird Spam Oatmeal." We choose to say, "That is not how you are suppose to argue or debate or talk or discuss or walk because nobody else does it that way." We're in a really small town. A stranger moves in & is quickly frown upon. Sarcastically speaking now, and we're lights of this world, too.
Good point.

Change is an interesting topic. I like change that is for the better.


I don't think talking about content on another website is frowned upon, when it can be discussed here. I don't know where the line is drawn though, and there probably has been a line at some point.

Knight (or his sidekicks) is that line. Post links at your own discretion or risk. If you try posting links that are meant to contribute, then pray to God that TOL will agree with your line of thinking. Life is a game of risk. Everything I do is aimed towards contribution, anyways. I post here to help TOL. I kind of wish that I have founded TOL. Banning me is impossible, too, by the way. I will always be on TOL.


Knight (or his sidekicks) is that line. Post links at your own discretion or risk. If you try posting links that are meant to contribute, then pray to God that TOL will agree with your line of thinking. Life is a game of risk. Everything I do is aimed towards contribution, anyways. I post here to help TOL. I kind of wish that I have founded TOL. Banning me is impossible, too, by the way. I will always be on TOL.
I'm confused. You were banned before. Either you are really self-determined that it never happen again, or you think there is no such thing as a permanent ban (is there?), or you think there is some mystical way that you will always be here. Or maybe just the posts you have posted stay? Or the effect you have had on people's lives?


I'm confused. You were banned before. Either you are really self-determined that it never happen again, or you think there is no such thing as a permanent ban (is there?), or you think there is some mystical way that you will always be here. Or maybe just the posts you have posted stay? Or the effect you have had on people's lives?

Get banned. Start a new email, password, username, account. Sign up again. Log in again. Rename yourself. Come up with a new username & password & email. IP address blocked. Change your IP address. Buy a new computer. Become a computer hacker. Get a new IP address. Code your IP address. Hide your IP address. Or never get banned to begin with.


Get banned. Start a new email, password, username, account. Sign up again. Log in again. Rename yourself. Come up with a new username & password & email. IP address blocked. Change your IP address. Buy a new computer. Become a computer hacker. Get a new IP address. Code your IP address. Hide your IP address. Or never get banned to begin with.
Sounds like trying to break a system that penalizes you. You can always wait out the ban, like someone suggested to you. Plus, your writing has a signature, you. It doesn't pay to lie that you are not yourself. If you have your own website, you will probably never ban yourself. But I agree, never get banned to begin with.


Hall of Fame
Then why bring it up? TOL is for discussion ... and posts which include asking members to donate money so a person can afford a personal website are NOT welcome.

That kind of inconsideration will get you banned temporarily or possibly permanently.

TOL is about progress, not about gossip, or talking about the past, about things that don't already exist. People on TOL should be writing about how they want to change tomorrow, not about how upset they are about the past. I am talking about a website that doesn't exist yet because I believe in revolution, in making things better. Those are my goals. Are you sick of my goals? Do you have any goals yourself? Should I make fun of you for talking about goals, things that are yet to be done, that don't even exist yet, until you accomplish those goals?

Should I not plan for tomorrow? Like my website, tomorrow (from our perspective only) doesn't exist yet. Should I give up on breathing. I am an assisting coach at a children basketball program right now each weekend, April & May 2011. Should I forget about being a good example to them? What if this weekend never comes? Should I not talk about this coming weekend
? This coming weekend doesn't exist. But this coming weekend helps people. My website doesn't exist either. But it helps people.


YES Joey ... you should give up your goals.

YES Joey ... you should make fun of my *imaginary, unadvertised* goals.

NO Joey ... you shouldn't plan for tomorrow.

YES Joey ... my post was actually a veiled suggestion that you should give up breathing.

YES Joey ... you should forget about being a good example to the children in the basketball program.

YES Joey ... you should cease talking about the coming weekend.

YES Joey ... I do believe you should use this experience on TOL to create your own soap opera and name it "PARANOIA 90210".


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Posting hard to understand posts may be annoying, but there is no specific rule against them. They just make people not want to talk to you. Advertising and begging for money is against the rules.


Posting hard to understand posts may be annoying, but there is no specific rule against them. They just make people not want to talk to you. Advertising and begging for money is against the rules.

I didn't beg for money. I didn't advertise either. What could I ever advertise?


Then what do you call asking people to buy a website for you?

Potential hypothetical theoretical alternative contribution suggestion opportunity consideration possibility reality preference feedback loop logic-ball debating path-looping purpose-loop metaphor. I say things in order to help people think better. I don't say things that is just for me. I say things in order to irritate the status quo into progress. I never asked for anything.


New member
Potential hypothetical theoretical alternative contribution suggestion opportunity consideration possibility reality preference feedback loop logic-ball debating path-looping purpose-loop metaphor. I say things in order to help people think better. I don't say things that is just for me. I say things in order to irritate the status quo into progress. I never asked for anything.

Irritating me is not going to make me progress, unless neg repping you, putting you on ignore, and calling for you to be banned is considered progress.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Potential hypothetical theoretical alternative contribution suggestion opportunity consideration possibility reality preference feedback loop logic-ball debating path-looping purpose-loop metaphor. I say things in order to help people think better. I don't say things that is just for me. I say things in order to irritate the status quo into progress. I never asked for anything.
Good grief! You are asking to be banned, aren't you?


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
ban joey

it is time for joey to go

over 60 posts a day of stupid stuff

put him on ignore
neg rep him

Potential hypothetical theoretical alternative contribution suggestion opportunity consideration possibility reality preference feedback loop logic-ball debating path-looping purpose-loop metaphor. I say things in order to help people think better. I don't say things that is just for me. I say things in order to irritate the status quo into progress. I never asked for anything.

JoeyArnold: Knight did, J/A is :banned: